ELITE ICONS wrestling Federation 'Network'
...taking you back....to the attitude era...

The end.....or the beginning of a new era?

EIWF's Final Stand
(1st Night)
Live from
Madison Square Garden,
New York
with an attendance of 18,291

*The desktop version has more pics due to an issue in the mobile version. Best viewed on a desktop. (Revision 8)
Bottom line by Swollen members plays as the ending of Redemption is shown on the screen above the entrance way in the arena.
MM: The Legends champion is here Timmy!
TM: It appears he wants to make sure he keeps the faith of Big Poppa here and has come down to help!.....Wishmaster has seen Davie though….Davie is outside the ring and can’t get in as Wishmaster blocks him……….but Big Poppa is up and Wishmaster hasn’t seen him, he’s too occupied with Davie J……….Big Poppa hits Wishmaster with a low blow from behind!....Davie slides in the ring…high fives Big Poppa!.....it appears Davie is asking for a mic! (Davie is passed a mic)
DJ: Wishmaster I wanted to let you know that the ICON Davie J is having a superkick party and your invited!! (drops the mic)
TM: Big Poppa pulls Wishmaster up and holds him from behind……..Davie J in the middle of the ring……sets himself…..SUPERKICK!!!!!...SUPERKICK!!!....SUPERKICK!!!!.....Big Poppa lets go of Wishmaster and he falls to the ground…..Davie and Big Poppa in the ring celebrating here…(fans rise to their feet and Super Fire Jr walks out).Wishmaster’s former tag team partner Super Fire Jr is on his way out!...Davie and Big Poppa have spotted him…Big Poppa applies a headlock on Wishmaster as Davie slides out the ring….Davie and Super Fire Jr start exchanging punches on the outside….these two will be facing eachother at the Final Stand PPV!!.....in the ring Big Poppa has Wishmaster up…..German suplex by Big Poppa……back on the outside and a standing drop kick by SFJ sends Davie into the railing…..Super fire delivers some punches on Davie…..Davie kicks SFJ to the gut and hits a European uppercut…..SFJ stumbles back…..SFJ runs at Davie J.....clothesline........no Davie ducks out the way….Super Fire Jr turns around….SUPERKICK!!!....SUPERKICK!!!!....Super Fire Jr is down!...back in the ring and Big Poppa has Wishmaster in the middle of the ring with a bear hug applied….wearing Wishmaster down…..Big Poppa turns it into a belly to belly suplex……….Big Poppa telling Davie to get in the ring and to grab the chair..(fans pop)....wait a minute…there is some commotion here in the front row…it appears Davie has got involved with a fan in the front row!....where is security?
MM: I think the fan grabbed Davie from behind and struck him! We need to get security out here.
TM: Davie has pulled the fan over the railing…the fan throws Davie into the steel steps…wait a minute! That’s not a fan! That’s former EWA world champion Tormentor!!
MM: What the hell is he doing here!!! He has no right being on an EIWF show! Get him the hell out of here!!
TM: This is getting out of hand! Big Poppa slides to the outside and hits Tormentor with a forearm on the back……. Tormentor turns round and takes Big Poppa down with a big boot to the face!...Tormentor turns round and Davie hits him with a clothesline and sends him down to the mat!....Wishmaster slides to the outside and has the steel chair….Wishmaster swings and hits Davie with the steel chair!.....Davie is down holding his head…..Big Poppa is up….kicks Wishmaster to the gut…..pump handle slam on Wishmaster!....Big Poppa pulls Super Fire Jr up and throws him into the steel steps....Super Fire Jr is out cold!......Big Poppa helps Davie up….Big Poppa picks up the chair and passes it to Davie J…..Big Poppa stomps on Tormentor……Big Poppa pulls up Wishmaster and holds him from behind…..Davie has the chair…….(BANG!!).....Wishmaster moved out the way!!! and Davie J has hit Big Poppa with the chair!!!.....
MM: Oh no…….he has cut him open…….
TM: The ref is there and calls for the bell!!! ……Davie hits Wishmaster with the chair and Wishmaster falls back onto the ring…Wishmaster slides in the ring……Davie follows…Davie hits Wishmaster with the chair again…….Wishmaster is trying to stay on his feet here…….Davie grabs Wishmaster….sends him into the ropes and hits him with the chair as he comes back…Wishmaster is down….Tormentor is up and slides in the ring…..he spins Davie round…..kick to the gut….POWERBOMB!!.....Big Poppa is up and slides in the ring…he looks at Tormentor and points at him…..Davie is trying to get up…..Wishmaster uses the ropes to get up………Davie is in the opposite corner of the ring to Big Poppa and Tormentor and Wishmaster are in the middle of the ring...back to back...slowly walking backwards…..they bump into each other and turn round…….Davie and Big Poppa have exited the ring and are leaving, it appears Davie and Big Poppa are arguing….there is a stare down between Tormentor and Wishmaster here.(Fans are going wild and start a EWA…EIWF…EWA….EIWF chant). Tormentor looks out at the fans…..he then nods at Wishmaster and leaves the ring……
(Hells Bells plays as the fans boo as Wishmaster stands in the ring and holds four fingers up)
Wishmaster wins as Big Poppa bleeds first
TM: Wishmaster is signalling he is five zero up against the CREW as he has won the first blood match. We have also seen the arrival of Tormentor, what is he doing here in the EIWF. We have more questions than answer but our PPV.....the Final Stand will have all questions answered! We are out of time!
MM: I hate Wishmaster.
TM: Fans, Tormentor has arrived in the EIWF, Wishmaster continues his winning streak against the CREW.....and the CREW are in turmoil......that's the bottom line!!
(Scene fades to black and the lights go out in the arena as a hush goes over the crowd. Are you ready by AC/DC plays as pyro's go off and images of the top EIWF stars are shown on the screen. The camera zooms into the crowd with fans holding up signs 'I came for the superkick party', 'Crap pappy here!'.......the camera continues to pan over the crowd as the commentators can be heard)
TM: Hello fans and welcome to the EIWF's Final Stand! It's been hell of a ride this reunion and I can’t believe we are now almost at the end. This IS EIWF's Final Stand! (the camera continues to zoom into fans signs 'Eddie is the king of dieting'........'Add me to the Wish list!'......)
MM: Tim I can’t believe it, I can’t believe this is the end of the EIWF. I want more, the fans want more, the advertisers want more, the wrestlers want more....the wrestling world needs more!
TM: I agree with you Mark!
MM: When I say more, I mean more of the CREW!
TM: Oh my god...............will you stop it!
(the camera continues to pick out fans signs 'The Dog Pound is in NY!'.......'Hogan is the Prophet, Davie is the Profit!'....the camera then cuts to the announcers tables with fans behind them going wild)
TM: The fans here are going insane for this last ever EIWF PPV. Well watching back the end of Redemption shows there have been some changes. Since then Big Poppa has aligned himself with Hogan as has Eddie D while Davie has gone in a different direction, with the Prez! Tonight sees four matches in the Final Stand Tournament. We have Hollywood Hogan, the leader of the CREW and biggest ever star in wrestling, taking on Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle stands for truth, justice and fairness, probably everything opposite to Hogan!
MM: Timmy, I’m sorry. I can’t see it any other way except a Hollywood Hogan win here. Kurt Angle is a great athlete, but Hogan has the advantage of playing dirty if he wants…..hes the dirtiest player in the game……..apart from maybe Klondike Bill.
TM: Do you also know that this Reunion started in December 2017, we are now in July 2018. Seven months and………we haven’t seen Hollywood Hogan in one wrestling match yet! Tonight will be the first time he is back in an official match.
MM: You know its worth the wait Timmy.
TM: The winner of that match will face the winner of the Game Eddie D and Badd Dogg.
MM: The Enforcer. The Enforcer Eddie D, get it right Timmy.
TM: Well the ‘Enforcer’ is taking on probably the most popular wrestler in the history of the EIWF. Badd Dogg is a two time EIWF world champion and favorite to win the match.
MM: I’m not as convinced as you Timmy. Yes Badd Dogg has been one of the top stars of the EIWF’s heyday. But Eddie D has really impressed me since we started the reunion. He’s in great shape, looked unbeatable in the tag team tournament at Doomsday….(Tim Moss cuts in)
TM: But he’s never won the big one, the EIWF world title.
MM….hang on…..I haven’t finished yet. He made it to the final of the rumble match and he's beaten Joe Green just to get this far. Badd Dogg has not had one match. He’s going to be rusty, Eddie D is in top top form at the moment. Yes Badd Dogg was great, but that was 15 years ago, who knows what kinda shape he’s in now and don’t give me that world champion stuff, Eddie D has won two world titles. The BCWF and IWA world titles.
TM: We don’t recognize the BCWF world title around here, but we do recognize the IWA, but there world title isn’t a patch on the EIWF world title.
MM: So you say, ask the guys who wore the belts.
TM I’m being told we have a camera at the back entrance…..
(The scene shows a black limo pulling up in the underground car park. The door opens and the camera shows a black shoe come out onto the floor as someone gets out. The camera pans upwards to show someone wearing a black trousers and a black shirt, then as the camera continues to pan up the fans cheer as the Legends title is seen over their shoulder and then it shows the face of Davie J. The Prez gets outside the other side of the limo)
DJ: Don't worry EIWF, your saviour is here!
EP: Davie J equals ratings!
DJ: You're goddamn right!
(The fans pop as Bad Dog walks up to Davie J, Bad Dog puts his hand out for Davie to shake but Davie grabs Bad Dog and gives him a hug)
DJ: Hey Dog, didn't recognize you without the mask (laughs) what's up?
BD: Can you believe Eddie?? I know he's never been the smartest but if I have an issue with someone I don't hide behind a mask.
DJ: (Davie nods)...True…
BD: Great to see you thou Davie. Look we both got matches to prepare for so I'm going to get straight to the point.
DJ: Hit me up brother….
BD: Im taking on Eddie tonight, tell me this isn't a swerve, your not going to cost me my match?
EP: Hey the ICON doesn't need to explain himself to anyone, especially you..lets go…
DJ: Hang on a minute, the man deserves an answer, I respect him more than anyone else on the roster. I'm not out to dupe you, it's not a work. If your worried about the CREW I will watch your back in the match with Eddie D. What do you say?
BD: Sure…..(Bad Dog walks up close to Davie, nose to nose)....if you cross me though….
DJ: Relax…….I got your back.
(Badd Dogg nods and walks off)
EP: Your not serious are you? We got your own match to prepare for and our own backs to watch!
(The two walk into the building as the camera pans out to show Tormentor in the parking lot watching Davie J and the Prez…...the camera cuts back to the announcers)
TM: The Prez and the Legends champion Davie J are here and what a reaction from the fans for Davie and then Badd Dogg.
MM: You know what Timmy, Im going off Davie J real fast, he's changed. He has forgotten what it means to stay true!
TM: Mark let's look ahead at the four matches scheduled for tonight. We have Hollywood Hogan versus Kurt Angle. Badd Dogg versus Eddie D. Wishmaster versus L double E and Davie J versus Super Fire Jr.
MM: ………………….Timmy, I’m almost lost for words. What a line-up that is!
TM: It sure is a great line up Mark, some of the biggest names ever in the history of our sport.
MM: As good as Kurt Angle is Timmy I don't think we have waited seven months to see Hollywood lose do you?
TM Well he may be rusty, Kurt looks like he's on top of his game right now and he had an impressive win over Jeff Jarrett at Havoc.
MM: Yes that's true……….but this is Hollywood Hogan..he’s the man!
TM He also the master of dirty tricks and backstage politics.
MM: Exactly.
TM: There is Davie J versus Super Fire Jr, these two have had some tremendous battles over the years.
MM: They did and if I recall Davie always came out on top.
TM: Not quite!......Then there is Wishmaster versus L double E. These two have recently been getting into each-other on Havoc with mind games and insults. Tonight though will be the match, EIWF’s longest ever world champion versus the Anti-Hero L double E.
MM: This is a squash match, Wishmaster is too strong for L double E, it’s the end of the road for him. Hes done well to get this far though.
TM: Then we have Badd Dogg versus Eddie D. As good as Eddie D has been I think this will be the end of the line for him.
MM: As mentioned earlier Timmy, Eddie has been in the best shape of his career since the reunion. I would of agreed with you back in the day but I think Eddie actually goes into this match as the favorite!
TM: Talking of Eddie D I have been told he's just arrived and Revolution is backstage trying to get a word with him…
(Scene cuts to Eddie D walking down a corridor backstage with his bag in his hand, followed by revolution who is holding a mic)
Rev: Eddie……..Eddie….can I get a quick word about your match tonight? (Eddie keeps walking)................Eddie just a quick word?....
(They arrive at Eddie’s locker room and he stops and turns to Revolution)
ED: I’m sorry Revolution I’ve got a lot on my mind tonight and a big match against Badd Dogg…….I need to be focused……….
(He pushes the door open, a black mask and a chair is sitting on the table in the middle of the room)
ED: (Shouting) What the hell! What is Badd Dogg playing at??.... he's trying to play mind games with me! Where is he? Where's he at??!!
(Eddie storms off down the corridor banging on the doors looking for Badd Dogg)
Rev: Well it appears something has spooked Eddie D……….back to you Tim and Mark.
(Scene cuts back to the announce table)
MM: Well it’s official. Badd Dogg IS the man behind the mask and we know he's already here in the building, and he left his mask and chair that was used to attack Wishmaster at Havoc in the locker room of Eddie D.
TM: Or it could be Eddie’s mask and chair and he's the one who attacked Wishmaster under orders from Hollywood Hogan.
MM: How dare you! How dare you make such wild accusations!!!!
TM: It's time for our first match……..the Legends champion Davie J versus Super Fire Jr. Two of the biggest stars in the history of the EIWF.
MM: Biggest? He’s a midget!
(Bonfire hits and the fans POP!....The big screen shows images of Super Fire Jr. He walks out onto the ramp and the fans POP again. He holds his arms in the air and walks down the ramp. He slaps the hands of fans on one side and then goes back and does the same the other side. He poses with fans who are taking photos on their cell phones. )
TM: Here he is, former three time EIWF world champion, and listen to this reaction from the fans!
TM: This is a dream match for the fans, who would have thought that we would see Super Fire Jr and Davie J once again go face to face in an EIWF ring??
MM: The match does have star power for sure. Both have accomplished a lot in the EIWF.
TM: Super Fire Jr won his world titles from Hollywood Hogan…
MM: Impressive…
TM: Davie J…..
MM: Impressive…..
TM: ...and Metyl
MM: That’s the title win he doesn't talk about much.
(The lights dim down and there is a hush over the crowd…..Wake Up blasts out and the fans POP. Images of Davie J are shown on the big screen, he walks out and the fans cheer. He has the legends title belt on his shoulder and points to it. He walks down the ramp and walks over to the fans, he sees a sign he likes and points to it as the camera zooms in 'Hogan is the Prophet, Davie is the Profit!'.....Davie does a 2sweet gesture with the fan and walks on towards the ring)
TM: Wow what a reaction! I think the roof just come off here at Madison square garden.
MM: For whatever reason, Davie has fallen for these bums and marks in the front row and they are loving him for it!
TM: Davie J is a five time EIWF world champion. He won his world titles from……...Badd Dogg….
MM: That's a good win, although I don't like him Badd Dogg was a good solid champion…..
TM: Badd Dogg again…..
MM: Ahhhhhh the set up for Evil Intentions. As before regarding Badd Dogg….
TM: ….Firestorm….
MM: That's the one Davie doesn't talk about (laughs)....
TM: His opponent today…...Super Fire Jr!
MM: Now that is interesting. Both Davie and Super Fire Jr won one world title each against each other…..and who was his last world title win over?
TM: It was Kurt Angle….
MM: The one day champion?.....hmmmmm…..Davie had a bad day, lost it to Kurt but won it back the next day.
TM: Ok fans both men are in the ring and the ref is calling for the bell!
Davie J vs Super Fire Jr
TM: Both men are circling the ring…..Davie stops and he's holding his hand out for Super Fire Jr to shake! SFJ looks hesitate here……...he's looking to the fans…..they are telling him to shake it…...he walks forward and shakes the hand of Davie J
MM: This is it, your chance to redeem yourself Davie, clothesline him when he's not expecting it!
TM: Well I think Super Fire Jr is surprised at that gesture from the ICON after the history the two have between them! They lock up………….both trying to get the advantage here……..Davie is pushing SFJ back towards the corner………...he has SFJ backed up now in the corner…….the ref comes in to tell them to break it up………...SFJ lifts his arms up…...so does Davie and he backs off…………
MM: Not even a chance of taking a cheap shot by Davie J?...............he's changed……….and not for the better!
TM: Davie runs at SFJ...SFJ hip tosses Davie over...Davie back to his feet quickly..standing drop kick by SFJ….Davie stumbles backwards….he steadies himself and runs at SFJ….SFJ goes for a backdrop...Davie turns it into a sunset flip……..ref counts………..1……….2……...kick out by Super Fire Jr! ……….both men quickly back to their feet……..Davie goes for a clothesline but SFJ ducks…...SFJ turns around and grabs Davie from behind..German suplex by SFJ!.....Davie rolls under the bottom rope to the outside and stands up holding the back of his head……(SFJ walks over and lifts the rope up for Davie to get back in and the fans cheer)....what a great show of respect by SFJ!
MM: ...ergh….makes me feel sick!
TM: Davie climbs back in the ring…….they lock up…..Davie whips SFJ into the ropes…….Davie goes for a dropkick but SFJ held onto the ropes….Davie lands on the mat and holds his head…..Super Fire Jr walks forward and goes for an elbow but Davie rolls out the way…….both men are back on their feet…….SFJ hits Davie with a hard right….and another…...Davie kicks SFJ to the gut and hits a European uppercut!....SFJ grabs Davie and whips him into the ropes..Davie comes back and SFJ hits a high flying body press into a pin…..the ref counts…...1……….2…….kick out!.......both men are up..Davie grabs SFJ…..Russian leg sweep by the ICON….Davie covers……….1……...kick out!.............both men back to their feet…….SFJ swings for a clotheslines….Davie ducks…..grabs SFJ….atomic drop…….Davie runs from behind and hits a bulldog on SFJ…...Davie covers…..1………..2…….kick out!........Davie gets up…...he stomps on SFJ a few times and pulls him up…...SFJ knocks Davie’s hands off of him and kicks Davie to the gut….DDT!!!! By Super Fire Jr…...both men are down…..
MM: This match has been a lot more even than I expected…
TM: Super Fire Jr rolls over and puts his arm on Davie J….the Ref gets down and counts…………..1………….2………...kick out!...Davie rolls across the ring and under the bottom rope to the outside……...Super Fire Jr slowly gets to his feet as the ref starts to count Davie J
MM: The ICON is getting a rest here, trying to get himself back together and shake off that DFT.
MM: The ICON playing it smart here, getting a breather….that’s experience right there.
TM: He sure is………………..4……………………….5…………………….6……….Super Fire Jr walks over and leans over the rope………………...7…………….Davie grabs SFJ’s feet and knocks him to the ring matt….8………….Davie climbs the ring apron and up the turnbuckle……….Davie with an elbow from the top rope!........Super Fire Jr rolls out the way………..Davie is holding his elbow…….Super Fire Jr gets up…….he kicks Davie in the back and applies a rear headlock………..the ref is checking to make sure the move is legal…….Davie puts his foot on the rope and the Ref tells Super Fire Jr to break the hold…..SFJ lets go and gets to his feet…..Davie is up…….Davie runs at SFJ and hits him with a clothesline…...Davie walks over and drops an elbow on SFJ...Davie grabs Super Fire Jr’s legs….(fans cheer)...puts his leg through and locks in……
MM: This is it…..this is it Timmy!
TM:......Davie slowly turning Super Fire Jr over…….hes got him…..
MM:....the Icon Leg Lock!!!
TM: More famous by its other names of the Sharpshooter and the scorpion deathlock!.........the Ref is checking with Super Fire Jr……...Davie J is leaning back….applying pressure on the lower back of Super Fire Jr!......he’s not giving up though!.........(fans start a Super Fire Jr chant)........the fans are trying to will…..give Super Fire that extra bit of strength he needs to break the hold or to hang on……..(Super Fire lifts himself up with his hands)....Super Fire trying to relive the pressure………..I’m surprised he’s managed to last this long!...........(fans rise to their feet as Hollywood Hogan walks out).....
MM: Here we go Timmy, CREW 4-Life…(laughs) I knew it!
TM: What the hell is he doing here??...........(Hogan walks down to the ring)........The Ref is telling Hogan to leave the ringside area and back up the ramp……….but Davie has now seen him and has dropped the submission hold……..
MM: Wait for it Timmy……….just wait………
TM: Davie is leaning over the ropes pointing at Hogan……..there is a verbal exchange going on but I can’t make out what is being said……...Super Fire Jr is on his feet………...hits Davie J with a forearm to the back………….from behind…….Back suplex……...Super Fire Jr has now seen Hogan………..he’s asking him what is he doing here!!!
MM: …….4-Life (gives the hand gesture).....
TM: Hogan is walking around the ring…………...he's clearly distracting the competitors of this match……….Davie is on his knees……trying to shake off the effects of that back suplex……….Super Fire Jr walks over and hits Davie with a hard right…………..but he’s now looking for Hogan when he should be concentrating on winning the match!
TM: Always what?
MM: Always….stay true to the CREW!! Hahaha
TM: There is clearly something going on here…….but I’m not sure quite what…..Super Fire Jr hits Davie with another right…….but again is watching Hollywood Hogan………...Davie quickly gets up and grabs Super Fire Jr…...atomic drop!.............Super Fire Jr…...standing there now……..stunned from that move…………..Davie takes two steps back…...SUPERKICK!!! SUPERKICK!!! SUPERKICK!!!........Super Fire Jr is out………
MM: Look at Hogan!....he’s applauding Davie J…….
TM:.........but Davie is not covering Super Fire Jr here…….he slides out the ring and confronts Hogan……….
MM: Hogan...Davie….the masters of the swerve!
TM: Hogan now….has put his hand in the air for a ‘2-sweet’ gesture with Davie……….
MM:.........CREW in da house!!!!!!!!
TM: But Davie has just pushed Hogan….the ref is counting as well…………..1………………….2……………..Davie and Hogan are now arguing!............3……………...4………..
MM: What is Davie doing?
TM: It appears he's not back with Hogan…….he's telling Hogan to leave……………..5………………...6………………...7……….Davie slides in the ring…………..Hogan is not leaving though……………….Davie covers Super Fire Jr……………...1…………………….2…………….kick out!!!!........Davie waited too long!!! Davie gets up…….he pulls Super Fire Jr up……….he throws Super fire Jr into the ropes…………..Hogan grabs his legs and pulls Super Fire Jr to the outside!!!
MM: Hogan and Davie deserve an Oscar for this performance!
TM:..........Davie slides to the outside……..(Hogan goes under the ring and pulls out a steel chair)..no….this is too far……...1………………….2……………...3………………….Hogan goes to hit Super Fire Jr with the chair but Davie grabs it!................4………………..5…………..Hogan looks surprised!...............then smiles and tells Davie to do it…….Hogan gives Davie the thumbs up………..6……………...7………..Davie throws the chair down and shakes his head………(fans POP)........Hogan looks surprised……...8……...Davie pulls Super Fire Jr up and slides him under the bottom rope……………..9…………..Davie slides in…….Hogan starts to shout at Davie…...Davie pulls Super Fire Jr up….sends him into the corner….Davie follows in……..SFJ lifts his foot up and hits Davie in the face……….Davie stumbles out the corner……….Super Fire Jr climbs the turnbuckle to the top ropes…..Missile Dropkick by Super Fire Jr………...SFJ covers Davie and the Ref counts………...1…………….2…………..kick out!!..........Super Fire Jr gets up…..he points to Hogan………...puts his hand to his ear (fans POP)........
MM: oh dear……..Super Fire Jr…….that is a line you do not cross………….you never….ever mock Hogan!
TM:Super Fire Jr……….goes off the ropes…..then the other….LEGDROP!!...........
TM: Hollywood Hogan looks livid on the outside!!!.Super Fire Jr walks over to Hogan…..gives him a crotch chop (fans cheer)......Super Fire Jr goes back to Davie and covers……….the Ref gets down and counts………...1……………….2……………(Hogan puts Davie’s leg on the bottom rope)...........Ref sees the foot on the rope and points showing Super Fire Jr…….I don't think the Ref or Super Fire Jr saw Hogan do that.
MM: Timmy, there is no way Hogan was going to let Super Fire Jr win a match with his finishing move!
TM: Super Fire Jr pulls Davie up ……………….Super Fire Jr sets Davie up for a suplex….small package by Davie!.....the Ref counts………..1…………….2………..kick out!......both men get back up....Davie hits SFJ with a hard right….SFJ hits back with a hard right of his own…...Davie hits SFJ with a chop to the chest…...SFJ kicks Davie in the gut and hits him with a knee to the face…...Davie stumbles back……….Super Fire Jr grabs Davie…..goes for a suplex but Davie blocks it!.............Davie lifts Super Fire Jr up…...turns it into a Jackhammer!!!......Davie covers…….the ref counts……………….1…………….2…………….(Hogan grabs the feet of Super Fire Jr and holds them down so he can't kick out).............3!!!!!..........Davie gets up and celebrates as the Ref holds his arm in the air…….Super Fire Jr is up and he’s shouting at Hogan (who is laughing)
MM: That’s what happens when you mess with Hogan!
TM: I don’t think Davie J realized what happened. He thinks he got the win fair and square…...Super Fire Jr is now talking to the Ref trying to explain what happened…….the Ref is telling him he didn’t see it……Davie is on the top turnbuckle saluting the fans…(Hogan slides in the ring)......watch out!...Hogan hits Super Fire Jr from behind…..Davie J sees Hogan attacking Super Fire Jr and gets down and runs over but Hogan sees him coming and slides out the ring and walks up the ramp……..Super Fire Jr is explaining that Hogan held his feet down and Davie seems surprised and disappointed….Super Fire Jr offers his hand to Davie and Davie shakes it!........Davie points to Super Fire Jr and applauds (fans cheer)...
MM: I feel sick….
TM: The ICON Davie J wins the battle with his old foe Super Fire Jr and listen to these fans cheering both superstars as they pose together in the ring.
MM: Davie J just proved once again why he's been and is…….one of the best of all time. Why he feels the need to be all friendly with Super Fire Jr though is beyond me.
TM: It’s for the fans!
MM: Since when has Davie needed the fans? I don't like this new act, everything for the fans….if he continues with this I will throw up!
TM: OK fans I’m being told that Revolution is outside the building in the parking lot….
(Scene cuts to the parking lot with a line of six security officers blocking the entrance to the building. On the outside is Tormentor and Revolution standing next to him)
Rev: Tim, Mark…...Im outside the building here with Tormentor, I understand that he will only be allowed into the building when it is time for Wishmaster’s match with L double E. There is a line of security here making sure that he doesn't get into the building before then….Tormentor…….give us your thoughts….
Tor: Rev it doesn't matter if there are six………...ten…….or fifty guys standing there. I’m a patient man and those willing to wait will always get what they want in the end. So sooner or later Davie J will face the man...the myth….the legend!!
Rev: Now I understand you are not an EIWF employee, wouldn't this be easier if you signed on the dotted line??
Tor: By signing a contract I would be giving Davie exactly what he wants, some kind of hold over me. We all know that Davie has influence over the Prez and I’m not putting myself in any position where Davie J has some advantage.
Rev: The Prez has agreed tonight that you can be ringside for Wishmaster’s match, there is a special stipulation that L double E managed to get for it. If anyone from the CREW interferes then he automatically gets the win.
Tor: That's exactly why I will be there. Wishmaster has done a good job of fighting the CREW…..fighting Hogan and Davie. His hatred for them is almost as much as mine. If any of those mentioned turn up ringside I will be there to ensure there is not some screw job by Davie and Hogan.
Rev: Many think that they will try to cost Wishmaster the match, especially Hogan.
Tor: (nods)......So do I. There some screwy stuff going on around here. People being attacked.
Rev: The masked attacker?
Tor: Yeah…..I heard about it even out here. But it’s obvious..
Rev: What is?
Tor: The masked man is Davie J. Everyone is buying his bullshit once again. The EIWF….this place stinks…….and that bad smell is Hogan and Davie. It's always been them! You can't trust them, them two and the Prez are all in bed together! Davie…...you can't fight fate….I’m coming for you ICON!!
Rev: Back to you Tim…
TM: Revolution there with some words from the EIWF outsider Tormentor!!
MM: He's obsessed with Davie J! Almost as much as Suicide!
TM: Davie and Super Fire Jr have just gone back through the entrance ramp to the back and the fans here loved seeing the two former champions
(scene cuts backstage and the Prez is on the floor………..Davie is crouching next to him to see if he is ok as Super Fire Jr walks through the curtain after there match.)
DJ: What happened? Are you ok?
Prez: …….argh…..my head….I got hit from behind….
SFJ: Did you see who it was?
Prez…...yes….no…..well kind of…
DJ: What do you mean?
Prez: It was the masked attacker…..
SFJ: The same one who took out Wishmaster at a Havoc?
Prez: ….yeah….he also took out Suicide at Redemption….
SFJ: We need to find out who this person is….
DJ: We don't need too...I already know…..its Tormentor!!
(Davie walks off)
Prez: (shouts as Davie is walking away).......you can't interfere in the match! It will give L double E the win and deny you of the match you want…..to face Wishmaster!!
(SFJ helps the Prez up and the scene cuts back to the announcers)
TM: We need security to do there job and find out who is the masked attacker.
MM: We have people saying its Eddie D………..he says its Badd Dogg…………..Davie J thinks its Tormentor………...Wishmaster thinks its Davie J!..............How are security going to find out who it is??
TM: (talking into his headset).....can we get some extra security out here? Can you hear me in the back…..we need security out here….
MM: Ok…...I’m calling it…...the masked attacker is Revolution!
TM: WIll you stop it!
MM; or Regal….
TM: Hey how about you just name everyone on the roster so you can say you was right?
MM: Richard Dweck!
TM: Seriously?
MM: Well he knows how to disappear...
TM: Hey how about you stop being a slapdick for one? Fans I believe we have Revolution backstage……minus the mask…(looks at Mark Madden)........ with Kurt Angle………….
(Scene shows Revolution holding a mic and standing with Kurt Angle in a locker room)
Rev: Kurt tonight you face Hollywood Hogan in the main event of the first night of the final stand tournament PPV, your thoughts on the match.
KA: Revolution…...I've always tried to hold my head up high, like yourself I try to set the right example and ensure rules are followed and everyone plays fair. But I’m disappointed If I’m honest…
Rev: What about?
KA: Since the whole reunion started I think I've been under appreciated.
Rev: I think I can see where your coming from, explain for the viewers at home
KA: The reunion starts and its about Eddie and Suicide. Then it's about the CREW and mainly Hogan and Davie. Then it's about Wishmaster, and now it seems it's about Tormentor. What about me? Former EIWF world champion, gold medal winner. I have not been shown the respect I deserve, and that's true.
Rev: I agree with you, but the question is….what are you going to do about it?
KA: There is only one thing to do…...win the Final Stand PPV tournament. That way everyone will have to take notice.
Rev: Of course
KA: Tonight is the beginning of my journey. Tonight will be the Final Stand for Hollywood Hogan. Once I apply the ankle lock it will be lights out for Hogan. There are three things I have that Hogan doesn't have.
Rev: Whats that?
KA: Intensity, Integrity, and Intelligence.
Rev: He does have the vitamins, and the prayers.
KA: No amount of praying will save him tonight, he can keep the vitamins….I drink milk!!
(The door bursts open and Eddie walks in)
ED: Have you seen Badd Dogg?
Rev: He's not in here…(Eddie leaves)...….Back to you Tim and Mark.
TM: Well Eddie won't need to wait any longer as his match is next as he takes on Badd Dogg.
MM: Eddie needs to get his head in the right place, dirty tricks and mind games being played by Badd Dogg and just down right unfair!
TM: You wouldn't be saying that if Eddie had done that to Badd Dogg.
MM: Nope, I would say its a smart move!
TM: Fans Im told we got a quick update on the Prez backstage after being attacked…
(Scene cuts to the Prez in his office backstage being attended to by a paramedic with Davie J also there)
DJ: Boss are you sure you don't need to go to the Hospital?
EP: I will be fine, this is the biggest night in the history of the EIWF…..I’m not going to miss it!....did you find Tormentor?
DJ: Hes in the parking lot, security won't let him in until it's time for Wishmasters match.
EP: If he's out there, in front of security it couldn't have been Tormentor?
DJ: We thought he wouldn't get into the Havoc show but he still did! When he comes out with Wishmaster I’m going to give them both a wake up call!
EP: Hold on champ……..you want Wishmaster in the semi final right?
DJ: Of course!!!
EP: Then you need to make sure that no one in the CREW or formally in the CREW interferes in the match. If they do, L double E wins meaning you won't get the match you want.
DJ: So….I need to make sure Wishmaster wins, in effect im helping Wishmaster and Tormentor….DAMN!! (Davie walks off)
EP: you can't be ringside!
DJ: (shouts back)...I will think of something….I got a job to do now for a friend…….
(Scene cuts back to the arena...Thunder by AC/DC plays and there is a mixed reaction from the fans. The big screen above the entrance ramp shows images of Eddie D)
MM: Legend!
TM: Here we go fans, I’m sure this is going to be an interesting match for a few reasons.
(Eddie D walks out wearing a CREW t-shirt, he points to his shirt and does a ‘4-life’ hand gesture. He walks to the ring)
TM: The Game...I’m sorry…...the enforcer Eddie D is here. Set to take on Badd Dogg!
MM: Eddie D is going to chew Badd Dogg up and spit him out like a piece of salad in a steak burger!
(Eddie is in the ring when Bawitdaba plays...the fans POP as images of Badd Dogg are shown on the big screen)
TM: What a reaction!
MM: I can't hear you, did you say he likes rear action?
TM: Your an idiot!......a fucking idiot!.....did you hear that ok?
(Badd Dogg steps out and the fans go wild….he stands on the ramp looking out to the fans…….he then points back to the entrance way and Davie J walks out….the fans POP again!)
TM: Two hall of famers right there fans, and the roof is coming off here in the garden!
MM: What a turncoat Davie J is!...or is he?
TM: What are you talking about?
MM: We saw Davie tell the Prez he has a friend to do a job for….
TM: Yeah...Badd Dogg!
MM:....OK….Im telling you...there is a lot of interaction going on here with Hogan….Davie..and Eddie……
(Davie and Badd Dogg walk towards the ring slapping the hands of the fans. They get to the ring and Eddie leans over the ropes pointing a finger at Davie)
TM: Some not so friendly words there for Davie from his former tag team partner Eddie D.
MM: Yeah? We’ll see…
TM: Stop talking in riddles, is there something you want to say?
MM: I've seen this many times…….did someone say Evil Intentions?
TM: No they didn't!
Badd Dogg vs Eddie D
TM: Ok fans here we go, Eddie D has fought the odds since the reunion to get here….Eddie D is posing..showing his muscles….(fans boo).......he does look in good shape………….Badd Dogg walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs to the middle ropes and flexes his muscles (fans POP)....Eddie runs over and hits Badd Dogg with a forearm that knocks him over the top to the outside……….Eddie slides to the outside………...1……...Eddie grabs Badd Dogg and throws him head first into the railings in front of the fans………...2…………….3…………….4………...Eddie is arguing with the fans in the front row..(Eddie’s voice is temporarily picked up by the cameraman)
ED: ….(to the fan mocking him).....I sucked your old lady’s tits!
MM: (laughs)
TM: …... oh dear….. anyway back to the action……...5……….6……... Eddie goes back over to Badd Dogg …..picks him up and slides him under the bottom rope …...7…….. Eddie climbs up the steel steps and climbs to the top turnbuckle …….he jumps off the top rope and goes for an elbow but Badd Dog rolls out of the way……... Eddie is holding his elbow as Badd Dogg slowly gets to his feet……... Eddie gets up and goes for a clothesline but Bad Dogg ducks………..Eddie goes off the ropes and as he comes back…...Power Slam by Badd Dogg!!!!......(fans cheer)..... Badd Dogg grabs the feet of Eddie and applies a figure four leg lock…... the ref checks to make sure the hold is legal and asks Eddie D if he submits. …….but any shakes his head
MM: What is wrong with the ref??? There's no need to check! Eddie D never submits!
TM: Badd Dogg applying the pressure now…….Eddie leans forward and hits Badd Dogg with a hard right and another Badd Dogg breaks the hold…….both men slowly get to their feet………….Eddie D grabs Badd Dogg……... Belly to Belly suplex! …………..Eddie covers and the ref counts…...1…………….2……….. kick out by Badd Dogg……….Eddie is complaining to a ref that it was a slow count
MM: He has every right to! It was a very slow count, the standards of these officials today are nothing compared to the EIWF Heyday.
TM: Eddie stops arguing with the referee and turns around………..Badd Dogg is already back to his feet………...he kicks Eddie to the gut……….Puts Eddie’s head between his knees…. Piledriver by Badd Dogg…….. (fans cheer) ….. Badd Dogg gets up…..goes off the ropes and drops an elbow on Eddie D!..... Badd Dogg applies a headlock…..trying to wear the big man down.
MM: although I don't like Badd Dogg this is a smart move on his behalf. He can't match Eddie D for strength, what he has to do is to try and wear him down and he's figured that out.
TM: The ref is just checking the hold is legal and Eddie is still conscious………...Eddie is trying to fight the hold but he can't break it………. Badd Dogg’s got it locked in in the middle of ring…….the ref checks again and Eddie is still holding on!……... Eddie leans to the side and manages to get a knee up….he slowly pushes up and gets to his feet with Badd Dogg on his back……. what a show of strength that is!…….. Eddie D drops backwards and squashes Badd Dogg underneath him….. ..Eddie D covers Badd Dogg and the Ref counts………..1…….2….. Kick It Out by Badd Dogg!
MM: Im surprised how little Davie J has been involved with this match.
TM: Well he's only here to ensure Badd Dogg gets a fair match and not screwed over by the CREW.
TM: Eddie has hold of Badd Dogg……..big headbutt by Eddie D!......Badd Dogg is still on his feet….Eddie grabs Badd Dogg and throws him into the ropes…...Badd Dogg comes off the ropes..big bott by Eddie D…..sends Badd Dogg crashing down to the mat!....Eddie drops an elbow and covers..the ref counts…….1………….2…….kick out by Badd Dogg (fans cheer)...(Davie J on the outside starts banging the ring mat and giving encouragement to Badd Dogg).............Eddie walks over to where Davie J is………
MM: I dont think Eddie appreciates Davie trying to motivate Badd Dogg….
TM: Eddie is pointing to his CREW t-shirt…...Davie is ignoring him though…Eddie is still trying to talk to Davie but he's looking past Eddie…(Eddie stamps on Davies hand)......Davie is on the ring apron now arguing with Eddie…...Badd Dogg is up….rolls Eddie D up from behind….the Ref counts……...1……….….2…...kick out!.........
(The screen above the entrance ramp shows Hollywood Hogan backstage standing with Big Poppa watching the match between Badd Dogg and Eddie D. The fans boo as they see them)
HH: Time to go out there brother. We played by the rules but it looks like its two on one out there not in Eddie’s favour! We didn't start this, but we will finish it!
(Screen fades out and Big Poppa walks out onto the ramp and heads down to the ring)
TM: Here we go..as expected fans...Big Poppa is out here...he stops at the side of the ring and the Ref is telling him to go back up the ramp and away from the ring…...back in the ring…...Eddie grabs Badd Dogg and whips him into the ropes….no Badd Dogg reverses it..Eddie hits the ref and knocks him out!
MM: Here we go!
TM: Big Poppa is in the ring.he grabs Badd Dogg from behind…….Belly to Back suplex!!!.....Davie J slides in the ring...he stands between Big Poppa and Badd Dogg……..Eddie goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair.he gets in the ring…..he goes to hit Badd Dogg but Davie steps in and grabs the chair!.......Big Poppa, Eddie D and davie J are all arguing………..(they all stop and smile…..Davie puts his arm in the air for a 2sweet gesture)
MM: here it comes………
TM:........what the hell??.......he promised Badd Dogg!......(Eddie and Big Poppa do a 2sweet sign with Davie and the fans boo)
MM:.......and there it is…….the cum shot!...total pleasure Timmy!
TM: This is a family show!.......Davis is telling them to pick Badd Dogg up……..Eddie picks Badd Dogg up and holds him behind……...he asking Big Poppa to pass him the steel chair…….NO…...get someone else out here…..
MM: Timmy.the good old days are back!................Look! (the masked man is standing on top of the ramp)
TM: Big Poppa looks in shock........Davie J looks in shock..........and Eddie D looks in shock!.......It means that Davie J is not the masked attacker like Tormentor thought. But look at Eddie D.............he thought it was Badd Dogg but he's in the ring......its caught them all by surprise......(masked man walks back through the entrance way to the back)
TM: The fans are booing heavily here…...Davie has the steel chair in his hands….turns round…….BANG!!!........he's just taken out Big Poppa!!!..........
MM:.......(mouth wide open)
TM::...Eddie looks stunned….He's looking at Big Poppa on the floor…..split open!.......Badd Dogg kicks his leg backwards and hits Eddie with a low blow!...........(Davie throws the chair out the ring and pushes Big Poppa out with his feet)………..Badd Dogg grabs Eddie D………….DOG POUND.....DOG POUND….DOG POUND!!!!..........Davie is trying to bring the ref round…...Badd Dogg covers Eddie D…..the Ref slowly crawls over and counts……………..1……………………………….2…………………………...3!!!!! (fans POP)
TM: What a win for Badd Dogg!
MM: This is a major upset and the tournament has devalued immensely with the exit of Eddie D.
TM: It was a win for one of the true good guys of the EIWF.
MM: Whatever Timmy!
(Badd Dogg and Davie J shake hands in the ring and the fans are cheering and chanting 'Legends' at the two wrestlers. Bawitdaba plays and the two get out the ring and celebrate with the fans)
TM: The CREW constantly try to cheat there way to the top and two of the biggest stars in the EIWF stood up to that challenge and overcame the odds against the cheating ways of Eddie D and Big Poppa!
MM: Your loving this aren't you? Badd Dogg and Davie J cheated that victory! The masked attacker came out and distracted Eddie D!!!
TM: What the hell? How did you work that out. Hogan sent Big Poppa out here to try and cheat a win for Eddie D! Davie is a man of his word and watched Badd Dogg’s back. He never got involved until he was brought into this match by Eddie D…..Ok fans it's time for a commercial…..
Award winning Podcaster Revolution is now part of the EIWF Network Fansite!

He doesn't just sell t-shirts!
The award winning Revolution Podcast is now part of the EIWF Network and can be accessed via the Fansite section.

TM: Welcome back fans, we are still getting over our last match that saw Eddie D exit the tournament at a very respectable final eight stage as he lost to Badd Dogg.
MM: He was robbed!
TM:Mark, we got a job to do, pull yourself together.
MM: Im trying but there's just so much emotion, its difficult.
TM: If it's that difficult I can bring in Joey Styles?
MM: Say whaaaaaaaat?
TM:....yep you heard me correct.
MM: Timothy, threats and blackmail is far from professional!
TM: Your such a slapdick!........
(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and the fans POP)
MM: Hello!!
TM: That's the music of Revolution??
MM: The fans love him!
(Revolution walks out with the EIWF world title over his shoulder and a mic in his hand)
TM: Well it's unexpected but we always have time for Revolution.
MM: Look Timmy, he's got Wishmasters EIWF world title? What's the story behind that?
TM: I’m sure we will find out Mark!
(The fans start a Revolution chant, he goes to put the mic to his mouth but lowers it again and raises his hand to acknowledges the cheer from the fans. He puts the mic to his mouth and the music stops)
Rev: The EIWF from day one has been about Revolution...not Evolution!!! (fans cheer).....If the Final Stand is indeed going to be the end of the EIWF then I wanted to make sure we had one more RDD show (fans pop).....my guest, one of the biggest stars not only in EIWF history but wrestling history, he's a former EIWF World champion………tonight marks the first time he will wrestle in the EIWF since the reunion…give it up for Hollywood Hogan!!!! (fans boo)
MM: YES YES YES YES YES!!! (stands up and applauds)
TM: Will you sit down!
(Voodoo child by Jimi Hendrix plays..Hollywood Hogan walks out from the smoke on the entrance way..he tears his CREW t shirt off and puts his hand to his ear (fans boo).....he nods and gives the fans a thumbs up and stands next to Revolution with the mic)
Rev: Hollywood, thank you for agreeing to be my guest at such short notice!
HH: Revo brother, me and you go way back. If I can do a favor for a friend I will, plus it means when I need one back, I got that ace up my sleeve!
Rev: Tonight has not been going so well for the CREW, with Eddie D losing his match to Badd Dogg and there is some confusion with the role of Davie J, what's the story there?
HH: Let's back up Jack! Eddie D was robbed of his rightful place in the semi final of the tournament. The CREW played it by the rule book but Badd Dogg the cheating Dog that he is, he had Davie J out by his side. Two on one against Eddie D, a man who fought the odds to get this far. Then has a handicap match, now Revo brother, you tell me that's fair, two on one... is that fair??
Rev: Well two on one is never fair but…
HH: Exactly dude! But Davie J who was meant to be Eddie’s friend has stabbed Eddie in the back tonight! Forget about Hogan and Davie, we got issues but I never thought we would see Davie stab Eddie in the back in such a cowardly way brother….he’s a snake, nothing but a snake and can't be trusted!
Rev: What is the score with Davie, there seems to be some confusion, you came down in his match and tried to make amends?
HH: Well Davie has been sending out mixed messages brother and I thought he was smart enough to come back to the CREW when given the chance. Hollywood don't give out second chances and that bridge is now burned.
Rev: A lot of people think that this is another swerve by the CREW?
HH: Then they would be wrong brother.
Rev: Tonight will be the first time you have wrestled in the EIWF since 2002 and you will be taking on Kurt Angle with the winner facing Badd Dog on the second night of the PPV.
HH: The fans have been waiting, the wrestling world has been waiting to see Hollywood step back into the ring, and when I do, it’s going to be worth the wait. That chump Kurt Angle isn't even in Hollywood’s league bru…
TM: ‘Bru’?
Rev: Of course the other match tonight is L double E versus Wishmaster with the winner facing Davie J.
HH: So far the fans have seen a Dog and a snake! But come main event time they will see me….the goat!
TM: The goat?
MM:….the goat?
Rev: The goat?
HH: Yes the Goat!..The greatest of all time! You see this tournament is shaping up nicely, once I slam Angle’s face into the big boot and drop the Legdrop from the roof of Madison Square Garden I will beat him with the one two three, he can hit the road Jack! Then it will be out of Wishmaster and Davie J to face Hollywood in the Final. I don't care who I face in the final, the result is the same. As before…..as always…...Hollywood will be on the top of the EIWF dude because Hollywood and the CREW is 4….LIFE!!! (fans boo)
Rev: Thank you Hollywood Hogan (Hogan walks back through the entrance way). Now I’m sure the viewers at home and those here in attendance will have noticed this belt here on my shoulder. This is the EIWF World Championship belt. Last held by Wishmaster. Now me and Wishmaster may not agree on his actions but there is a mutual respect between us as former WWO World champions. Now Wishmaster came to my office at EIWF Headquarters in the week and put this belt on my desk…...with a question and a challenge.
MM: A question and a challenge??
TM: It appears Wishmaster has something in mind and Revolution is seen as a neutral guy around here and a trustworthy man in the business of wrestling.
MM: Its true Timmy, if you can't trust Revolution the King of Podcast who can you trust?
TM: Exactly Mark.
Rev: Wishmaster is the last recognized EIWF World Champion……….Davie J is the only current recognized EIWF champions with the Legends title. Here is the challenge…...Wishmaster has always wanted to face Davie J but their paths have not crossed. SO…...he wants his EIWF World title to be made active by the EIWF Prez again and to be put on the line against Davie J’s Legends title with the winner becoming the EIWF Unified Champion!! (fans POP)
MM: That is one hell of a challenge!
Rev: The question?......Is Davie J going to step up to the challenge? That is why I have the EIWF World title on my shoulder. Now with this being the EIWF’s Final Stand, they are set to face each other on the second night of the PPV. The challenge is out there, we await your answer Davie J!
(‘Extreme’……….’Wrestling’.......blasts out over the arena followed by Figure it out by Royal Blood and the fans POP)
TM: It looks like we may have an answer sooner than expected!
MM: Its the genius behind the madness...the Prez!
(The Prez walks out onto the stage holding a mic and his music cuts)
EP: Revolution I never realized you was now running errands? But I don't have all night so lets get this done. Wishmaster wants to face Davie J in a unification match tomorrow night if he gets there? Sure, we will recognize the winner of Wishmaster versus Davie J as the Unified champion! (fans cheer)....but let me tell you this...I don't take too well to wrestlers making demands around here! I will remember this…..but for now I have more important things to keep an eye on!
(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and the fans POP, the Prez walks off as Revolution holds the EIWF World title in the air and the camera cuts to the announce table)
MM: I can't believe it, just when we think the EIWF is done we are handed a dream match on the final night of the PPV with Wishmaster taking on Davie J in a Unification title match!
TM: Hang on….are we not getting ahead of ourselves?
MM: What do you mean?
TM: I mean Wishmaster still needs to get past L double E, let’s not make assumptions around here.
MM: I’m not making assumptions…I've read the script!!
TM: Can we get a t shirt made up which says ‘Kayfabe still lives here!’...??
MM: Timmy, look, fans I’m sorry but when has L double E ever surpassed mid card status in the EIWF?
TM: Well….
MM: I'm not putting him down, he's very good at what he does, but he never had the talent to get to the next level. Wishmaster was a level above, he was World champion material. The wrestling world doesn't want to see Davie J versus L double E. They want to see Wishmaster versus Davie J in a match that we never thought was possible.
TM: You know….for once I agree…
MM: I’m speechless!
(Steal my shine hits and the fans give a mixed reaction as Images of L double E flash over the screen above the entrance way)
TM: He’s not everyone's favorite but L double E has had success in the EIWF and the ICW.
MM: He has Timmy, he won the TV title in both and also won the EIWF Tag team title, but I’m afraid this is too much of an ask to get past Wishmaster.
(L Double E walks out wearing a Wishmaster t-shirt and holding a megaphone. On the front is a picture of Wishmaster, he turns round and the back reads ‘He wishes he was as good as L double E’. He walks towards the ring shouting through the Megaphone)
TM: Here he is, the Anti-Hero L double E. We have all dismissed his chances of a win here today Mark, but he is currently the number 1 ranked wrestler in the EIWF rankings.
MM: Yeaaah…..but that's more because he's been the most active. I'm afraid its quantity over quality. Look don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of the Anti-Hero but I’m also a fan of Wishmaster and he's an unstoppable Machine. (L double E is in the ring shouting Free Rage!)
TM: I have a feeling there will be some twists and turns to come in this one.
MM: Wrong show Timmy, this is wrestling, not dancing with the stars!
TM: I mean with Tormentor coming out to watch Wishmasters back and the stipulation l double E has that if anyone current or past in the CREW interferes then he immediately wins.
MM: I know L double E is paranoid about Hogan and Davie looking to screw him over, but they have bigger fish to fry.
(Evil Never Dies by Judas Priest plays and a chorus of boo’s is heard around the arena. Images of Wishmaster are shown on the video screen above the entrance way. Wishmaster walks out from the some and slowly raises his arms in the air. He drops them down and pyro’s go off next to him. He looks up at the screen and there is video of him winning the EIWF World title at Fortress of Fear 2002, he points to the screen and nods his head)
TM: Here he is, the EIWF’s longest ever World champion. The man that says evil will never die and since the reunion has added every member of the CREW to the Wish list and defeated all but the main three of Eddie D, Davie J and Hogan. He will be hoping to add those at some point and could face Davie J in the next round and Hogan in the final if Hogan wins.
MM: If???
(The camera cuts to the parking lot and the security men part allowing Tormentor to enter the building.)
TM: The Outsider, former EWA World Champion Tormentor has finally been allowed to enter the building.
MM: Finally been allowed to enter the building without his mask you mean?
(Tormentor reaches the entrance ramp in the back, he passes a usb stick to the guy in gorilla)
Tormentor: If I'm going to walk out in this overrated place, I'm doing it Frank Sinatra!!
(The camera cuts to the entrance way from the ringside. Evil never dies stops…...My Way by Limp Bizkit plays and the fans boo. Tormentor steps out through the smoke on the entrance way. He makes some gestures to the fans as he slowly walks down the ramp)
MM: I get the feeling that Tormentor really doesn't like the EIWF, especially the fans here with the hand signals hes giving them. I think that hand gesture means he's a one time world champion…….
TM: He certainly does have a hatred for the EIWF and I think it all stems from his hatred, perhaps his jealousy of Davie J and the success he has had here.
(Tormentor walks to the ring and fist bumps Wishmaster as Wishmaster stands in the ring with L double E)
Wishmaster vs L double E (special stipulation match)
TM: Here we go fans, the winner of this match will face Davie J on the second night of the pay per view...Wishmaster versus L double E!
MM: Remember Timmy this is a special stipulation match, if anyone from the CREW, current or formally interferes in the match then L double E automatically wins!
MM: That's true.
MM: However there is nothing stopping Tormentor getting involved and helping Wishmaster win, I think the Anti-Hero slipped up…...although he didn't have much choice to agreeing with Wishmasters hand around his throat at Havoc!
TM: That's true...here we go!.......L double E is circling the ring…..Wishmaster watching him closely…...L double E goes off the ropes..hits Wishmaster with a shoulder barge but L double E is knocked down to the mat and it hasn't moved Wishmaster!.....L double E quickly moves backwards and then gets to his feet…...he goes off the rope again and again goes for a shoulder barge but it doesn't move Wishmaster and L double E is down again!......L double E rolls across the mat, under the bottom rope to the outside…...the ref begins to count…………….1……………...2……………..L double E slowly walking around the ring here………….3
MM: He's trying to think what can he do, he needs to be smart, he can't out power Wishmaster, I don't think anyone can in the EIWF.
TM:……….4…………..5……………….wait a minute………(Tormentor grabs L double E and throws him back in the ring over the top rope!)................my god! What a show of strength from Tormentor there! Tormentor is outside the ring on the floor and lifted L double E up and threw him back in the ring…...over the top rope!
MM: If Tormentor can get past his issues with working for the EIWF, he and Wishmaster would be a formidable force…..oh and if Tormentor can get past his obsession with the ICON.
TM:......Wishmaster has walked over to L double E……...the Anti-Hero is complaining to the Ref about Tormentor throwing him in the ring and is asking the Ref to DQ Wishmaster and award him the match…….Wishmaster grabs L double E….slaps his hand around the throat of L double E…….CHOKESLAM….CHOKESLAM….CHOKESLAM!!!
MM: This is it Timmy!...It's all over!
TM: Wishmaster gets down and rests a hand on the chest of L double E….the Ref counts………...1……………….2……….kick out!....The Anti Hero has kicked out!.....Wishmaster pulls L double E up…….he lifts him up….above his head…..and drops him behind him………..Wishmaster turns around and slowly walks on L double E and off again…...Wishmaster bends down and pulls L double E up by his hair….
MM: Ouch! That's gotta hurt!
TM: The ref now is having a word with Wishmaster……….Wishmaster throws L double E into the ropes…….he comes back off the ropes…..PowerSlam by Wishmaster!!.....Wishmaster gets to his feet….he pulls L double E up and sends him into the corner..so hard that hit hits the turnbuckle and goes over the top to the outside…..
MM: My god…..he's dead….L double E is dead!
TM: That's a dangerous place to be for for the Anti Hero……...Tormentor walks round………….1…………………….2…………………..3……………...Tormentor walks over and grabs L double E……(the Ref leans over and warns him not to touch him….Wishmaster comes over and distracts the ref).......Tormentor throws L double E face first into the ring mat…….he then picks him up and slams him on the outside…….(the Ref turns round and continues to count)................4………………….5……..Tormentor now is pulling L double E up……….he looks like hes telling the Ref hes just putting him back in the ring……..6………..7….Tormentor rolls L double E back under the bottom rope……..Wishmaster walks over and drops an elbow on L double E and covers….the Ref gets down and counts………...1…………….2………..foot on the rope!........Tormentor looks surprised………….
MM: No idea about Wishmaster…..with that mask on………..that's it!..........now I get it!
TM: What?
MM: The masked attacker is Tormentor, him and Wishmaster both wear masks…….there some masked assassins or something.
TM: Didn't we see the masked attacker earlier while Tormentor was outside the building with security?
(the video feed cuts into two feeds for the viewers at home as the match continues Hollywood Hogan is shown backstage with Eddie D and Big Poppa)
ED: We need to get out there.
BP: But what can we do? If we interfere Wishmaster automatically loses the match.
HH: Is that such a bad thing? (all three laugh, until a noise is heard behind them)
ED: Whats that noise? (The three turn round and Kenny Omega is on a coach asleep snoring)
BP: I wonder what he's dreaming about.
HH: Probably being involved in the main event with Hollywood brother……..leave him be, it's the closest he will come to stepping in the ring with the 24inch pythons dude.
ED: Ha, stepping in the ring with Hollywood will only ever be a dream for him.
HH: Poor little Kenny, we got the Elite right here…..it’s called the CREW! (laughs). Let’s get out of here…..
BP: What about Wishmaster?
HH: Leave them to it, I need to concentrate on the main event, that's what the fans have paid to see, they have come to see a true American hero!.....
BP: I can take care of CREW business if need?
HH: Sure thing brother, you know what to do.
(Dual feed cuts and just the match is shown)
TM: Wishmaster in total control of the match here……….but credit to L double E, it's been close but he's kicked out of some near pin falls or had just the energy and effort to get his foot on the rope…...Wishmaster throws L double E into the ropes….he comes back…….Big Boot by Wishmaster….L double E crashes to the mat and almost slides out the ring….
MM: Someone put him out of his misery!
TM: …...Wishmaster crouches down and places one hand on the chest of L double E….the Ref gets down and counts….1……………...2………...Ref stops and points….L double E’s left foot is hanging off the side of the ring apron!
MM: Well that was just pure luck for L double E, he had no energy to kick out or put his foot on the rope. It was just where he ended up after getting the boot to the face from Wishmaster.
TM: ….Wishmaster looks frustrated…….(there is a reaction from the fans and Tormentor looks over to try and see what's happening).....Wishmaster pulls L double E up…..Wishmaster throws L double E into the ropes..goes for a clothes line……..L double E ducks……...off the ropes……….hits Wishmaster with a forearm smash and Wishmaster stumbles back……….(fans continue to react)
MM:....there appears to be something going on in the crowd….something has gotten their attention……….
TM: And Tormentors! (the camera zooms in and shows Davie J walking down the steps and with the fans cheering him and slapping him on the back)
MM: Its the ICON Davie J…….
TM: We expected some involvement, but he has to be careful. We know he wants Wishmaster in the next round so can not be ringside as per the stipulation of the match! (Davie gets to the front row and there is an empty sit….he sits down)
MM: Well there you go Timmy, he's in the crowd, not actually ringside.
TM: As long as he stays that side….(Tormentor spots him and walks over).....this could get out of hand!..........In the ring L double E is trying to keep his distance from Wishmaster and hits Wishmaster with some hard rights and backs off…...L double E goes off the ropes and slides into Wishmasters right knee knocking him to the ground!....
MM: Why your calling the match in the ring Timmy, Tormentor is confronting Davie J, Davie is trying to calm Tormentor down but it doesn't appear to be working. Davie is trying to explain he wont go over the barrier as it will cost Wishmaster the match..but clearly Tormentor is blinded by his hatred for Davie here and is trying to goad him to coming over the barrier!
TM: L double E has a headlock on Wishmaster at the moment after knocking him down…...the Ref is checking the move is legal…...Wishmaster stands up with L double E on his back still applying the headlock…..(Tormentor slaps davie in the face)
MM: Timmy Timmy….its about to boil over between Tormentor and Davie here!!
TM: Wishmaster runs backwards and squashes L double E in the corner………...L double E drops the hold and slumps down………...Wishmaster picks L double E up…….slaps his hand around his throat...CHOKESLAM!!!!.......(Big Poppa walks out down the ramp)......Wishmaster lifts L double E up….scoops him up…..turns him upside down…...WISHLIST!!!(TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!!)......WISHLIST!!!.....WISHLIST!!!!....its all over! Surely!....
MM: Well Davie has noticed Big Poppa and is trying to point it out to Tormentor but hes not believing him!.........(Davie goes to climb over the barrier)
TM:....Tormentor just hit Davie with a hard right and Davie fell back into the crowd!....(Tormentor climbs over the barrier and hits Davie again and the start to brawl through the crowd).........Wishmaster places one foot on the chest of L double E….the Ref gets down and counts………………...1…………………..2…………..BANG!...(Big Poppa hits Wishmaster with a steel chair!!!!)....the Ref calls for the bell!
MM: Big Poppa…has ended the match!
TM: Tormentor and Davie have disappeared through the coprwd….Wishmaster is on one knee……..Big Poppa swings again but Wishmaster grabs the chair (the Ref is talking with an official at ringside)...........Wishmaster has the chair and swings at Big Poppa but Big Poppa drops down and slides out the ring and leaves!...........(Wishmaster raises his hand in the air and the fans boo)........I think we are about to get the official result here….
MM: L double E is still out!
TM:….(the Ref walks over and grabs Wishmasters arm and pulls it down and shakes his head….he walks over to L double E and helps him sit up and raises his hand and points to L double E)...The Anti-Hero has won this match because of interference by Big Poppa of the CREW!
MM: But Big Poppa hit Wishmaster, not L double E….
TM: The stipulation which the Ref confirmed was any interference by a CREW member is an automatic win for L double E..hes through to the next round to face Davie J!
MM: WOW! What an upset…...Wishmaster must be livid!!! I guarantee this will not be the end of him and the CREW’s war!
TM: I agree Mark, but it does mean we won't have a unification title match in the next round between Davie and Wishmaster.
MM: The dream match remains just that…….a dream…….
(Steal my shine plays and the fans give a mixed reaction for L double E as the Ref helps him walk back up the ramp. Wishmaster is left standing in the ring looking out at the crowd.)
TM: Just our main event is left where Kurt Angle takes on Hollywood Hogan, the winner will face Badd Dogg in the final four.
(Scene cuts backstage with Eddie D and Hollywood Hogan in a locker room watching a monitor and they are both laughing)
HH: Ha ha ha……..Big Poppa took care of CREW business brother!
ED: That was a classic, not only does Wishmaster get hit with a steel chair, but loses the match as well!!! (laughs)
HH: …...and where ...ha ha ha….and where was Tormentor? He fled as soon as Big Poppa walked out there. He’s not as stupid as he looks.
ED: He don't want any of this (points to his CREW t-shirt)....
(Both laugh as the screen cuts to the announce table)
TM: Well it appears the CREW are very happy with the way things are going tonight and especially with the exit of Wishmaster from the tournament.
MM: Of course Timmy, and for two reasons. Firstly he was probably the favourite to win the tournament and now its out it is one less top top superstar for Hogan to worry about. Secondly……..the CREW hated Wishmaster….as simple as that.
TM: I’m sure this isn't over between the CREW and Wishmaster.
MM: I think your right there Timmy. Since the reunion started Wishmaster set out to defeat the CREW, I believe he was five up against CREW members. He still hasn't lost to anyone directly from the CREW.
TM: But the CREW will feel they have won this one by causing Wishmaster to exit the tournament.
MM: They sure will.
TM: Ok fans we are going to a quick commercial and we will be back for our main event….The Olympic hero Kurt Angle versus Hollywood Hogan!
The EIWF Fansite now has added a music section. Volume 1 is now live and you can stream the entrance themes from the original stars of Extreme Internet Wrestling Federation.
TM: Welcome back fans, it’s time for our last match to decide who will be the final four in the second night of EIWF’s Final Stand.
MM: I’m going with Hogan, he has to be favorite to win it after Wishmaster was eliminated.
TM: Well the winner of Kurt Angle and Hollywood Hogan will face Badd Dogg who was victorious earlier tonight against Eddie D.
(Medal plays and the crowd in the arena rise to their feet and cheer. Images of kurt Angle are shown on the big screen above the entrance way. Kurt Angle steps out and the fans POP. He stops on the ramp and raises his arms in the air as pyro’s go off)
TM: Here he is, the Olympic hero, the first wrestler in the history to win all the single titles available in the EIWF.
MM: I’m going to give some credit to Kurt Angle here, he's been a phenomenal athlete, he is a top top wrestler and shouldn't be underestimated by any competitor in the EIWF. I’m still going with Hogan though.
TM: There's a surprise!
(Kurt Angle is in the ring and spins around on one foot as pyros go off from the ring posts. The fans starts a ‘You rule’ chant in timing with his music. He takes off his medal and hands it to the ref and his music stops, he crouches in the middle of the ring awaiting Hogan)
TM: What a reaction from this jam packed crowd here for there American hero!
(Real American by Rick Derringer hits and the fans POP)
TM: What the hell???.......that's the………..the…...old red and yellow music of Hogan?
(Hogan walks out wearing red and yellow with matching feather boas. He puts his hand to his ear and there is another POP from the fans)
MM: RIGHT THERE! That's where your real American hero is Timmy!
(Hogan walks towards the ring, he stops and puts his hand to his ear towards the fans who POP. he gives them the thumbs up and walks further before posing some more. He takes a sign from a fan and holds it up to the camera ‘what you gonna do when the 24inch pythons run wild on you!’....he continues to walk to the ring, up the steps and through the ropes…..he rips off his t-shirt.)
TM: If you ask me Hogan is playing mind games here with Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle is the Olympic hero but Hogan is playing his political game here and has come out in red and yellow just to over shadow Angle.
MM: You know what Timmy?
TM: What's that?
MM: No one asked you.
Hollywood Hogan vs Kurt Angle
TM: Here we go fans, the main event of the Final Stand first night PPV! Hogan is still playing to the fans here and Kurt Angle looks focused, he looks like he's ready for this match.
MM: He looks out of his depth! And that is not a focused look, that is someone who is jealous of the reaction Hogan got from the fans.
TM: Both men are ready to go and the Ref calls for the bell………...ding ding ding…….both men circling the ring trying to look for an opening………..they touch hands as Kurt looks to get a grip……...Kurt goes off the ropes and straight into Hogan….neither man moves!........they stare at each other….face to face…..nose to nose……..Hogan goes off the ropes but holds onto the ropes and stops….he looks at the fans and puts his hand to his ear and the fans POP!
MM: He's the master at working the crowd!
TM: Kurt Angle has climbed the turnbuckle and raises his arms (fans cheer)...he jumps down and tells Hogan to bring it!.........Hogan pulls his bandana off and throws it into the crowd….Kurt goes off the ropes and hits Hogan with a shoulder barge but again neither man moves……...Hogan goes off the ropes and barges into Angle………...neither man moves!..........Kurt goes off the ropes and hits Hogan with a clothesline….Hogan stumbles back but stays on his feet…...Hogan hits Angle with a hard right, and another…...Angle kicks Hogan to the gut……..he grabs Hogan alifts him up for a slam….Angle loses his balance and falls back with Hogan on top...the Ref gets down and counts………….1…………………..2……...kick out!
MM: Wow, Hogan almost had Angle beat!
TM: Both men are up…….Hogan throws Angle into the ropes……..Angle comes back….double arm clothesline by Hogan sends Angle down to the mat!!.....Hogan pulls Angle up and applies an Abdominal Stretch!!...The Ref is checking the move is legal and if Kurt Angle is going to submit!
MM: I heard it! Angle has quit!
TM: No he has not!
MM: Ring the damn bell!!!
TM: Hogan has the moved looked in…..the Ref is still there checking…….Hogan delivers a punch to the side of Angle…...and another………….Hogan drops the hold…...irish whip into the corner by Hogan…….Angle hits the turnbuckle..Hogan follows in with a clothesline!...........
MM: Hogan now in total control!
TM: Hogan hits Angle with a Knife-Edge Chop (fans wooohoooo).....Hogan pulls Angle out of the corner for an irish whip into the opposite one...Angle reverses it and throws Hogan into the corner……...Hogan bounces out of the corner and Angle hits Hogan with a clothesline knocking Hogan to the floor…….(Kurt Angle tells Hogan to get up)...Hogan slowly gets to one knee…….Kurt walks over….scoops Hogan up...and slams him down!!...(fans cheer).....Angle kneels down and applies a reverse chin lock….the Ref check to make sure its legal………
MM: Kurt Angle is trying to wear Hogan down here!......come on Hulkster!!
TM: Hogan looks to be fading here………...hes trying to reach out for the ropes but is too far away!...........(fans start a Hogan chant)........the fans are trying to give Hogan that extra strength he needs here…….Kurt drops the hold and gets up…...he stomps on Hogan…….Hogan rolls across the matt and under the bottom rope to the outside…...Kurt Angle follows and the Ref begins to count….1………………...2……….Kurt walks round to Hogan...grabs him and goes to slam his head into the side of the ring but Hogan blocks it!....Hogan grabs Krt and throws his head into the side of the ring……….3…………………….4………………..Angle staggers around as Hogan walks round to the other side……………….5………………….6...Kurt follows Hoga…….7……..Kurt with a double axe handle to Hogan’s back!...............8………..Kurt throws Hogan under the bottom rope…………….9………….Kurt slides in………….both men on their feet……...they lock up……..suplex by Hogan!!!........Hogan gets up………..elbow drop…….no!.......Angle rolled out the way!!...........both men are up...Angle grabs Hogan…….belly to belly suplex by Angle!!!
MM: That was a show of strength by Angle to do that to Hogan!
TM:…….Kurt covers Hogan………...the Ref gets down and counts………….1……………….2….kick out! Kurt is shaking his head, he thought he had Hogan then……...Kurt pulls Hogan up…...sends Hogan into the ropes………...Hogan comes back...clothesline by Angle…...NO! Hogan ducked it…..Hogan goes off the other rope and Angle turns around…...Hogan with a clothes line…..NO! Angle ducks ………..Hogan goes off the other rope……...Angle moves to the side as Hogan approaches him…….SLEEPER HOLD!!!! By Kurt Angle!!!!
MM: He’s got that locked in tight, in the middle of the ring!!!
TM: Look at Hogan…...trying desperately to reach out for the ropes…….he's trying to break the hold…….Hogan has his hand on Angles face but the Ref pushes it off!......Hogan drops down to one knee…..
MM: This doesn't look good for Hogan!
TM: The Ref is just checking Hogan is still conscious…….Hogan has slumped down onto both knees now……...The Ref is still speaking to Hogan…….Hogan drops down onto his side……...Angle still has the hold locked in…………..the Ref is talking to Hogan……….there's not much movement back from Hogan though!........
MM: Get Big Poppa out here…..where is Eddie D???............oh Jesus……..someone get out here now.
TM:……….The Ref is low down…………..Hogan looks likes he's gone……….the Ref lifts Hogan's arm up and it drops down…..the Ref holds one finger up (shouts ONE!!!)………..(tha fans start a Hogan chant)......the Ref lift’s Hogan’s arm again and drop down………..the Ref holds two fingers up (shouts TWO!!)........
TM: The Ref lifts Hogan’s arm for a third and final time……….if it drops then Kurt Angle has won….the Ref lets go of the arm…...it drops!!!!!.......halfway!!!.....Hogan has kept his arm up!! (fans POP).....Hogan slowly starts to get up!......Angle still has on hold on but Hogan is finding an inner strength from somewhere…….perhaps from these fans…….these Hulkamaniacs!!..Hogan gets to one knee……...he pushes up and gets to his feet…….Angle is on his back….Hogan runs backwards into the corner squashing Angle and breaking the hold……...Hogan throws Angle into the ropes…….Angle comes back….clothesline by Hogan! (fans cheer)....(Hogan leans on the ropes and puts his hand to his ear and the fans cheer again)......Hogan now is giving the fans what they want…..(Hogan points to Angle and slowly lifts his hands up)......Hogan is signalling that he's going to slam Angle here!.......Kurt has got back up….Hogan scoops Angle up and slams him down!!! (fans cheer).....Hogan Slowly pulls Kurt Angle up….he sends Kurt into the ropes….Hogan off the opposite ropes…..they meet in the middle of the ring…..AXE BOMBER!!!! AXE BOMBER!!!! By Hogan!!
MM: That was Hogan’s finisher when he wrestled in Japan…..I've not seen that for years!
TM: The fans are going wild here…..Kurt Angle is down….Hogan covers…..the Ref gets down and counts………….1……………….2………….kick out!!!!....Hogan can't believe it!.....Angle is still on the mat….Hogan is on his feet looking up to the heavens……..he’s point up and shaking his head….he looks disheartened here….like he has lost his faith!
MM: I have not seen Hogan acting like this for years…...I don’t know what has happened with him…..
TM:....Hogan is trying to leave the ring…..the Ref is telling him he will be counted out….
......Hogan steps through the ropes and drops down to the floor…......
.he starts to walks round the ring towards the walkway…….Angle looks groggy but is slowly getting to his feet…...1……………...2………………….3……………..Hogan now is halfway up the walkway to the entrance ramp (fans start a Hogan chant).....Hogan has stopped and is looking back at the ring………..4…………...5……………….Kurt Angle is taunting Hogan….telling him to come back……….6…………….7……….(Hogan looks to the fans)......Hogan it seems is starting to talk to himself..motivate himself………….8……….Hogan starts running back towards the ring (fans cheer).......9………...Hogan dives under the bottom rope….Angle is waiting for him…...Angle hits Hogan with a hard right………….Hogan hits back with one of his own……..Hogan whips Angle into the corner and walks over and hits a chop to the chest of Angle..and another……...Hogan climbs to the middle turnbuckle and hits Angle with a punch (fans chant 1)...........and again……….and another…..(fans 2-3)......and another…...and again………(fans 4-5)....Hogan hits another and then stops and bites Kurt Angle's forehead (fans cheer)........Hogan gets down….he grabs Angle and hits a vertical suplex………..Hogan gets to his feet….pulls Angle up…..Angle is in the middle of the ring looking groggy…..Hogan goes off the ropes..comes back…………...Angle bends down and lifts Hogan up…..ANGLE SLAM!!!!.....ANGLE SLAM!!!!....ANGLE SLAM!!!!!...........Hogan is down…………..Angle covers...the Ref gets down and counts…………...1…………...2…….kick out!!! Hogan sits up and shakes his head (fans pop)........Angle hits Hogan with a hard right…..but it has no effect!! Angle hist another but again no effect!!!..Hogan gets up and starts walking around the ring shaking his head and arms…..(fans pop)
MM: He’s hulking up!!!
TM:.....Angle hits Hogan with a hard right again….Hogan stops and stares at Angle!!!.he waves his finger at Angle!........Angle looks stunned here!....Hogan hits Angle with a hard right….and another……..Hogan grabs Angle and throws him into the ropes...Angle comes back…..Big Boot by Hogan!!!!....sends Angle down to the mat. Hogan puts his hand to his ear (fans cheer)....Hogan goes off the ropes...LEGDROP!!! LEGDROP!!!!....LEGDROP!!!!..(fans POP)...Hogan gets down and covers…...the Ref slides in and counts…………….1……………….2………….3….no! No! Angle kicked out!!! The Ref confirms the shoulder was up before the 3rd count hit the mat!....Hogan looks stunned!
MM: Im stunned Timmy! How did Angle kick out of the Legdrop????
TM:………..Hogan covers again…...the Ref counts………….1……......2………..kick out..Hogan is up and complaining to the Ref of a slow count. (Hogan is slapping his hands together as he talks to the Ref).......It looked like a perfectly good count to me……….Kurt reaches out and grabs Hogan’s foot……….(Hogan looks surprised).........Angle pulls Hogan off his feet…….Angle still has Hogans foot…...Angle is up on one knee……...ANKLE LOCK!!!....ANKLE LOCK!!!!....ANKLE LOCK!!!! (fans pop)
MM: This could be it!!!
TM: Hogan is trying to reach for the ropes..he's slowly getting closer…….he's almost there….but Angle pulls Hogan back to the centre of the ring!....The Ref gets down to check if Hogan submits…
MM: I fear…….the end is near for Hogan….(fans stand up….Eddie D and Big Poppa walk out)
TM: What’s this? Eddie D and Big Poppa are making there way down to the ring. I thought Hogan had changed, he came out here wearing red and yellow…..he's been playing ti the fans…..they have been cheering him…..(Big Poppa and Eddie D are standing at the side of the ring and the Ref goes over to them).....It appears the Ref is telling them to go to the back and if they interfere Hogan will be disqualified….look at Hogan….he's nodding his head! Hes submitting but the Ref still with eddie and Hogan…………...WAIT A MINUTE!!!.....(Rodzilla comes out from under the ring with a baseball bat).......Rodzilla is in the ring….from behind on Kurt Angle….(BANG!).....takes Kurt Angle out with a baseball bat!!!....(Rodzilla slides back out the ring and under the ring)........Hogan climbs on top of Angle and starts banging the mat…...the Ref turns round…..he sees Hogan covering Kurt Angle and gets down and counts………...1…………….2…………….3!!!!!..........Eddie D and Big Poppa get in the ring…...they stomp on Kurt Angle ….(fans boo).........Hogan looks at the fans(they cheer).....he goes over and Big Poppa and Eddie D back off….Hogan flexes his muscles…(fans cheer)...
MM: What is Hogan doing??
TM: It appears he has changed his ways and is leaving the CREW behind.
MM: Not another one, first Davie….now Hogan??
TM:.....Rodzilla is back in the ring…..he's standing by Hogan…..Eddie D and Big Poppa go towards Angle again….Hogan brabs the chair off of Rodzilla….He threatens Eddie and Big Poppa with the chair….(Hogan hits Angle with the chair!)...NO!...No way!!......(Eddie throws Hogan a CREW t-shirt)...NO NO NO!.....(He puts on the CREW t shirt).....Eddie and Big Poppa stomp on Kurt Angle and kick him out of the ring………
MM: Yes yes yes! I knew I should've never doubted Hogan. He played you Timmy, and all these fans. You fell for the old red and yellow trick didn't you…..ah ha ha ha ha (Hogan has a mic)
HH: You fans wanted a hero, I gave you a real american hero. I put on the red and yellow and you fans took the bait(fans boo). Kurt Angle brother, I stole your thunder. Not because I wanted too…..but because I could! For the first time in 16 years, Hollywood wrestled in the EIWF, and brother….wasn't it worth the wait! (fans boo and throw trash into the ring). Rodzilla brother, it’s good to have you back. Tonight, we took care of CREW business (fans boo)......we proved once again that we are in control!!!! (drops the mic, the fans boo and Voodoo child by Jimi Hendrix plays)
TM: Fans I cant believe Hogan…has fooled us again.
MM: Thats Hollywood Hogan Timmy! He wore the red and yellow just to steal Kurt Angle's Thunder.
TM: Fans Hollywood Hogan has won here in controversial circumstances. He will face BAdd Dogg in the final four and Davie J will be taking on L double E.
MM: Timmy, it's shaping up nicely here for an Evil Intentions ‘3’ scenario!
TM: God I hope not…….
MM: If I recall its Hogan 1…..Davie 1….in the two Evil Intention Pay per views they met.
TM: Yes…..and each time they swerved us all…..and layed down to give the other one the win…..fans we have one show left…...the EIWF’s Final Stand…...second night……..are you ready?????