ELITE ICONS wrestling Federation 'Network'
...taking you back....to the attitude era...

Revision 6
Live from Wembley Arena in London, UK
A crowd of 11,421 are in attendance for Redemption
Calm Like a Bomb plays as footage is shown of the end of Doomsday…..
MM: Ladies and gentlemen, Eddie D advances to Redemption after winning the main event!!!
TM: Wait a minute!.......(Eddie D and Davie J are celebrating in the ring)….wait……….from under the ring…….it’s Wishmaster!!!!..........Wishmaster gets into the ring…he grabs Davie from behind and hits a reverse DDT!............Eddie D turns round………..Wishmaster kicks him to the gut…..picks him up……………TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!!...........
​TM: Wishmaster has tossed Davie to the outside and followed him…..Wishmaster throws Davie into the crowd barrier…………Davie J runs and spears Wishmaster to the ground… ……..they lock up……Wishmaster throws Davie into the steel steps!
MM: My God………..stop the match! Get security out here! This doesn’t change anything, the match is over…………Eddie D won!
TM: As I tried telling you earlier but you was too busy worshiping the CREW. The final two men is a normal match, not elimination over the top rope!
MM: WHAT!!!!!!!! Who is changing the rules???.This is BS!!!! Everyone is trying to screw the CREW!
TM: No one has changed the rules, it’s always been that!
MM: Everyone is trying to screw the CREW!
TM: Suicide pulls Eddie up…….slowly puts him on the ropes….he throws Eddie off the ropes……Suicide hits a clothesline………..Suicide covers……..(a ref comes running down the ramp…) the ref slides into the ring………….1…………………………2…………………………..3!!!!! ……….Eddie D is eliminated!
Suicide wins the main event and advances to the knockout stage at Redemption!!!
(Last Resort plays as the ref holds Suicides arm in the air…….Suicide leaves the ring and walks up the ramp and out)
TM: Suicide is the winner after last eliminating Eddie D!!!.....but it seems we have not finished out here…(Wishmaster asks for a mic)
WM: Davie J, I warned you……you play with fire, you get burned!! I’m fed up of you and the CREW’s cheating ways, I told you I would make sure no one would be screwed by the CREW!......(he throws down the mic)
TM: Eddie D is out the ring…hits Wishmaster on the back with a double axe handle!....
TM: Eddie picks up Wishmaster and holds him from behind……….Davie gets ready……….SUPERKICK!!!.......on Eddie D!! Wishmaster moved out the way!!......Eddie D is out………..Davie looks stunned…..Wishmaster kicks Davie to the gut……..POWERBOMB!!!!! through the announce table!!!......(Wishmaster raises his arms in the fans boo)……….Wishmaster pulls Eddie up and throws him head first into the steel steps and busts him open………..Wishmaster pulls Davie up and suplexes him on the outside!!!........Wishmaster is pulling up the padded mats from around the ring……Wishmaster pulls Davie up and throws him head first into the ring post……….Wishmaster walks over and stomps on Davie..he then pulls him up…………..walks over to where he has pulled the padding up……sets him up for a piledriver…………..there seems to be some commotions from the fans………….someone is coming through the crowd!...Wishmaster lifts Davie up for the piledrive………BANG!!!......from behind!!! Wishmaster is taken out with a steel chair shot to the head!!! The fans are going wild……..IT’S BADD DOGG!!!!..........
MM: it’s chaos out here, everyone needs to stay calm!!!
TM: Davie can barely stand!...(Badd Dogg puts his hand out for Davie……….Davie shakes it and the fans cheer)……..(Eddie is also up and he takes Davie from Badd Dogg and slowly start to walk to the entrance way…Badd Dogg gets in the ring and climbs a turnbuckle and raises his arms as the fans chant his name)
​TM: Wishmaster gets up and slides in the ring, he starts brawling with Badd Dogg……
MM: We need calm, can everyone stay calm!! (Security come running out and break up Wishmaster and Badd Dogg)…….finally!!!
TM: It seems that order has been restored and everyone is calm!
MM: Yeah…………..calm like a bomb!!

(The arena lights go out………..Spybreak plays as old images from previous Redemption plays………the fans cheer and the camera cuts to the announcers table with Tim Moss and Mark Madden…..)
TM: Hello wrestling fans, are you ready? Are you ready for another round of top wrestling action from the most talked about Fed of recent times!
MM: I know I am Timmy, once again we have a full house here and it’s great to be here in the UK.
TM: That’s right Mark, Doomsday was in Canada, Redemption is coming live from Wembley Arena in the UK and the Final Stand PPV will be at Madison square garden in New York. We like to ensure all of our fans worldwide have a chance of attending one of our reunion shows.
MM: I spoke to the CREW recently and they always felt home was the Georgia Dome and despite the Mercedes-Benz Stadium being built to replace it, it was not the same.
TM: Fans we have an extra match added to tonight’s card, it’s not part of the tournament but is a hard-core match between Keg and Owen Brown.
MM: ‘The Beer King’ Keg versus Owen ‘the Fake’ Brown!
(The scene cuts to show the Prez in an office with his feet on a table, the phone rings and he picks it up)
Prez: Heeeey, Terry how you doing? So tonight’s the night, finally you return back to the EIWF!!..........No, no match tonight, your scheduled at the PPV to face the winner of Metyl and Kurt………No you don’t have a match tonight but I thought………..but I have said you will be at Redemption……what do you mean ‘that don’t work for you brother’?........We have advertised that you will be here………what do you mean………….yeah Jeff Jarrett is facing L double E………..erm Joe Green? Yeah he’s facing Suicide…………I can’t do that…………nooooo….I can’t do that………….are you being serious???.....Well Wishmaster wasn’t going to have a match but Big Poppa has requested one…..no.X-Factor doesn’t have a match…..now come on that’s not fair………….ok ok OK!!.Fine I will see what I can do and you get yourself down here at the Arena! (He slams the phone down)…….two can play that game! Strength in numbers only works when you’re all on the same side!! (Scene cuts back to the announcers table)
TM: Just a reminder of the card tonight wrestling fans. We have a special hard-core match between Keg and Own Brown. Then the tournament continues, we have Metyl versus Kurt Angle with the winner taking on Hollywood Hogan at the PPV. L double E takes on the CREW’s Jeff Jarrett with the winner facing Wishmaster at the PPV. Suicide versus Joe Green, the winner of that match will take on Badd Dogg at the PPV and the final match is Super Fire Jr versus Scott Douglass with the winner taking on Davie J at the PPV.
MM: Well Timmy....I'm just free styling here but the way I see it is like this. Keg will win the Hardcore match against Owen Brown Nose, obviously he’s from the Wishmaster school of wrestling. Then in the tournament, Metyl will beat Kurt Angle. Metyl is a former world champion and member of the CREW! Double J will show L double E that the CREW has all the stroke when he takes that freak out. I’m going for Joe Green over Suicide, Suicide got lucky to be here, we all know Eddie D was screwed over thanks to Wishmaster! Joe Green is unpopular with the CREW but he was CREW so you know he’s a talent, even if an unpopular one. Then Super Fire Jr versus Scott Douglass. This is a hard one to call, but I’m going for Scott Douglass, he proved at Doomsday he could stay true if required and I hear he has a bright future ahead of him.
TM: Well there are no surprises with your choices, all CREW related.
MM: It is, and always has been about the CREW Timmy!
TM: So you say. I’m not denying that the CREW has played a big past in the EIWF’s history but so have many other top stars. It appears the Prez has some issues judging by the phone call he had, I’m not sure exactly what that’s all about. Now fans I’m told Revolution is backstage with the winner of the Main Event from Doomsday…….Suicide!
(Scene cuts to show Revolution backstage holding a mic with Suicide next to him)
Rev: Thanks Tim, yes I’m here with Suicide who won the rumble match at Doomsday last eliminating Eddie D to win his rightful place here tonight in the knockout tournament where he takes on the Legend….Joe Green!
Sui: At Doomsday I did, what I said I would do! Tonight I say I will beat Joe Green and I will. For you see the year 2018 is the year for the personification of Extreme. I am the ‘E’ in the EIWF and at Final Stand………I will be the only one left standing!
Rev: There has been a lot of speculation that there may be interference in your match due to the history you and Joe Green have with the CREW and its members.
Sui: Well it doesn’t matter (BANG!!!!..Suicide is hit from behind with a steel chair)
Rev: What the hell??!!
(A masked wrestler hits Suicide again with the chair; he pulls Suicide up and throws him into the lockers in the background. He picks up the chair again and hits Suicide on the knee…and again…….and again!!...he lands some hard punches on Suicide who is unconscious on the floor….the masked wrestler stomps on Suicide….he picks up the chair and hits him again across the back, he throws the chair down and spits on Suicide and walks off. Revolution looks shocked)
Rev: I don’t know what just happened, someone call a paramedic!
(People rush in to help Suicide who is out cold on the floor and the camera cuts back to the announcers)
TM: Fans we don’t know what just happened, but it appears Suicide has been attacked by a mystery person backstage.
MM: This is serious…………..it does not look good at all.
TM: Your right there Mark, Suicide is in a bad way. We will keep you fans updated with any news we get. Fans we are having to change things around here as Suicide vs Joe Green was meant to be our first match, I’m being told that we are now going to have Keg vs Owen Brown.
MM: The Beer King versus Own Brown Nose!
(Pretty Good at Drinking Beer by Billy Currington plays and the fans cheer as Keg walks out onto the ramp, staggering a little bit and lifts a beer in the air to which the fans cheer again)
TM: A good reaction from the fans for Keg here at Wembley Arena.
MM: I remember Keg from the old territory days of wrestling, he was actually a very popular wrestling back then, however a world title always proved to be elusive to him. We all know of his ‘issues’ as well. He has won many titles despite not winning the big one.
TM: He seems to be having difficulty getting to the ring, looks like he’s trying to climb over the barrier to sit with the fans; he’s being helped on his way now by security.
MM: When he wrestled in Mexico he was known as EL ALCOHOLICO!!
(Keg is in the ring and takes a swig from his bottle…………….Golden Brown by The Stranglers plays as Owen Brown walks out……….the fans boo as he makes his way to the ring)
TM: Here is Owen Brown!
MM: Hes a fake, and a brown noser and the fans have figured him out straight away!
Keg vs Owen Brown – Hardcore match
TM: Both wrestler in the ring…………….Keg looks like he’s in no fit state to perform!.......He puts the bottle down next to the ring…….Brown hits him from behind! Cheap shot!!! Brown whips Keg into the opposite corner…keg comes out and Owen Brown his a hard clotheslines. Keg is down! Owen Brown is posing for the fans) fans boo) they don’t seem impressed. Keg is still down and moving slowly. Brown stomps on keg…..Brown drops an elbow………goes for the pin! …………..1……………….2……………kick out!
MM: Only Just! Keg looks like a beaten man already!
TM: Owen Brown pulls Keg up and throws him to the outside……………Brown slides out and looks under the ring……….he pulls out a bag……….he slides in the ring and empties it…..it was full of thumbtacks! Brown slides out the ring again……he grabs Keg and throws him into the crowd barrier…..Owen Brown is in total control here!.....Owen taunts the fans ringside as he pulls Keg back up……..he whips Keg into the steel steps…………Keg is down and looks hurt!!......Owen Brown now looking under the ring again….he pulls out a ladder and the fans cheer………he slides it in the ring…..he goes over to Keg and stomps him a few times and gets in the ring…he sets up the ladder to one side………..back to the outside and he pulls Keg up and rolls him under the bottom rope……he drags Keg up and over to the ladder…..both men climbing the steps…….every couple of stems and Brown punches Keg…..they make it to the top…..Brown sets up Keg for a suplex!!..........SUPLEX off the LADDER and onto the thumbtacks!!!...(fans cheer)
MM: Holy shit!
TM: Keg is in pain here! Look at Owen Brown, sitting up…..laughing! Brown gets up and grabs the ladder and throws it down on Keg…………Brown pulls the ladder off and covers…………..1……………..2……………kick out! How is Keg still kicking out??...Brown goes off the ropes and drops an elbow on Keg….covers again………………1………………2…………..kick out!..........Owen Brown looks a bit frustrated here….he pulls Keg up…..throws him into the ropes and hits a clothesline……….Keg is just lying on the mat hardly moving………Brown goes to the outside………..he’s looking under the ring again………
MM: What garbage is he going to find this time?
TM:………..he’s………got………….the IWA World title belt!.........wait.hes tossed it into the crowd, even he doesn’t want it!
MM: I don’t blame him!
TM: Here we go! Brown has a trash can..he throws it into the ring and gets back in……keg is slowly getting to his feet……….Brown has the trash can…BANG! Hits Keg over the head with the trash can..this is it folks…it’s all over! Brown covers………………1……………….2……………3..NO….no he didn’t get the 3….he kicked out. I thought the ref had counted 3 there fans, it was close but his hand never touched the mat……….Owen Brown can’t believe it…………..Brown standing in the ring telling Keg to get up……..Keg slowly gets to his feet…….Brown over to the ring post….oh he’s grabbed Kegs bottle of beer…….Owen Brown is emptying the beer out and tosses the bottle and it smashed on the steel steps….
MM: Look at Keg! He looks pissed!!
TM: He sure does…..Keg charges at Owen Brown………….BEER SPEAR!!! (The fans cheer).Keg pulls Brown up…..throws him into the ropes…..KEGSLAM!!....Brown is down!....Keg goes off the ropes…….big Kegdrop!.......Keg goes over to the ropes and climbs to the top turnbuckle……he points to the fans who cheer..off the top rope!...flying headbutt………..it’s known as the Beer Bash!!...he covers……………1………………….2…………..3!!!!! It’s all over!
MM: Never touch another man’s beer!
(Pretty Good at Drinking Beer by Billy Currington plays and the fans cheer as Keg stumbles out of the ring)
Keg wins via pinfall!
(The camera cuts to the announcers table)
TM: A debut win for Keg! Ok fans I’m told we are going backstage……
(The camera cuts to the entrance of the building and a limo pulls up….the door opens and Davie J steps out, the fans back in the arena cheer as the watch on the big screen)
DJ: Finally…………the ICON……has come back……toooooo …….London! (Davie grabs his bag and starts to walk in when Eddie D walks out of the building)
ED: Hey Davie!
DJ: Hey big man, you’re here already?? (they hug and Eddie grabs Davie’s bag)
ED: Let’s go and take care of business!
DJ: It’s time to make the doubters pay for not staying true!
ED: Hey I got something for you from the back up plan.....
(The scene cuts back to the announcers)
MM: Survey says, that’s one more for the Good Guys! The greatest tag team in wrestling history are here Timmy and it appears we will see some CREW haters making payment tonight when the big man and the medium size man come to collect the debt!
TM: What debt?
MM: There’s a lot of people who need to pay the price for not staying true……don’t worry Timmy, they will be knocking on your door!
(The arena lights drop and silence hushes over the crowd…………..’dong………….dong……..’..Hells Bells by ACDC plays and footage of Wishmaster is shown on the giant screen above the ramp entrance………Then Wishmaster walks out with the EIWF World Title over his shoulder and the fans boo)
TM: Wishmaster is here, it appears he has something to say as he makes his way to the ring.
MM: Yes but has he got anything to say what we want to hear? I doubt it!
TM: He’s got the EIWF world title over his shoulder and looks like he means business.
MM: World title over his shoulder? That belt is a piece of history, he struts around like he’s still the world champion, don’t make me laugh.
(The fans continue to boo as the music stops……Wishmaster slowly raises his arm and the fans go quiet)
WM: You know......It's a funny thing to me that the Crew wants to put up this front that their not intimidated by anyone or anything. They all want to pretend that the Wishmaster is not a respected champion and that the demise of the EIWF somehow falls on my shoulders. They want to claim that the only reason I am what I am in the EIWF is because of this made up legend that the Wishmaster sucked up to the suits to get where he is. They all want to pretend that the last thoughts in their heads before they close their eyes every night is not the Wishmaster. How am I supposed to believe that they don't respect me? How am I supposed to believe that they aren't concerned about me or even just scared of the idea of me? They now realize that sooner or later they are going to have to face me, there is nowhere left to run or hide. As they fear the inevitable they decide to play it smart, try to look like the big brave men they clearly are not by challenging me! Big Poppa you want to call me out? Well here I am at Redemption, and I accept your challenge. Later tonight you will understand the true meaning of……evil never dies!!!
(DMX - X Gon' Give It To Ya hits over the arena speakers and the fans rise to the feet and cheer. Various images of the CREW flash over the big screen, then X-Factor walks out onto the ramp wearing a CREW t-shirt)
TM: X-Factor is here!!
MM: Mr X! He’s going to take care of CREW business early it seems!
(X-Factor stands on the ramp and signals to cut his music)
XF: Wishmaster! You’re living in a dream world, talking like you can take on the CREW! Well listening to you and your garbage is a nightmare for all of us. So as Davie would say, I’m here to give you a wakeup call. Tonight you face my good friend Big Poppa, but now it’s me and you! (the crowd pop as X-Factor drops the mic and runs towards the ring)
TM: Both men are in the ring, they lock up….both going at it…exchanging punches……(a ref has now entered the ring) its official the bell has run here we go!.
Wishmaster vs X-Factor
X-Factor throws Wishmaster into the ropes and hits him with a clothesline…..it doesn’t knock Wishmaster down though!......X-Factor off the ropes and shoulder barges Wishmaster……still nothing!...X-Factor goes off the ropes…..big boot to the face by Wishmaster! Wishmaster drops an elbow on Wishmaster………Wishmaster grabs the CREW t-shirt and rips it off X-Factor and throws it into the crowd.
MM: Now that is disrespectful! We are being too nice here, let’s get the rest of the CREW out here and kick Wishmasters butt!
TM: Who is ‘we’?.....anyway back to the action! Wishmaster throws X-Factor into the corner and follows in with a big elbow………X-Factor is slumped in the corner……….Wishmaster lifts him up…..suplex!....Wishmaster covers….1…………..2……kick out…………..Wishmaster goes off the ropes and drops a knee onto X-Factor’s head……(the fans start a Wishmaster sucks chant)…..Wishmaster walks over and climbs the turnbuckle and is taunting the fans!......He gets back down and goes back over to X-Factor and pulls him up…..X-Factor with a European uppercut….a kick to the gut and a DDT by X-Factor……..(Wishmaster sits up)……..X-Factor looks stunned! That offence hasn’t hurt Wishmaster at all………X-Factor throws some hard rights at Wishmaster as he stands up……standing dropkick by X-Factor……..Wishmaster staggers back……….X-Factor goes off the ropes….high cross body……..Wishmaster has caught X-factor though………he turns X-Factor round……
MM: This doesn’t look good………
TM: …..TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!!!.......Wishmaster covers………….1……………..2……………3!!!!!.........goodnight!.......Wishmaster wins!.He’s asking for a mic!
WM: Hogan, Davie…..I hope you and the rest of the CREW just witnessed that. If you play with fire, you get burned. The days of the CREW are numbered, X-Factor has been struck off the Wish List………Wishmaster….One……..CREW…ZERO!!(He drops the mic and Hells Bells plays)
Wishmaster wins by pinfall
TM: There you have it fans, Wishmaster has declared the days of the CREW are numbered.
MM: Yeah he wishes! He got lucky against X-Factor who let’s be honest is a little ring rusty.
TM: The gauntlet has been thrown down…..Wishmaster has declared himself one up in his war against the CREW!...fans I’m being told we are going to receive an update on the condition of Suicide who was viciously attacked backstage earlier.
(Scene cuts to the hospital where Revolution is standing outside of a door leading to the ward)
Rev: Tim…….Mark………..I’m here at the local hospital where Suicide has been brought. Doctors have said he’s in a stable condition but has received some serious injuries and will not be able to participate at Redemption tonight in any shape or form. In regards to his attacker………at this time not much is known. He wore a mask to hide his face, he was a big guy and very strong. I do understand that security is trying to track him down in the arena to question him and perhaps we can find out what his motives were. I briefly spoke to Suicide earlier, he told me that he will be back in the EIWF and seeking revenge but as for now, he just needs to rest and concentrate on getting better. As for the tournament I believe it means that Joe Green will get a buy into the next round to face Badd Dogg. I will be heading back to the arena shortly, back to you Tim and Mark.
(The camera cuts back to the announce table)
TM: Revolution there with an update on Suicide. It is yet to be confirmed but it appears we may have lost a match tonight and Joe Green will advance straight through to the Final Stand PPV to face Badd Dogg.
MM; I’m little concerned Timmy, we have a lunatic running around backstage and no one can find him, who is this person? What are his motives??
(Figure it out by Royal Blood plays…the fans cheer)
MM: Hello! The Boss is in town!
TM: It appears the Prez is going to clear some things up!
(The Prez walks out to a standing ovation from the fans; he has a title belt in his hands. He walks towards the ring slapping hands with the fans on the way)
MM: What is that title belt he has in his hand?
TM: Well it’s not the EIWF World title that Wishmaster has; it doesn’t appear to be any of the previous EIWF belts.
(The Prez is in the ring and is passed a mic)
Prez: There has been lots happening recently and first thing I want to do is clear up the situation with Suicide. I can confirm that he has not been signed off to wrestle and will not be here tonight to face Joe Green (fans boo) However there is no easy ride in the EIWF, so his spot will be taken by the runner up from Doomsday and that was Eddie D (fans cheer)
MM: YES YES YES! Did you hear that Timmy? That is just two sweeeet!
TM: Hmmmm, I sense some political strings being pulled backstage.
MM: What are you implying?
TM: Nothing.
MM: Exactly! Keep your damn mouth shut when you talk to me.
TM: That doesn’t even make sense!
Prez: So tonight the Game Eddie D will take on the Legend Joe Green. However don’t think that the attack on Suicide will be forgotten. I have security backstage looking for the culprit and when I find out who it is they will be dealt with accordingly. Now let me move onto the next thing, you are probably wondering what this belt is I have here. Well lets take things back, when I started this journey back in 1999 it was hard work. To get a fed off the ground and running takes a lot of time and a lot of help, you need people with the same vision as yourself, someone on the same page. You can’t do it all on your own, it’s impossible. You need to surround yourself with quality human beings that are intelligent and have a vision to create something special.
(The fans start an EIWF chant, the Prez walks around the ring nodding his head)
Prez: During my days of running the EIWF many people have come and gone. Some good, some bad. The EIWF always needed that someone it could rely on, a backbone to keep the fed strong. This belt I’m holding here in my hands is in recognition to that person who helped the EIWF become great. This person took the EIWF to another level, they became the franchise of the EIWF. He was there during the good times and helped dig in deep during the bad times. No one else did more for this company then he did! Now he has no idea about this award, so let’s invite him to come out to the ring………..wrestling fans, please show your appreciation for the one……..the only………Davie J!!
(Wake Up plays and the fans cheer, various imagoes of Davie J and the CREW are shown over the large video screen)
MM: It’s about time that the ICON was shown the respect he deserves around here!
TM: There is no doubting his contribution to the EIWF, not everyone will agree with this I’m sure. His and the CREW’s tactics at times have been questionable, but his legacy isn’t.
(Davie J walks out onto the ramp and the fans pop. He looks a bit surprised at being asked to come out. He makes his way to the ring, climbs the steps and enters)
Prez: Cut the music. Davie, this whole EIWF reunion wouldn’t be complete without the recognition of what you have done for the EIWF. This belt here is to recognize that you were the franchise player of the EIWF and with you as our figure head we built a team around you and took the EIWF to the top of the mountain. No other wrestler in the history of the EIWF was as committed as you were, unlike some people…. who I won’t mention brother…..you was a team player! Davie you was the franchise of the EIWF and a true legend. To show my thanks I am awarding you this ‘Legends Title Belt’. (The Prez hands Davie the belt who puts it over his shoulder, the Prez hands Davie the mic and the fans start a ‘Davie’ Chant)
MM: I hope that the Prez has another one of those belts in the back for Hollywood.
TM: Davie looks stunned here; for once he is lost for words!
DJ: It’s hard to put this into words and I must say I am a little bit humble at being given this belt. We had some great times together, not only me and you but the boys in the back and the fans in attendance and those tuning in at home. Back in those early days it was tough times, but we all worked hard, I remember when me and you were at London arena and Eddie walked out to his theme music……I knew then that we finally had made it as the arena was full and the crowd was jacked! At times some may have questioned my motives, but I always had the EIWF’s best interest at heart. I founded the CREW and we have been involved with some of the greatest times the EIWF has had. I’m enjoying this reunion of the EIWF and I also want to thank the fans for helping make it a success, I want to thank all the big stars who returned to help make it a success also. But it seems a lot of people have taken an interest in Davie J. That’s because they know that after all these years…IM STILL THE MAN!!....I’ve heard L double E, Suicide, and Wishmaster all talking about me. They all want to be involved with Davie J because they know to be the man, you got to beat the man and I’m the man to beat! Now that I have this belt I’m going to be an even more wanted man. I’m now the only officially recognized EIWF belt wearer……put that in your pipe and smoke it Kissmaster. But with so many of you sad sacks after me, I’ve decided to take out a little insurance policy. So let me just take this chance again to say thank you to everyone and especially you Prez for giving me the platform to become who I am.
Prez: Your welcome Davie, now hit his music!
(Wake Up hits and the Prez and Davie shake hands in the ring as the fans cheer, the camera pans back to the announce table where Mark Madden is standing clapping)
TM: Well fans the Prez has shown his appreciation for Davie’s contribution in the EIWF. You can also show your appreciation by going to www.eiwf.co.uk and checking out the fansite section and ordering the latest merchandise of your favorite EIWF superstars. For less than twenty bucks you can grab some of the most popular tees out there today. There is the original CREW logo t-shirt. Or how about the ‘Vince you wish you could write this shit!’ t-shirt. Of course there are the classic PPV’s on Blu Ray and DVD with our biggest seller being Evil Intentions 2000.
(Mark Madden sits down)
MM: What a true legend of our sport! He’s the ‘Legends Champion’. He’s not a fake walking around with a belt from 15 years ago proclaiming to be some champ!
TM: Ok fans next up is Jeff Jarrett vs L double E in the tournament that will finish at the Final Stand PPV. Mark how do you seeing this one going?
MM: I’m going with the chosen one all the way on this. He’s the most successful United States champion in EIWF history plus……..he’s in the CREW so he’s got back up…..not that he will need it against the loony L double E.
(Steal my shine plays and the fans boo as images of L double E are shown on the video screen)
TM: Former EIWF TV champion, EIWF tag team champion is making his way to the ring fans. He’s also a former ICW TV champion,
(L double E is in the ring and looks out at the crowd as a chorus of boo’s echo around the arena.)
MM: The Anti Hero is about to find out who’s got all the stroke in the EIWF!
(My World by Dale Oliver players and the fans give a mixed reaction but mainly boo as Jeff Jarrett walks out, he holds his guitar in the air on the ramp as fireworks go off and makes his way to the ring)
Jeff Jarrett vs L double E
TM: Ok fans here we go! (ding ding)……both wrestlers pacing the ring, checking each other out, looking for an opportunity to grab an advantage………they lock up……Jarrett gains the advantage and backs Lee into a corner…….the ref says to break the hold…Jarrett lets go and then delivers a knife edge chop……Jarrett kicks Lee to the git and then hip tosses him out of the corner…..Lee gets up……..Jarrett throws Lee into the ropes….goes for a clothesline but Lee ducks…..Lee slides out under the bottom rope! Jarrett is telling him to get back in the ring………….1……………….2……………Lee taking his time, walking around the ring on the outside………………3……………….4…………………5………………Lee goes to get in but stops and continues walking on the outside………………6…………………7……………….8……………..Lee slides back in…………..he locks up with Jarrett……….they break the hold……….Lee is complaining to the ref, he’s saying that Jarrett pulled his hair………..the ref now is talking to Jarrett…..Lee then hits Jarrett from behind….Lee puts Jarrett into a headlock….DDT!!.....Lee covers………….1…………2……kick out!....Lee applies a reverse chinlock……..the ref checking now with Jarrett to see if he’s going to quit………..Lee drops the hold….he pulls Jarrett up and sends him into the ropes and hits a clothesline on Jarrett……….Lee climbs the turnbuckle and hits Jarrett with a knee drop……Lee covers…………1……………….2…………..kick out! Lee gets up and shakes his head…..Jarrett gets up and Lee hits a standing dropkick……..Jarrett is down again……Lee goes off the ropes and drops an elbow on Jarrett……..Lee pulls up Jarrett up…throws Jarrett into the ropes…..Lee hits a spinning heel kick…..(fans rise to their feet)
MM: Here we go! (Big Poppa walks out)
TM: It appears Big Poppa is coming out to ensure there is a CREW win! Lee has Jarrett in the corner and its hitting him with some chops………….he has seen Big Poppa on the outside……….the ref is telling Big Poppa not to interfere or he will disqualify Jeff Jarrett!.....Big Poppa is just walking around the ring……Lee is leaning over the ropes talking to Big Poppa………he may not be getting involved as such but this distraction is buying time for Jeff Jarrett!......Jarrett is back on his feet………he grabs Lee from behind…..and hits the STROKE STROKE STROKE!!!
MM: Goodnight! We are all done here!
TM: Well Jarrett doesn’t look happy here………..he’s telling Big Poppa top leave and go to the back. It appears that Jarrett believes he can handle L double E without the help of Big Poppa!...(Big Poppa walks back to the entrance ramp and to the back)..Jarrett goes and cover L double E…….1…………….2……..kick out! The Anti-Hero kicked out!.....Jarrett pulls Lee up…suplex by Jarrett….(Jarrett starts to pose and walk slowly in the ring and lift his arms up)…..Lee is still down on the mat…..Jarrett’s grabs a leg…….applies a Figure Four Leg Lock!!.......L double E looks in trouble here..he’s in the middle of the ring…….Jarrett has the figure four on and there’s nowhere to go!.......The ref is checking, asking if he wants to give up.
MM: Ring the bell; I heard L double E say he quits!
TM: Well I didn’t hear it and the ref didn’t either and he’s right there…….L double E is trying to turn over…if he can that will put the pressure on Jarrett!..........L double E still trying…….it looks like he will!.....He turns Jarrett over……Jarrett breaks the hold!....Jarrett grabs Lee and throws him into the ropes…..oh no L double E has collided with the ref!!!.............The Ref is down……..Jarrett runs at Lee…Lee back drops Jarrett……..Jarrett gets up and hits Lee with a hard right….Lee whips Jarrett into a corner and follows in with a clotheslines……..Lee whips Jarrett into the opposite corner…Lee follows in but Jarrett lifts his foot….big boot to the face of Lee…..Lee is staggering round……Jarrett grabs Lee from behind…..German Suplex!.Jarrett covers……………….the ref is still out!........Jarrett gets up…..walks over to the corner and picks his guitar up………walks back over to L double E….he slowly gets to his feet…BANG!! Guitar shot over the head delivered to L double E! He’s out cold!
MM: Now that’s what I call a number 1 smash hit!
TM: Jeff Jarrett covers…….but the ref is still out….Jarrett counts………1………….2………..3!..........fans it must be counted by the official match referee…..Jarrett gets up and goes over to the ref…he tries to bring him round…..the Ref slowly gets up and shakes his head………..he still looks dazed and confused……Jarrett goes over and covers L double E again………the ref slowly stumbles over….he gets down and counts………………….1…………………………………………………………….2……………………………..kick out!
MM: That was a slow count, what the hell is wrong with the ref!
TM: I think he’s still dazed from the collision earlier with L double E.
MM: Well if L double E took the ref out he should be disqualified; Jeff Jarrett should be declared the winner.
TM: Jarrett looks frustrated and is shouting at the ref now…….Jarrett pulls Lee up…scoops him up…….side slam!....he covers……………..1…………………..2…….kick out! Jarrett is still complaining of a slow count but that looked fine to me….Jarrett applies a headlock on L double E…………the ref is checking………L double E is still in this match…..L double E is looking to make a comeback here and rises to his feet………..hits an elbow to Jarrett’s gut….and another….and another….Jarrett drops the hold!...Lee goes off the ropes…….goes for a shoulder barge….Jarrett moves out of the way…..Lee goes off the other side SLEEPER HOLD! Jarrett has applied a sleeper hold on L double E as he came back off the rope…..right in the centre of the ring……L double E is in trouble……the ref is checking…L double E is waving his arms around trying to reach for the ropes…………Jarrett is wearing him down……..his arms are now down………..Jarrett has the hold locked on tight……..the ref lifts Lee’s arm…..it drops!......he checks a second time……..it drops down…………he lifts it a third time…it stays up!......Lee elbows Jarrett to the gut…..he drops the hold………Lee kicks Jarrett to the gut…facebuster!.....Lee covers…………..1…………….2…….kick out!...Both men get to their feet...they lock up…suplex by L double e….Lee pulls Jarrett up…hits him with a couple of punches and then scoops him up…Fall Away Slam!!!..L double E is gaining the advantage…..Lee covers………1……..2……..kick out!....Jarrett pokes Lee in the eyes……L double E is back on his feet but staggering around the ring……Jarrett grabs Lee and throws him into the ropes...Jarrett hits him with a knee to the gut as he comes back…….Jarrett raises his arms in the air (Jarrett shouts ‘I’m the chosen one!’ and the fans boo)…Jarrett goes back over to L double E who is kneeling down…..Jarrett grabs Lee’s head and hits him with a hard right……and another……..wait…small package by L double E!!.........1…………..2…………3!!!! He got him!! L double E rolls out the ring……….Jarrett is up.he can’t believe it!
MM: I can’t either Timmy. I’m pretty sure L double E had a handful of trunks
(Steal my sunshine plays as L double E leaves)
L double E wins via pinfall
TM: The Anti-Hero L double E has won a tough match here against the CREW’s Jeff Jarrett, and I think it’s somewhat an upset as many expected Jeff Jarrett to win.
MM: Somewhat? Somewhat of an upset? It’s a tragedy that’s what it is!
TM: I'm sure the CREW will not be happy with that result, Jeff Jarrett is eliminated from the Final Stand tournament. Now it’s time to get backstage with Revolution who is with former EIWF World champion Kurt Angle!
(The camera cuts backstage with Revolution holding a mic with Kurt Angle standing next to him holding a bottle of milk)
Rev: I’m here with former EIWF World Champion Kurt Angle………and that’s true!
KA: Hey! How about you leave the catchphrases to the real superstars around here funny man!
Rev: Sorry.
KA: Your Olympic Gold Medalist is here once again in the EIWF. The number one extreme fed. Well let me tell you something. I drank milk that was a DAY past its expiration date. Now THAT is extreme!
Rev: Tonight you face Metyl in the Final Stand Tournament.
KA: Yes I do, and your Olympic hero has not only returned to the EIWF for the tournament but to ensure that everyone plays by the rules. In order for the EIWF to have credibility it needs to keep things legit and be fair. I will be dusting off the wrestling rule book to ensure that there is no cheating happening in the EIWF. Tonight I finally step back into the EIWF arena when I face some guy called Metyl? Seriously?
Rev: Metyl is a former EIWF World champion……United States champion and TV champion.
KA: Can you add the Hardcore title to that list?
Rev: No, he never won it.
KA: Well I did, plus the other titles he won I also won. Except I did it fairly with hard work, honesty and integrity. He had the CREW helping every step of the way. I don’t trust snow white and the seven dwarfs, and for those who missed that I mean Hollywood and his followers in the CREW. I will be keeping a close eye on them throughout the tournament. So remember…..say your prayers…….take your vitamins and drink your milk! (Kurt drinks the milk)
Rev: back to you Tim and Mark.
(Camera cuts back to the announce table)
TM: Kurt Angle one of the biggest stars in our history will be back in action tonight in the main event of Redemption when he takes on Metyl.
MM: Two former world champions collide Timmy. It should be a great match, both of those men climbed up the ranks in the EIWF and reached the pinnacle of our sport.
TM: Lets go to a commercial, don't go anywhere fans. We will be right back!
....Click Here for Part 2....