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TM: Welcome back fans, lots of things going on here at Redemption. The biggest news has been the withdrawal of Suicide from the tournament and he has been replaced by Eddie D. A vicious attack took place backstage where a masked unknown person attacked Suicide and injured him meaning he cannot wrestle.

MM: It was a shock Timmy, however I think by putting Eddie D back into the tournament it’s a win win situation for the fans! Out goes Suicide and in comes Eddie D, it’s what the fans would have wanted.

TM: I don’t believe that! We are going backstage though to Revolution who is going to update us on the search for the attacker.


(Camera cuts backstage with Revolution standing in a corridor holding a mic)

Rev: Thank you Tim and Mark. I understand that security has still not found the man in question and the search goes on. However I have been told that the security cameras outside have been checked and no one has left the building. This means that the attacker is still here somewhere, however they may not be hiding. I have heard the suggestion that it may be one of our superstars on the roster!!! The search continues….


(Camera cuts to the announce table)

TM: Revolution there with an update. Next up our tournament continues and we have 'the Game' Eddie D taking on 'the Legend' Joe Green! Before the match let’s talk about the competitors.

MM: You have the Game Eddie D, one of the toughest big men in the history of our sport. Hes been there, done it, won it, ate it! Joe Green, he is the scum of the earth as far as the CREW are concerned. It’s time that Eddie D takes the trash out! At Doomsday everyone thought it was game over for Eddie D. As he said for himself, there’s another quarter in the machine……this game aint over.

TM: Your right Mark, Eddie D has perhaps lived in the shadow of Hogan and Davie over the years but he’s won more then most in our sport. Hes won the EIWF tag team and TV titles. The IWA World and tag titles, the ICW tag and Intercontinental belt and the WWO tag team title.

MM: Plus a few more titles with feds not associated to the network.

TM: True. Now Joe Green is not popular with the CREW, the reason is....he is the only person who has ever left the CREW and made that decision themselves. Anyone else who left was kicked out, he however chose to leave and Hollywood Hogan would go on to beat Joe Green for the EIWF United States title shortly after. I’m sure any of the CREW that are backstage will be keeping a close eye on this match.


(Setting Sun by the Chemical Brothers plays and the fan boo. Joe Green walks out and points to his t-shirt which reads ‘the CREW sucks!’…he makes his way down to the ring)


TM: Here he is…..the Legend that is Joe Green!

MM: He’s going to wish he never wore that t-shirt by the time Eddie D is finished with him!


(Thunderstruck by AD/DC plays as images of Eddie D are shown on the arena video screen above the entrance way……..the fans cheer and Eddie D walks out from the smoke and lifts his arms up. He walks down the ramp and grabs a sign from a fan and holds it up. ‘I overcame dieting and survived!’’ Eddie throws it down and walks to the ring)


MM: A new entrance theme for the Game!

TM: OK fans here we go…..


Joe Green vs Eddie D

TM: Both men are in the ring; Eddie is pointing at Joe Green’s shirt and telling him to take it off. Joe Green is refusing though and is underlining the writing on the shirt with his finger. Eddie D looks enraged. He makes a sign to say he will break Joe Green in half…..both men lock up……jostling for an advantage…….Eddie throws Joe to the floor….(Eddie flexes his muscles and the fans cheer)……Joe Green back up………..they lock up again…………Eddie showing his strength here..he backs Joe Green into the corner………the ref telling them to break the hold………..the hold is broken…Eddie hits a knife edge chop to the chest of Joe Green ( the fans go ‘wooooo’)…Eddie grabs Joe and irish whips him into the opposite corner..Eddie follows in with a big  splash….Joe falls to the floor…..Eddie pulls Joe to the center of the ring and rips the shirt off of Joe Green’s back……Eddie drops an elbow on Joe Green and covers………………1……………2……….Eddie lifts Joe Green’s head up…..he could have won it there and then!

MM: It’s not about winning Timmy, it’s about making that traitor pay for disrespecting the CREW.

TM: Well I hope it doesn’t come back to bite him…..Eddie D seems to be bad mouthing Joe here….Eddie D hits a belly to belly suplex…….Eddie pulls up Joe Green and applies a big bear hug in the middle of the ring……Joe Green looks to be in pain here………the ref is taking a look….Joe Green hits Eddie with a punch……trying to break the move……..and another hard right……Eddie trying to shake them off..Joe Green pokes Eddie in the eyes and the hold is dropped……..the ref is warning Joe Green about the illegal move but Joe Green brushes it off…..Joe Green kicks Eddie in the knee……..and again……Eddie is holding onto the ropes trying to walk around the ring……. Joe Green turns Eddie round….kick to the gut and a standing drop kick from Joe Green sends Eddie over the top ropes to the outside….Joe Green climbs the turnbuckle to the top rope….double axe handle off the top rope!...Eddie crashes into the crowd barrier…the ref starts to count both men……1…………………….2…………………….3……...Joe grabs Eddie and slams his head into the barrier……they lock up......Joe goes for a suplex…he can’t lift Eddie…..Eddie suplexes Joe Green and both men are on the floor…………….4………………5…………………..6…………..Eddie slowly gets up……………7………….he grabs Joe Green and hits him with a hard right……8……..he throws Joe under the bottom rope and into the ring……………..9……….Eddie gets in the ring………….Eddie pulls Joe up and throws him into the ropes….big boot to the face by Eddie D!.........Eddie goes off the ropes...splash!....No Joe Green lifted his knees up!....Eddie looks like he’s trying to catch his breath as Joe Green slowly gets up……….Joe Green goes over to Eddie and applies an abdominal stretch…..the ref is looking….Eddie D is in pain here…….Joe Green laying some punches into the mid drift of the Game Eddie D here……Eddie wont quit though……the ref is right there checking….

MM: Can we get some back up out here to take that traitor Joe Green out!

TM: Well Joe Green has dropped the hold…….Joe Green kicks Eddie to the gut…..DDT!......Joe Green covers Eddie…………1……………..2…kick out! Joe Green is complaining to the ref that it was a slow count…..Joe Green has told the ref to check on Eddie D……..the Ref is seeing if Eddie is ok….oh here we go…….Joe Green in the corner taking the cover off the top turnbuckle!.....the ref hasn’t seen it!.....Joe Green pulls Eddie up…..throws him into the Eddie reverses it and throws Joe Green into the corner with no cover!!...Joe is dazed here….Eddie grabs Joe…...belly to belly suplex!!.......Eddie is up…trying to get his head clear…….he pulls Joe Green up…European uppercut….then a knife edge chop (the fans go 'woooo')……..kick to the gut STUNNER STUNNER STUNNER!!!!!.............Eddie covers Joe Green…………….1…………………..2…………….3!!!! Its all over. Eddie D wins by pinfall and will face Badd Dogg in the final eight at the Final Stand PPV.

(Thunderstruck plays as the Ref holds Eddie’s arm in the air)

Eddie D wins via pinfall


MM: Oh what a sweet moment this is! The turd….Joe Green is beaten by the beast Eddie D! Finally we can get rid of that bad smell from the EIWF that has stained it since he stepped in through the front door. Good work Eddie on flushing him away.

TM: Will you stop it! A great match though fans and one that could have gone either way…

MM: (coughs) bullshit..

TM:…..(looks at Madden)…Eddie D by either luck or fate was given a second opportunity in the tournament and it’s a chance he has taken.

MM: It’s fate Timmy. Also remember I told you right from the beginning I called the final as Hogan and Davie.


(The scene cuts backstage to show the Prez in his office, he picks up the phone and dials)

Prez: Hey Terry, the deal is done. What you asked for has been sorted. Yep….as requested he will face Big Poppa in a first blood no dq match……so as agreed get yourself down here to the arena. OK I’m relieved to hear that, will see you soon…..oh have you been watching the show so far? You haven’t? You didn’t see the segment where Davie was presented with a special Legends belt? What for? For being the EIWF’s franchise player, for being the top guy for all those years……no I’m not ribbing you………he has been classed as legendary status and the belt is a symbol of that………….hello?.....Terry?....are you there?.......(Prez laughs)……

(There is a knock at the office door)

Prez: Come in…..

(The door opens and three men walk in)

Prez: Well well well, what the hell are you doing here……Triple W and who is that with you? Your 'Blondes'??

TW: You know who we are, I'm Triple W and this is the Fenom and ....well we call him....Big W these days!! He's the man with the book with all the wrestling moves so no one can beat him!

Fen: We want to know what the hell is going on, you have a tag team tournament at Doomsday and we didn’t even get invited!

BW: Yeah!

Fen: We are the greatest tag team the EIWF has had and we feel we have been treated unfairly!

Prez: Guys. Guys guys guys. I didn’t have your number, you was the first guys I thought of when I thought about the tag team tournament.

Fen: Really?

Prez: Sure! Now let me apologize. To show how sorry I am how about I give you three a job, what do you say?

Fen: Sounds great! What is it?

Prez: Well things have been getting a bit rough around here and there may be a few unhappy people. So how about I hire you as my personal security?

Fen: I’m in!

BW: Me too.

TW: I’m in for the security job too!

Prez: You’re all hired, now get outside that door and make sure no one gets in.

(Scene cuts back to the announcers)


MM: Oh man…..(laughing)….

TM: Well the Prez has surrounded himself with some security with some talent from the EIWF’s olden days.

MM: Talent? Yeah enhancement talent!

TM: More interesting was the phone call.

MM: Well Hogan is on his way to the arena Timmy, finally Hollywood steps foot inside an EIWF arena once again. Finally the Immortal one comes home.

TM: Revolution is in the ring with a mic and it’s the time that some of you and we know Mark Madden has been waiting for………over to you Revolution…


(Revolution is standing in the center of the ring holding a mic)

Rev: Ladies and gentlemen……for the thousands of fans in attendance and the millions around the world watching from home. They have been described as the greatest faction in wrestling history; they have had more gold than Mr T! They have often but imitated but never duplicated…..they have one rule……..Always stay true to the CREW…….


(The arena lights dim and Superstar by Saliva plays, various images of the CREW are shown on the video screen above the entrance and a huge reaction from the crowd is given as they start cheering)

TM: Listen to this reaction! Love them or hate them fans, they are a big part of the EIWF’s history!

MM: Love them!......its deafening in here!


(there is a loud pop from the fans as Eddie D walks out first with Gilbert next to him……he is followed by Jeff Jarrett and Scott Douglass, then X-Factor and Big Poppa walk out…….they all stand on the ramp and point back to the entrance way……Davie J walks out with the Legends belt over his shoulder and gives a crotch chop as they all laugh. They slowly make their way to the ring slapping the hands of fans, giving high fives and two sweet signs…)

TM: Here they are fans! They have at times crossed the line of what’s right and wrong in my opinion but it seems the fans here love them regardless!

MM: Timmy, I’m welling up here!........It’s like a dream come true. The CREW are in DA HOOOOUSE!


(All members are now in the ring. Revolution is looking at the entrance way)

TM: Well where is Hollywood Hogan?

MM: Don’t worry Timmy, he will be here.

(The music stops, Revolution pulls Davie J over)

Rev: Excuse me, it appears we are a little short on this CREW reunion wouldn’t you say?

DJ: Well Revo….(Davie is cut off mid-sentence as Cochise by Audioslave hits. The video screen shows images of Hollywood Hogan and the fans rise to their feet. The crowd POP as Hogan walks out onto the ramp with Rodzilla behind him. He stands and puts his hands on his hips, nodding in approval of the reaction from the fans)



















MM: Bow down to the MAN!

TM: For some reason Hogan felt the need to come out on his own and not with the rest of the CREW…

MM: Timmy, give me some water, I feel faint! I can’t believe this is happening. Hollywood Hogan, Davie J, Eddie D, Jeff Jarrett, Big Poppa, Scott Douglass, X-Factor…………all in the same ring at the same time! This is once in a life time stuff. Those in attendance won’t ever forget this moment! In years to come fans will say do you remember where you was when the CREW were all together again after 15 years at EIWF’s Redemption. You know what…..everyone will know exactly where they was!

TM: Mark……..I for once agree with you.


(Hogan is in the ring and stands next to Revolution, the music cuts)

Rev: Hollywood Hogan, welcome back to the EIWF…….Welcome home! (fans cheer)

HH: You know something Brother?...(fans cheer) It’s great to be back in the house that Hollywood built! (fans cheer as Hogan looks around with a smile on his face at the reaction)

Rev: It’s been a long time Hollywood, not just since the EIWF’s hey day but since this whole reunion was announced. This is the first time we have seen you inside an EIWF ring due to other commitments.

HH: That’s right brother, Hollywood has been in demand. I’ve been making TV shows, movies, making public appearances and making money. I knew that I could rely on my brothers in the CREW to take care of business while I've been away busy. I knew that I could rely on Eddie G and Davie K to look after things (fans boo and Hogan looks around in surprise)




Rev: You mean Eddie D and Davie J?

(Hogan smiles realizing his error and holds his hands up)

HH: Yeah that’s what Hollywood meant brother.


TM: Davie J doesn’t look impressed with Hogan getting their names wrong.

MM: It’s an honest mistake.The adrenaline is flowing, everyone is pumped, and it’s an honest error Tommy.

TM: Funny…


HH: You know something dude? When you’re in the CREW……your CREW 4 life. That means we got each other’s backs. We are stronger together…………but you’re only as strong as your weakest link……

Rev: I can understand that. Do you want to elaborate?

HH: Hey big man, come here….(Eddie walks over and stands next to Hogan)….you have always stayed true to Hollywood and the CREW. When it comes to business we don’t play no games. That's why the Game is over!....(Davie steps forward next to Eddie)….woah woah….hold your horses champ.


TM: There seems to be a bit of friction, and I think the fans can sense it here at Wembley arena.

MM: Stop looking for things that aren’t there Timmy. Of course there may be some clashes, there are some big ego’s in there, some of the biggest names in our sport. The fans are just jacked because of the superstars in the ring.


HH: Let me borrow one of your lines Eddie, ‘notice has been served’! That is for the entire EIWF, Hollywood Hogan the biggest icon in wrestling is serving notice to each and every one of you in the back and in the matches for the PPV. Me and my CREW will be running wild over the EIWF. SO as I said, the game is over, Eddie from this point forward I am appointing you the ‘Enforcer’ for CREW business, (Davie backs off to the side of the ring)….Now as I said earlier, you are only as strong as your weakest link………….Eddie……it’s time to take out the trash! Let’s enforce some business. (Eddie nods)…..The CREW is not a place for people who don’t stay true. If you can’t get the job done then you’re not good enough for the CREW. And you certainly aren’t the chosen one brother!

(Jeff Jarrett looks at Hogan……Eddie kicks Jarrett to the gut…..STUNNER!!!....Hogan nods and laughs…..Eddie pulls Jarrett up and throws him through the ropes to the outside)

HH: That’s right big man, throw that trash out! (Eddie makes a dusting his hands gesture)


TM: The fans here are stunned! It appears Hogan has just thrown Jeff Jarrett out of the CREW! I’m not sure what Davie will think of that?

MM: I’m sure he agrees with Hogan, they are on the same page Timmy.


HH: Now let me move on….Wishmaster you are becoming a thorn in our side. You’re not even on the same level as Hollywood brother, and it don’t sit well with me that you got such an easy win over a member of the CREW, a weak link should I say??……or should I say a former member of the CREW! Eddie…..take out the trash!


MM: Wait a minute……

(Eddie grabs X-Factor but Big Poppa steps in and waves his finger at Eddie, Revolution gets between the two with a mic)


BP: Eddie, I’ve known you a long time and have respect for you, but take your hands off of X-Factor…if X-Factor is out…then I’m done too! (Davie gets involved and pushes the men apart, Davie stands face to face with Hogan and Revolution puts the mic between them)

DJ: What in the hell do you think you’re doing??!!

HH: Well well well, look who it is. The so called icon, the franchise player…the man trying to take all my credit. That belt right there on your shoulder, the legends title is an insult to Hollywood Hogan brother. I’m the biggest star the EIWF has ever had, you’re trying to pass my success off as your own!

DJ: You deluded old relic! We are both Legends but for different reason. I am a legend because of what I have done in this business and what I achieved. You are a legend simply because how old you are!!


MM: My god……… …..NO!!. What’s happening!


HH: Davie J without me you would be nothing, I made you, I own you… owe me everything (fans boo). That Prez in the back backed the wrong horse when he gave you that belt. This is where the power lies brother (points to his hand) right here! (fans boo)

Rev: Hollywood, excuse me…Excuse me! What in the world are you thinking?

HH: Revo, the first thing you need to do is tell these fans is to shut up if you want to hear what I’ve got to say! (fans boo). The thing you gotta realize is that Hollywood made the EIWF not Davie J, I am the leader of the CREW not Davie J. Let me tell you something. I made the EIWF a monster. I made people rich in the EIWF. I made the people that ran the EIWF rich. And when it all came to pass, the name Hollywood Hogan, the man Hollywood Hogan, got bigger than the whole of the EIWF. People became jealous as I went from the WWE to WCW to NJPW to TNA. From TV projects to movies…..(fans boo heavily)

Rev: What has just happened here with the CREW Hollywood?

HH: As far as I'm concerned, all of the boo’s represents how the CREW has fallen from grace. For four years, brother, for four years I carried the CREW on my back. I did everything for the CREW. I did everything for the guys in the CREW, I gave them the rub and just because they were associated with Hollywood they became house hold names, without me they would be nothing. Because if it wasn't for Hollywood Hogan you people wouldn't be here. If it wasn't for Hollywood Hogan, the Prez would still be selling hardware from a DIY shop in Minneapolis. And if it wasn't for Hollywood Hogan, Davie J would still be a mid carder trying to get TV time and only dream about challenging for World titles. I was selling out the world, brother, while they were pumping gas in their car to get to high school. So the way it is now, brother, you’re either with Hollywood Hogan or you’re against Hollywood Hogan. It’s my way…...or the high way. Jarrett your gone brother…X-Factor your gone dude (X-Factor leaves the ring and walks to the back)…Big Poppa I suggest you choose wisely, it’s better to be with Hollywood then against him! Eddie, you have always stayed true and I know you will again………But you Davie……..are you with Hollywood or against Hollywood?

DJ: I think the question is……..Hollywood………are you with Davie J……or against Davie J??


MM: This can’t be happening…….the dream has turned into nightmare!!


HH: I tell you what Davie. That belt on your shoulder that you have been keeping warm. You place that around Hollywood’s waist and step back in line and Hollywood will forgive you for trying to take his spot!! For trying to take my limelight, for trying to take my success….for trying to be something you’re not….the MAN!! Hollywood Hogan is the MAN brother!!

Rev: Davie….what’s it going to be??

(Davie takes the belt off of his shoulder and looks at it. He takes a step closer to Hogan and drops down on one knee)

HH: That’s right brother, kneel before God! (Hogan laughs)


MM: This is the right decision, it keeps the band together!

(Davie looks at the belt again as he lines it up to Hogan’s waist…..Hogan smirks and nods at Davie………BANG! Davie hits Hogan in the face with the belt…Hogan stumbles back and is held up by Rodzilla before finding his feet again)

MM: Dear God no!

TM: It appears Davie is his own man and not taken kindly to Hogan's comments!


Rev: I’m outta here! (Revolution leaves the ring as members of the CREW try to pull Hogan and Davie apart)


TM: Fans I’m not entirely sure what has happened here but there is trouble in paradise for the CREW. Davie and Hogan have had a big falling out here; members of the CREW have been expelled from the group. We will need to wait for the dust to settle to see who takes whose side and how they align up here.

MM: (blubbering)

TM: Pull yourself together will you, don’t be a slapdick.


(The scene cuts too backstage with the Prez in his office watching the show on a monitor)

Prez: (laughing)…..ha ha…it couldn’t have happened any better. Just as I planned....Well I got what I wanted so Hogan can have his match still what he requested earlier, Wishmaster vs Big Poppa in a first blood match. Hogan thinks he’s smart trying to take Wishmaster out before the tournament, fine….I don’t care. I have achieved what I wanted to do. Division in the ranks…..ah ha ha…divide and conquer!


(Scene cuts back to the announcers table)

TM: Fans we have had a major falling out between the CREW moments ago here in the ring. Hogan and Davie had to be separated by other members of the CREW and they continued to argue as they headed to the back. Fans the Prez has announced a first blood match tonight between Big Poppa and Wishmaster! Neither was originally scheduled to be on the show and I believe the match does not affect Wishmaster’s place in the Final Stand tournament.

MM: I don’t understand Timmy, why?....WHY??....How did this happen? The CREW is meant to be 4-Life…

TM: Can you show some professionalism for once? Still to come tonight fans is Super Fire Jr vs Scott Douglass, Kurt Angle vs Metyl and a first blood match between Wishmaster and Big Poppa!


(Highway to Hell plays and Scott Douglass walks out and down to the ring)

TM: Scott Douglass appears he’s still preoccupied by what happened in the ring a few minutes ago, but he needs to get focused as he takes on former EIWF World champion Super Fire Jr.

(Bonfire by Knife Party and the fans cheer, images of Super Fire Jr are shown on the big screen. Super Fire Jr walks out onto the ramp as pyro’s go off and the fans POP.)

TM: One of the true superstars of the EIWF, the first and only grand slam winner in the history of the EIWF. He won the every bet there was to win.

MM: Scott Douglass is no slouch though Timmy.

TM: Of course he’s not. A former EIWF United States and Tag team champion. IWA World champion twice and tag team champion. I’m fully aware of the comparisons made with Scott Douglass as a younger Davie J.

MM: He’s got the talent.

TM: He has but Super Fire Jr has been there and done it already.


Super Fire Jr vs Scott Douglass

TM: Here we go fans, both men are in the ring….(bell rings)....Scott Douglass off the ropes…goes for a clotheslines…..SFJ ducks……Douglass off the other rope and SFJ hip tosses him (fans cheer)……Scott Douglass gets up…SFJ is ready and waiting…..they lock up….Douglass goes for a suplex but SFJ blocks it…………small package by SFJ………1…………2…..kick out! Almost a quick win there for Super Fire Jr. Douglas hits SFJ with a couple of hard rights….kicks him in the gut……..grabs him...lifts him up...……side slam! SFJ looks winded……Douglass pulls SFJ up………he goes to grab SFJ but SFJ pushes his hands off and hits Douglass with a standing drop kick (fans cheer)......Douglass is on the mat and doesn't look impressed here....

MM: He looks pissed Timmy!

TM: Both men are up and circling the ring.......they lock up.....SFJ takes Douglass back down to the mat with an arm bar......the ref is checking to make sure Douglass doesn’t quit and the move is legal.........SFJ applying more pressure here....Douglass stretches out a leg and just touches the rope......the ref tells SFJ to break the hold........SFJ lets go and walks over to the turnbuckle, he climbs the ropes and raises his arms (the fans cheer)….Douglass is up…..SFJ with a missile drop kick off the top rope……hits Douglass and sends him rolling to the outside…..It appears that Super Fire Jr is in total control and Scott Douglass is getting more and more frustrated the longer the match goes on……Douglass has grabbed a steel chair, he slides in the ring with it and is threatening to hit SFJ with it.

MM: Do it!

TM: If he does he will be disqualified!

MM: It will be worth it….DO IT!! Wipe the smile off the face of that dwarf!

TM: The ref has grabbed the chair, he’s pulled it from Scott Douglass’ hands and thrown it to the outside……..Douglass is arguing with the ref…..clothesline by SFJ!!! I’m being told we have a camera backstage, there seems to be something going on


(camera cuts backstage with Big Poppa walking down a corridor with Davie following)

DJ: Big Poppa, hold up………hang on a minute.

BP: I’m not interested! I’ve had it with this shit

DJ: Just give me a minute!

(Big Poppa stops walking and faces Davie)

DJ: Look we can fix this, forget Hogan. He was a cancer in the CREW. I created the CREW and we can go in a different direction. Me, you, X-Factor, Eddie D…

BP: Eddie D? Are you made? He’s Hogan’s lap dog!

DJ: God damn it……..I can fix this! Let me speak to Eddie. We are better off without Hogan, he only ever looked out for himself.

BP: ….and you didn’t? Look Hogan made me an offer, you made me an offer. I need to know who I can trust. I’ve got a match tonight

DJ: I will be there, I’ve got your back! We will take out Kissmaster for once and for all!

BP: You better be! If I lose to Wishmaster I will hold you responsible!

(They walk off in separate directions and the camera cuts back to the match)


TM: Ok fans welcome back to the match and Scott Doug…(interrupted by Mark Madden)

MM: Yes Davie! Our savior is going to mend bridges and before the end of the night the CREW will be back together.

TM: I don’t think it’s as simple as that, but back to the action in the ring fans. It’s been a bit more of an even match fans and currently Scott Douglass has Super Fire Jr in the corner and he’s unloaded some hard rights to the gut…….Douglass whips SFJ out of the corner into the opposite one and follows in with a clothesline!.......Scott Douglass delivers some hard chops to the chest of Super Fire Jr……(crowd stands up)…there seems to be something happening……(Rodzilla and Gilbert walk out)………

MM: Here comes the troops!

TM: Rodzilla and Gilbert are here to ensure Scott Douglass gets the win it seems. But I wonder under whose orders was it for them to come out here?.....Scott Douglass lifts SFJ onto the top turnbuckle…..sets him up…..big Suplex off the top rope!!...Douglass covers……………1……………2…………kick out!!....Douglass gets up and stomps on SFJ and pushes SFJ to the outside (Rodzilla and Gilbert walk round and start to kick SFJ) and here come the vultures! This is not fair, its three on one damn it!....Scott Douglass is distracting the ref…..Gilbert pulls up SFJ and holds him….Rodzilla gives SFJ a boot to the gut!.......Gilbert throws SFJ back under the bottom rope…….Scott Douglass goes off the ropes and drops an elbow on SFJ and covers………….1…………..2………….kick out!....(fans start a SFJ chant!)….Douglass pulls SFJ up……he throws SFJ into the ropes…back drop bu Scott Douglass!...but SFJ lands on his feet!...Douglass turns around…FaceBuster!!!!............SFJ covers……..1………..2…………….(the ref is pulled out the ring by Rodzilla!) What the hell!!

MM: What a smart move! And now while the ref is arguing with Rodzilla, Gilbert is in the ring!

TM: Gilbert is in the ring, he grabs Super Fire Jr from behind……inverted DDT!!!.......Gilbert has dragged Scott Douglass on top of Super Fire Jr…..(Ref gets back in the ring)……………..1……………………2……………kick out!!! I don’t believe it! Scott Douglass is back to his feet...he locks up with Super Fire Jr…….they break…standing dropkick by SFJ!!!.....Scott Douglass stumbles back on the ropes…..SFJ comes off the ropes…(CRACK!!)...SFJ is on his knees! Rodzilla just hit him with a steel chair to the back!!!....The Ref is now arguing with Rodzilla and is trying to get him and Gilbert to leave the ring area……Scott Douglass has applied a Boston crap on Super Fire Jr!!!....the Ref is checking to see if SFJ is going to quit………(the lights go out in the arena)

MM: What the hell???

(Fireworks go off on the entrance way...’dong’…’dong’…Hells Bells by ACDC plays)

TM: Business has just picked up! Although it is disputed, the last and I guess current EIWF World Champion is here!

MM: Timmy, there is only one officially recognized EIWF title holder, that’s the Legends champion Davie J!

(Gilbert and Rodzilla have made their way half way down the entrance way, the lights come back on and Wishmaster walks out)

TM: I’m not sure what Wishmaster’s business is here………Gilbert runs at Wishmaster and Wishmaster clotheslines Gilbert to the floor…….Rodzilla runs at Wishmaster….big boot to the face by Wishmaster! Rodzilla is down!!.....Wishmaster is making his way to the ring……….Scott Douglass hits an atomic drop on SFJ and then clotheslines him to the floor…..Scott Douglass now is bringing the Ref’s attention to Wishmaster at rings side. The Ref now is talking to Wishmaster but Wishmaster is just standing there with his hands in the air, seemingly trying to say he’s no threat but he’s obviously here for a reason.

MM: If he touches Scott Douglass it’s a DQ and Douglass wins the match!

TM: Back in the ring Douglass has SFJ in a headlock…….the Ref is checking that SFJ has not passed out but he’s still hanging in there…….SFJ reaches out and grabs the ropes……the ref tells Scott Douglass to break the hold but he refuses……….the ref tells him again but he still won’t drop the hold……..(Wishmaster leans through the ropes and breaks the hold)….Scott Douglass does not look happy here…he’s leaning over the ropes pointing at Wishmaster…..SFJ rolls Scott Douglass up from behind………….1……………..2……..kick out!....SFJ throws Douglass into the ropes and hip tosses him over……SFJ follows with a knee to the head……SFJ bends down to pick Douglass up but Douglass pokes SFJ in the eyes (fans boo)….SFJ staggering around the ring now…..Douglass hits SFJ with a low blow and SFJ is down……..Scott Douglass goes off the ropes and drops an elbow on SFJ…………Douglass gets up and goes off the other ropes (Wishmaster grabs his leg)……..Douglass has slid to the outside and put his finger in Wishmaster's face.

MM: Yeah he’s telling that chump to keep his nose out of CREW business!

TM: Well Wishmaster appears to be backing off (he turns around and walks away from Scott Douglass. Douglass grabs a steel chair)….Douglass has a steel chair….Wishmaster hasn’t seen him…(BANG!)...across the back of the head!! Wishmaster is down! (Scott Douglass slides back in the ring)…Scott Douglass standing over Super Fire Jr and delivers a crotch chop! (fans boo)…he covers Super Fire Jr……………1……………….2………….kick out! Still he can’t beat Super Fire Jr and these fans here are really getting behind the former EIWF world champion….(fans start a ‘Super Fire’ chant)…..Scott Douglass lifts SFJ up….German Suplex…..Scott Douglass stomps on SFJ and then lefts him up……….SFJ can hardly stand….Scott Douglass goes off the ropes…..should tackle on SFJ!!.......Scott Douglass pulls SFJ up again…off the ropes….(BANG!!!) from behind!!! From behind!!! Wishmaster has hit Scott Douglass across the back with the same steel chair he was hit with!!!....Scott Douglass staggers forward…..Super Fire Jr grabs Scott Douglass….IMPLANT DDT!!.....both men are on mat on their backs!...the ref is going to count………..1………………..2………….we could have a double count here seeing both men eliminated……….3……………………..4………………here comes Gilbert and Rodzilla!......Wishmaster from the side……..takes both out with a clothesline!!......5…………………6……………….7……………….(fans are chanting ‘Super Fire’)……………8………………..9……………wait a minute!...(Super Fire Jr rolls an arm on top of Scott Douglass)………Super Fire Jr goes for the pin………………1…………………2………………3!!!!! Super Fire Jr wins!!!!

Result – Super Fire Jr wins via pinfall.


TM: Here comes Gilbert and Rodzilla!! (They get in the ring and start to stomp on Super Fire Jr, Wishmaster slides in) Here comes Wishmaster!!...kicks Gilbert to the gut, slaps his hand around the throat of Rodzilla….CHOKESLAM!!!!......Wishmaster grabs Gilbert……CHOKESLAM!!!!.....He covers both of them and tells the ref to count!.........1………..2…………..3!!!!........I’m not sure that’s an official match and victory……..Scott Douglass is up!...he drops an elbow on Wishmaster…Wishmaster gets up…throws Scott Douglass into the ropes….big boot top the face!!!.....Wishmaster pulls Douglass up……WISH LIST!!(Tombstone Piledriver)......Wishmaster stands and puts his foot on the chest of Scott Douglass….the ref counts………..1………………2…………..3!!!!....(Wishmaster takes a mic)

WM: For those who didn’t know, me and Super fire Jr were EIWF tag team champions together, and there was no way I was going to let the CREW perform another injustice. It appears the CREW have a few issues of their own, but there biggest issue is right here! (points to himself) I don’t care if you’re playing happy families or not, I’m taking you all out one by one. I’ve now beaten X-Factor, Gilbert, Rodzilla and Scott Douglass. That makes it Wishmaster four…..CREW zero!!!

(Bonfire plays as the ref holds Super Fire Jr’s hand in the air. Super Fire shakes the hand of Wishmaster, Wishmaster leaves as Super Fire Jr celebrates in the ring)


TM: Well fans Super Fire Jr is through to the Final Stand PPV and what a tremendous win tonight against Scott Douglass. He will now face Davie J. We also have Eddie D versus Badd Dogg and Wishmaster versus L double E. Just left to decide is who will face Hollywood Hogan. Will it be Kurt Angle or will it be Metyl.

MM: This has not been a good night for the CREW……..

TM: Let's go to a commercial, we will be right back.


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The Fansite also has a title history section for not only the EIWF but ICW(Internet Championship Wrestling), IWA(Internet Wrestling Alliance), EWA(Extreme Wrestling Alliance), WWO(World Wrestling Organization). It also has the end of the year awards and a poll to vote in.



TM: Welcome back, we have two matches left tonight fans, Kurt Angle will take on Metyl and there will be a first blood match between Wishmaster and Big Poppa. A match that was requested by Hollywood Hogan the Prez would have us believe. However there seems to be lots going on backstage, with the CREW, with the Prez, with the mystery guy who attacked Suicide and with Wishmaster who appears to be causing all sorts of issues for the CREW. Im told we have a camera backstage with L double E!


(Camera shows L double E walking backstage, he opens a door, no one is in there and he closes it. He carries on walking and tries the next door)

LEE: Ah there you are! (L double E walks in and Davie J is pacing up and down the room)

DJ: What do you want?

LEE: I think you better look at this……(L double E pulls a video up on his phone of the Prez laughing while watching the CREW argue in the ring, then the Prez says ‘just as I planned’)

DJ: He’s got some answering to do!! (Davie throws the door open and walks out, the camera fades with L double E looking at his phone)

LEE: Oh a message from Joey Nossler of the EIWO…probably wants to rip off something else now.


(Camera cuts back to the announcers)

TM: Well it appears the ICON is not happy.

MM: He’s pissed Timmy, and for good reason. People have been meddling in business that doesn’t concern them. CREW business!

TM: OK it’s time for the last match in the tournament to determine who will face Hollywood Hogan at the Final Stand pay per view.


(Stupify by Disturbed plays as images of Metyl flash over the big screen. He steps out to a mixed reaction from the fans)

TM: I have to say that’s not a bad reaction from the fans here for Metyl. The man who is a former EIWF World champion.

MM: That’s right Timmy, he was a member of the CREW, won the EIWF TV Title, he won the EIWF United States title, won the Battlefield tournament and the EIWF World title.

TM: A great singles competitor who I think many felt was not as successful as expected in his world title run.


(Metyl is in the ring and raises his arms, ‘Medal’ plays and the fans rise to their feet and cheer)

TM: Kurt Angle, a huge star of the WWE, TNA and of course here in the EIWF!! He is also a former EIWF World champion, EIWF United States champion, EIWF TV champion and EIWF Hardcore champion.

(Kurt Angle walks out on the ramp and the fans POP. He holds his arms in the air and points to the ceiling as fireworks go off. He makes his way to the ring.)















TM: Ok fans we are set to go here!

Kurt Angle vs Metyl

TM: Both men are in the ring, sizing each other up……….Kurt Angle now circling the ring…..they lock up………..belly to belly suplex by Kurt Angle!!! What a show of strength!!....Metyl is up….goes for a clothesline but Angle ducks……..Metyl comes back off the ropes….back drop by Angle!....Metyl rolls to the outside, it looks like hes looking to compose himself……Metyl slides back in..Metyl runs at Angle….PowerSlam by Angle…………Metyl gets back up……….Angle grabs Metyl from behind….german Suplex into a pin!.......1………………2……..kick out……….Metyl gets up quick and clotheslines Angle……..Metyl pulls Angle up and whips him into the corner and follows in with a clothesline…..Metyl climbs to the middle and hits Angle with a hard right……….then another…..(fans start to count)…….and again…………and again………….Angle lifts Metyl up and walks a few steps forward and powerbombs Metyl!!!.......Angle both men covers……….1………….2…………kick out!......both men slowly get to their feet…..Metyl kicks Angle to the gut……grabs an arm…puts it under Angle’s leg……pump handle slam!......both men are down on the mat!......Metyl sits up….grabs Angles leg…….he has managed to put on a figure four leg lock!!!..the ref is checking with Angle…….Angle is obviously in pain here but hes shaking his head each time the ref asks if he quits!

MM: I’m pretty sure Angle is saying ‘no….i can’t take anymore, ring the bell’…..I can hear it clear as day from here.

TM: You better get your hearing tested then!....Metyl has broken the hold………Angle is holding his leg………Metyl is up……stomps on Angles leg………Metyl pulls Angle up……..suplex…..Metyl covers………….1…………..2……kick out!........Metyl goes to pull Angle up…..small package by Kurt Angle……1……….2…….kick out!!!.....Metyl gets up first..goes for an elbow but Kurt Angle rolls out the way……….Angle is up…..they lock up……….arm bar by Angle……he applies the pressure…..should barge by Angle now As he works on the shoulder of Metyl……..Metyl slings Angle into the ropes…….Angle comes off……..leap frogs over Metyl………off the other side…Metyl drops to the mat….Angle runs over…… the ropes…….Angle jumps onto Metyl………Metyl……hold Angle up…inverted atomic drop by Metyl!!.....Metyl with a clothesline….Angle ducks…..Metyl off the ropes….backdrop by Angle……Angle covers……….1…………2……….kick out!.....Metyl gets up…..standing drop kick by Metyl………..Angle stumbles….Metyl grabs Angle and throws him into the corner..Metyl running behind goes for an elbow but Angle moves out the way……..Metyl hurts his elbow on the turnbuckles……..Angle climbs to the second turnbuckle and clotheslines Metyl……….Angle covers………1……….2……kick out!.....Kurt Angle grabs Metyl from behind…..German suplex!......Angle waits for Metyl to get to his feet…..Angle gesturing to Metyl to get up….hard right by Angle…..he grabs Metyl.throws him into the ropes…….Metyl comes off the ropes…..straight into Angle…..Angle wraps his arms around Metyl…..belly to belly suplex!!! ……….Angle grabs Metyl by the leg and drags him to the middle of the ring………..ANKLE LOCK!!!............Kurt Angle has the ankle lock applied and there is nowhere for Metyl to go……Metyl is reaching for the ropes but can’t get there……….the ref is checking with Metyl……….Metyl is nodding…the ref is calling for the bell!!!.....Kurt Angle wins!!!

(Medal plays as the ref holds Kurt Angle’s arm in the air)

Kurt Angle wins via submission


MM: Do you know why Metyl was not in the ring for the CREW reunion, or why the CREW haven’t mentioned him?

TM: Whys that Mark?

MM: Because he’s not worthy of being associated with them. That in the ring right there was not CREW quality!! Come the Final Stand PPV, Angle will find out what real CREW quality is…..when he steps in the ring with Hollywood Hogan!!!

TM: I have to agree that Hollywood Hogan will be a more difficult challenge for Kurt Angle but Kurt is more than capable of holding his own against Hollywood Hogan and the CREW!

MM: (laughs)…….yeah riiiiiight.

TM: Ok fans I’m told we have a camera backstage with Revolution…


(Scene shows Revolution in a locker room with a bag next to him)

Rev: Tim I’m here backstage in the locker room of Eddie D with some startling news. There is a holdall here which contains the mask of the mystery person who attacked Suicide tonight! I’m trying to get some answers (Eddie D walks in)….Eddie…….can you explain this?

ED: What the hell are you doing in my room??

Rev: Explain this bag and its contents…..(Revolution pulls out a mask)….this was worn by the person who attacked and seriously injured Suicide tonight and because of that injury you got a spot back in the tournament!!

ED: I know nothing about that, it’s not by stuff!

Rev: What else do we have in here……..there is a wrestling t shirt here that says ‘Thunder’ on it…..are you still saying this is nothing to do with you? Didn’t you say there was a storm coming??

ED: Get the hell out of here, (Eddie D grabs the camera man and Revolution and throws them out of the room and slams the door)

Rev: Tim, Mark……I will keep pushing for answers but back to you!

TM: Well fans, Revolution is backstage and has found the mask of the mystery attacker, and he’s found it in the locker room of Eddie D. The one person who benefited from Suicide dropping out of the tournament!

MM: Woah woah woah. Hold on a minute here Timmy. That proves nothing, Eddie was not in the locker room, and Revolution could have planted it there.

TM: Come on??? Are you being serious?

MM: Let’s deal with facts Timmy, it’s possible that the masked mystery attacker IS Eddie D. But it’s also possible that Revolution planted it in the room before the camera came on.

TM: Well……….I doubt that very much.

MM: No Timmy, answer me. It’s possible, I’m not saying Revolution did plant it there, anyone could have...I’m just saying it’s possible.

TM: I suppose your right.

MM: So let’s not lay the blame on Eddie just yet.

TM: But he had most to benefit by Suicide being injured and withdrawing from the tournament.

MM: As I said Timmy, let’s deal with facts. The ref chose who would replace Suicide in the match, I have seen no evidence that Eddie knew he would be chosen to replace Suicide if Suicide had to withdraw.

TM: I guess your right….but………it’s all a bit suspicious if you ask me.

MM: No ones asking you Timmy.

TM: OK fans I’m told we have a camera backstage outside the Prezs office!


(The camera cuts to backstage with Davie J standing outside the door of the Prez office but his security team of Triple W, The Fenom and Big W won’t let him in)

DJ: You guys have two choices, move out of my way or I will throw you out of the way! (Davie bangs on the door). I know you’re in there, you have got some answering to do!

(the door opens and the Prez is standing there)

Prez: It’s OK guys, let him in.

(Davie walks in as the Prez sits back in his chair)

DJ: Ive seen the clip, it appears you have been causing issues within the CREW and working against me.

Prez: Not against you Davie, against the CREW…….maybe....yes.

DJ: What the hell you playing at??

Prez: Look, all I did was fan the flames. That fire was already burning. You don’t need Hogan, you don’t need the CREW. Me and you is the best team the EIWF has ever had. It’s time for you to shine without the luggage that is the CREW and all that luggage does is drag you down. Hogan has only ever tried to keep you down so he could be the top star. It’s time for you to take the top spot, go out there and win the Final Stand PPV. With me in your corner we can once again take the EIWF to the top. Have I ever let you down?

DJ: Hmmmm, you have a point….but I founded the CREW, I can carry on the CREW and throw out Hogan.

Prez: Well Hogan thinks he’s the leader and he is choosing whose in and out of the CREW…

(There is a noise outside and Triple W is thrown through the door. Eddie D walks in)

ED: What are you doing here Davie?

DJ: I needed a word with the Prez.

ED: Well someone is trying to frame me, a mask has been put in a bag in my locker room. The same mask that the mystery attacker wore. I had nothing to do with it and don’t appreciate being framed. Then I find you two here, having a nice cosy chat. Got something to tell me?

Prez: Me and Davie were just talking business, nothing more. Don’t worry about the mask; we will get to the bottom of who the mystery attacker is.

ED: Yeah………..whatever! Looks like I will have to watch my own back from now on! (Eddie walks out the room)

DJ: Hey Eddie wait up…….


(Scene cuts back to the announcers)

MM: WOW….the Prez is a political genius!! He’s playing everyone off against each other!

TM: Well I think what the Prez said to Davie is valid, but what you said Mark is also true. The Prez didn’t get to top through luck; he’s a shrewd businessman and a master tactician!

MM: As long as he realizes that Hollywood Hogan is equally as adept.

TM: I think he does Mark, hence why he’s trying to get Davie on side and split the CREW up. OK next up is our last match of the night. Wishmaster versus Big Poppa in a first blood match. This is not part of the tournament but perhaps a match requested by Hollywood Hogan to wear him down and thus weaken him before the latter stages of the tournament.

MM: If that’s true Timmy then it’s a smart move. The CREW put the bait out there and Wishmaster has taken it because he wants to destroy the CREW one member at a time. But in doing so he is surely going to run out of gas before the end of the tournament. This whole thing is playing into the hands of Hollywood Hogan.

TM: So far Wishmaster has beaten X-Factor, Gilbert,  Rodzilla and Scott Douglass, the latter three unofficially in my opinion but Wishmaster has sent a clear message to the CREW and stated he is four zero up against members of the CREW.

MM: Timmy, I think the CREW need to take Wishmaster seriously and give him a bit more focus. Sure Hogan has played it smart by having this match arranged but the CREW have taken their eye off the ball with the constant infighting.

MM: Agreed.


('Holla if you hear me' sounds over the arena speakers followed by Man in a box and Big Poppa walks out wearing a CREW shirt. He gets a mixed reaction from the fans as he walks to the ring.)

MM: He we go fans, time for our main event. Big Poppa walks out first and he has a CREW t-shirt on, but who is still in or out of the CREW is open to debate

MM: I don’t think that Big Poppa has made the decision yet if he’s with Hollywood Hogan or Davie J. That said he looks in great shape and I’m sure both of them will want Big Poppa on their side.


(The arena lights go down…….’dong’….’dong’ …fireworks go off on the ramps as Hells Bells by AC/DC hits over the arena)

TM: The fans are on their feet here, to see the last ever EIWF World Champion.

MM: Are we still flogging that dead horse? About being EIWF World Champion?


(Wishmaster walks out and the fans boo heavily. He slowly walks to the ring and points to Big Poppa who is in the ring and gives a ‘throat slash’ gesture. Wishmaster reaches the steps and slowly walks up them, he steps through the ropes to the middle of the ring and raises his arms as fire comes out the turnbuckles)

Wishmaster vs Big Poppa – First Blood Match

TM: OK fans we are ready to go with our final match tonight and remember it is a first blood match, whoever bleeds first loses. Both men in the middle of the ring…coming together here face to face……Big Poppa is shouting insults in the face of Wishmaster…they are now nose to nose!.......Big Poppa has raised his arm…… looks like he’s challenging Wishmaster to a test of strength………Wishmaster lifts his arms and locks with Big Poppa’s. Wishmaster lifts his other arm……Big Poppa slowly lifts his arm…Big Poppa hits Wishmaster with a hard right.......belly to belly suplex by Big Poppa!...

MM: What a smart play by Big Poppa.

TM: Big Poppa drops an elbow on Wishmaster……Big Poppa turns Wishmaster over…POPPA RECLINER!!! Big Poppa has it locked in on Wishmaster in the middle of the ring!

MM: This could be it! It could be an early night for Boremaster!

TM: Remember Mark, it’s a first blood match, not a pinfall or submission match! (Big Poppa asks the ref to ring the bell) I think Big Poppa has forgotten that it’s a first blood match, perhaps any other time he may have had an early win here…..the ref appears to be explaining to Big Poppa now that he can’t win by submission….Big Poppa drops the hold!....Big Poppa slides to the outside, hes looking for something under the ring……..he pulls out a steel chair. The end could be near if he splits open Wishmaster.

MM: Will he not be disqualified for using a foreign object?

TM: I do believe this is a no DQ match also.

MM: Well let’s get the CREW out here and kick Wishmasters butt!

TM: Big Poppa is back in the ring……waiting for Wishmaster to get to his feet……(BANG!!!)...Big Poppa hits Wishmaster over the back with the chair!....Big Poppa throws the chair down… the ropes and drops an elbow on Wishmaster…………Big Poppa pulls Wishmaster up and whips him into a corner……..Big Poppa follows in with an elbow……Wishmaster is slumped in the corner…….Big Poppa whips Wishmaster into the opposite corner. Big Poppa follows in but Wishmaster moves out the way! Big Poppa hits the turnbuckle hard......he is stumbling around the ring trying to catch his breath….Wishmaster grabs Big Poppa….throws him into the ropes.......Poppa comes back off the ropes….big boot by Wishmaster and sends Big Poppa down to the mat.(fans rise to their feet).....wait a minute……what’s this?.(Davie J has walked out and on his way to the ring)….The ICON Davie J is here!

MM: The Legends champion is here Timmy!

TM: It appears he wants to make sure he keeps the faith of Big Poppa here and has come down to help!.....Wishmaster has seen Davie though….Davie is outside the ring and can’t get in as Wishmaster blocks him……….but Big Poppa is up and Wishmaster hasn’t seen him, he’s too occupied with Davie J……….Big Poppa hits Wishmaster with a low blow from behind!....Davie slides in the ring…high fives Big Poppa! appears Davie is asking for a mic! (Davie is passed a mic)

DJ: Wishmaster I wanted to let you know that the ICON Davie J is having a superkick party and your invited!! (drops the mic)

TM: Big Poppa pulls Wishmaster up and holds him from behind……..Davie J in the middle of the ring……sets himself…..SUPERKICK!!!!!...SUPERKICK!!!....SUPERKICK!!!!.....Big Poppa lets go of Wishmaster and he falls to the ground…..Davie and Big Poppa in the ring celebrating here…(fans rise to their feet and Super Fire Jr walks out).Wishmaster’s former tag team partner Super Fire Jr is on his way out!...Davie and Big Poppa have spotted him…Big Poppa applies a headlock on Wishmaster as Davie slides out the ring….Davie and Super Fire Jr start exchanging punches on the outside….these two will be facing eachother at the Final Stand PPV!! the ring Big Poppa has Wishmaster up…..German suplex by Big Poppa……back on the outside and a standing drop kick by SFJ sends Davie into the railing…..Super fire delivers some punches on Davie…..Davie kicks SFJ to the gut and hits a European uppercut…..SFJ stumbles back…..SFJ runs at Davie Davie ducks out the way….Super Fire Jr turns around….SUPERKICK!!!....SUPERKICK!!!!....Super Fire Jr is down!...back in the ring and Big Poppa has Wishmaster in the middle of the ring with a bear hug applied….wearing Wishmaster down…..Big Poppa turns it into a belly to belly suplex……….Big Poppa telling Davie to get in the ring and to grab the chair..(fans pop)....wait a minute…there is some commotion here in the front row…it appears Davie has got involved with a fan in the front row!....where is security?

MM: I think the fan grabbed Davie from behind and struck him! We need to get security out here.

TM: Davie has pulled the fan over the railing…the fan throws Davie into the steel steps…wait a minute! That’s not a fan! That’s former EWA world champion Tormentor!!

MM: What the hell is he doing here!!! He has no right being on an EIWF show! Get him the hell out of here!!

TM: This is getting out of hand! Big Poppa slides to the outside and hits Tormentor with a forearm on the back……. Tormentor turns round and takes Big Poppa down with a big boot to the face!...Tormentor turns round and Davie hits him with a clothesline and sends him down to the mat!....Wishmaster slides to the outside and has the steel chair….Wishmaster swings and hits Davie with the steel chair!.....Davie is down holding his head…..Big Poppa is up….kicks Wishmaster to the gut…..pump handle slam on Wishmaster!....Big Poppa pulls Super Fire Jr up and throws him into the steel steps....Super Fire Jr is out cold!......Big Poppa helps Davie up….Big Poppa picks up the chair and passes it to Davie J…..Big Poppa stomps on Tormentor……Big Poppa pulls up Wishmaster and holds him from behind…..Davie has the chair…….(BANG!!).....Wishmaster moved out the way!!! and Davie J has hit Big Poppa with the chair!!!.....

MM: Oh no…….he has cut him open…….

TM: The ref is there and calls for the bell!!! ……Davie hits Wishmaster with the chair and Wishmaster falls back onto the ring…Wishmaster slides in the ring……Davie follows…Davie hits Wishmaster with the chair again…….Wishmaster is trying to stay on his feet here…….Davie grabs Wishmaster….sends him into the ropes and hits him with the chair as he comes back…Wishmaster is down….Tormentor is up and slides in the ring…..he spins Davie round…..kick to the gut….POWERBOMB!!.....Big Poppa is up and slides in the ring…he looks at Tormentor and points at him…..Davie is trying to get up…..Wishmaster uses the ropes to get up………Davie is in the opposite corner of the ring to Big Poppa and Tormentor and Wishmaster are in the middle of the ring...back to back...slowly walking backwards…..they bump into each other and turn round…….Davie and Big Poppa have exited the ring and are leaving, it appears Davie and Big Poppa are arguing….there is a stare down between Tormentor and Wishmaster here.(Fans are going wild and start a EWA…EIWF…EWA….EIWF chant).Tormentor looks out at the fans…..he then nods at Wishmaster and leaves the ring……

(Hells Bells plays as the fans boo as Wishmaster stands in the ring and holds four fingers up)

Wishmaster wins as Big Poppa bleeds first


TM: Wishmaster is signalling he is five zero up against the CREW as he has won the first blood match. We have also seen the arrival of Tormentor, what is he doing here in the EIWF. We have more questions then answer but our PPV.....the Final Stand will have all questions answered! We are out of time!

MM: I hate Wishmaster.

TM: Fans, Tormentor has arrived in the EIWF, Wishmaster continues his winning streak against the CREW.....and the CREW are in turmoil......that's the bottom line!!

(Scene fades)



Hogan Entrance Video

Hogan Entrance Video

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Kurt Angle Entrance video

Kurt Angle Entrance video

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