ELITE ICONS wrestling Federation 'Network'
...taking you back....to the attitude era...

EIWF Network Podcast Special Ep 2: Wishmaster
The strains of Love and War play out as the screen fills with the EIWF logo and the Podcast symbol.
Revolution is sat behind the Podcast desk opposite his co-host CrazyATE. Rev is wearing the new LOVEREVOLUTION t-shirt and CrazyATE has gone for the classic CRAP PAPPY.
Rev: Welcome everyone to the second edition of the EIWF Revolution Radio Podcast Live! On this episode we have the reigning EIWF World Champion The Wishmaster. This is going to be a very very interesting show.
CrazyATE: I can't wait to see what he has to say. He has never done anything like this before.
Rev: As well as that I can also announce that on my recommendation the EIWF have signed a new young talent by the name of Ellis Black. I met this kid on my recent scouting tour and he is phenomenal. Has everything you need to make it in this business and he has signed a contract and is working down at the Power Plant right now.
CrazyATE: I have seen videos of this guy on YouTube and I am real excited to see where he can go.
Rev: Another of my signings Kenny Omega seems to be making a bit of a splash. He has gone after Hogan and Angle.........that's some pretty big fish to fry.
CrazyATE: Go big or go home!
Rev: Speaking of going big......Episode 1 of the Live podcast got some incredible reviews. I am delighted with the feedback we got and Davie was brilliant. We will definitely look to do another show in the near future as there is so much for us to talk about. After this break we will be back with The Wishmaster.
Back from the break and Revolution is sat opposite The Wishmaster who has replaced CrazyATE
Rev: Wishmaster, welcome to the show. Its been a long wait but we got here in the end.
Wishmaster: Ok
Rev: We go back a long way and I have never got a chance to properly get to know who the man behind the character is. Who or what inspired you to become a professional wrestler?
Wishmaster: What inspired me to become a professional wrestler? Look at me Rev, do I look like I would have many options. I sit home alone in my younger years. I can remember always being home alone but never remember anyone being with me. My entire life until I decided to leave to spent alone in a trailer. Every morning I would wake up and food and water would be there. I would eat that food and drink that water watch television, go to bed and wake up the next day to more food and water. I never saw anyone but the food and water continued showing up. I decided to leave one day, no one was there to tell me not to. No one has ever asked me to return. I went and found my own food and water. What i'm saying is Rev, I inspire myself. I need no inspiration. Next question.
Rev: I didn't become aware of you until you joined the WWO and almost immediately we were involved in a bitter rivalry over the WWO title. What were you doing before you joined the WWO?
Wishmaster: Before the WWO I was living in the before mentioned trailer. When I left I just started walking, I met a man that gave me a ride and told me with my size I should be changing the world for the worse. Those were his exact words. Change the world for the worse. He said that there are to many people trying to make a difference for the betterment of society, he said that they need a counter part and that I could be that counter part. I don't know who this man was and I've never seen him again. I don't intend to change the world for the worse, its just that worse than were we are in today's world......feels better. I got out of that mans car walked five miles to the first town I came to, walked into the first building I came across, told the first person I saw I'm here to change the world. Just so happens that building I walked into was the WWO headquarters.
Rev: What do you remember of our violent and fierce rivalry?
Wishmaster: I guess the better question to your follow up question is what do you remember of our rivalry, Your brains are probably to scrambled to remember anything huh?
Rev: After the closure of the EIWF did you go onto wrestle anywhere else?
Wishmaster: To be honest I'd rather not answer that question. After I finish what I have set out here to do in the EIWF this second go around, I intend on returning to where I was. I was found when I needed to be found and if you want to find me the next time I go into hiding you will just have to look.
Rev: What made you get involved with the EIWF again after all this time?
Wishmaster: Rev.....I'm the champion. I kind of have an obligation to be involved. Not to mention to love fest that still consumes the EIWF universe for the Crew. I need to open the eyes of every individual that holds a Crew sign high. I need to make them see the Crew for the frauds that they are. The only problem I have now is beating them to the punch. They are proving themselves to be fools before I can get the opportunity at the moment.
Rev: What are you thoughts of the newly announced Havoc shows?
Wishmaster: I guess its good for the industry, but I really dont have the time to focus on that right now. I am focused on being the EIWF world champion and these up and comers need to focus more on myself than I need to follow there B card show
Rev: Would you like to be involved with the company beyond the reunion shows?
Wishmaster: I will be here as long as it takes
Rev: Any funny stories from your time in the business?
Wishmaster: I don't do comedy
Rev: I have a few more questi...
*Wishmaster gets up and walks off the set, Rev looks confused*
Rev: Hey man, come on we are in the middle of the show here.
*Wishmaster doesn't even look back*
Rev: I'm really sorry, I don't know what's going on and what to say. Wishmaster has just walked off the set and doesn't look like he is coming back. So I guess with that, rather disappointingly we have to end the show. Goodbye from me and I guess its goodbye from The Wishmaster......thanks man!
Love and War" hits as the show fades to black
EIWF Network Podcast Special Ep 1: Davie J
The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool play out as the screen fills with the EIWF logo and the Revolution Podcast symbol.
Revolution is sat behind a state of the art desk sitting opposite co-host CrazyATE.
Rev: Welcome everyone to the first edition of the Revolution Radio Podcast Live! We are coming to you live and in colour from the EIWF Network and I am excited to bring you this world exclusive network special with one of the biggest stars in the history of this sport.........Davie J.
CrazyATE: Oh man, I cannot wait for this Rev. First off though we have some housekeeping to take care of. We all saw what went down at Havoc. I was watching live, and I have to say seeing you coming out to answer Regal's challenge was one of the most shocking and terrifying moments of my life. What? Why? How?
Rev: Look man, I have been part of this reunion since it came together. I sit out there with my microphone and do my job to the best of my ability. Turns out I am pretty good at it as we have the number one rated sports podcast in the entire world........but.....it's not what I was born to do. I was born to be a wrestler and that was taken away from me. I thought I was ready and I could do it............turns out I couldn't and I can't.
CrazyATE: There is no doubt you were on top and would have won that much had Regal not shown himself to be a cheating scumbag, but I am glad you are okay. I have to ask, how on earth did you get clearance?
Rev: The thing with live TV is you never know what might happen. Regal was supposed to face some jobber, I knew that from the production meeting earlier in the day. I knew if I could get out there then with Live TV being live I would just have to get on with it. To be really honest, I had no medical clearance and the EIWF higher up's had no idea until it happened and I was out there. I told the referee that the Prez said I was good to go and to ring the damn bell.
CrazyATE: What was the reaction backstage?
Rev: Obviously I was in a hell of a lot of pain, so everyone wanted to make sure I was okay before I headed to the hospital. But I had a visit from management once everything settled down and I got a severe dressing down for what I did. I was wrong to go into business for myself and I apologise to my colleagues, friends, family and employer for putting myself at risk (Rev's voice cracks as he says that last sentence with tears in his eyes).
CrazyATE: Well I am just glad you are okay. What now?
Rev: I go back to doing what I was doing and being the best in the business on the other side of the ring ropes. I'd give anything to carry on wrestling.........my mind is willing......but my body just isn't. I know I caused distress to a lot of people and I am overwhelmed by the amount of support I have had from all over the world. I will never forget that pop I got at Havoc as I came out to the ring (Rev visibly has tears in his eyes). You are all the reason I do this, you are all the reason I want to do everything I can to make this company succeed. The support I have had from the EIWF in my time back here is incredible, to me this is the only place to be. (Rev bows his head as he struggles to find the words through the tears).
CrazyATE: It's understandably emotional Rev, and I know that everyone is happy that you are alright. You are the best broadcast journalist in the business and promise me you'll stick to that from now on.
Rev: I'll make you the same promise that I made the Prez, my wife and kids and my fans. I won't be stepping foot in a wrestling ring ever again in any other capacity other than with a mic in my hand. I have so many good things to focus on here, the podcast, these network specials, the RDD show. My best selling T-shirts (Rev points to the THEN, NOW, FOREVOLUTION t-shirt that he is wearing). I am grateful to be part of this wonderful EIWF family.
CrazyATE: Time for some ads now and when we come back it'll be Revolution going one on one with Davie J.
Revolution is sat at his desk now opposite Davie J
Rev: Ladies and Gentlemen here with me is one of the greatest of all time, someone who I have known for a long time but never got to cross paths with in the ring.......although we came close. Ladies and Gents its the EIWF legends champ Davie J.
Rev: Davie it's great to have you here on this first ever network special edition of the Podcast. How are you doing?
Davie J: Thanks for having me. I'm glad to be hear as your first guest and I am glad you are okay following Havoc.
Rev: Thanks man, I appreciate that. If its okay with you I am going to jump straight into the questions.
Davie J: Sure, no problem.
Rev: Who were your inspirations growing up?
Davie J: Being a Canadian I was a big ice hockey fan, so obviously Wayne Gretzky. He was the greatest at what he did, something I always wanted to aspire too. In terms of wrestling, as I was a big fan of it, had to be Hogan.
Rev: It must have been great to get to wrestle Hogan and have your career so intertwined with his?
Davie J: (Laughs) It has had it moments I can tell you that much.
Rev: Everyone knows you started off at the BCWF, which was a proper indie set up but how did you originally end up at the EIWF?
Davie J: I was approached by the founder and president....Rod. it was in the summer of 1999. I had been out of wrestling since the BCWF had shut down. I didn't know what to expect when Rod offered me that contract. I didn't know it at the time but I was the first person to be signed. Obviously later on things turned sour and he fired me. Worst thing he could do. There was a backlash from the locker room and he stepped down. The second owner asked me back, better terms....rest is history.
Rev: I remember there being a lot a buzz about your signing with the EIWF. Did you have any idea that you'd have the career that you've had?
Davie J: You have to believe in yourself and work hard. I always believed that with hard work, a lucky break or two and the confidence in my own ability that I could make it yes.
Rev: Everyone can see your body of work on the EIWF network but for those that don't know what were you doing in the years between the close down and now?
Davie J: Well I left the EIWF in 2002. It wouldn't have gone down the pan if I had still been there. I stayed active until 2005....2006 maybe? Possibly 2007. I left the EIWF to join a fed called the new wrestling legends (NWL) fed with Eddie. We toured together to the XCWA, I went to the FWE with Hogan. I helped create and book for a fed called DCW. I had three stints there. There were a few other places too. Then I called it a day, lost interest with the business. Did my own thing.
Rev: What are your thoughts so far on the return of the EIWF?
Davie J: Mainly positive. When I first heard about it I was hesitant because I know it has been mentioned before and nothing happened. When I realized it was happening I was jacked, I was looking forward to the chance of stepping inside an EIWF arena and ring once again. But after the nostalgia wore off I have been disappointed. I've been really surprised how many of the guys have dropped in standards. I came back still top of my game looking for a challenge, but damn...people like Wishmaster and Tormentor are living off former glories. I will be honest....I expected better.
Rev: Its great to see so many EIWF originals back for the reunion. Who isn't here that you'd like to see?
Davie J: There is one massive glaring omission from this reunion. Bad Dogg. The other hall of famer to me and Hogan. He was a legend in his time. I know Super Fire isn't here but let's be honest, he thought he was good....but was way off the mark. What the Prez saw in him I will never know, can only assume he felt sorry for him or it was a rib.
Rev: We have been promised both of them at some stage but right now its seems to be radio silence. As you know I have been out on assignment recently and scouted some new talent. A few of which have now arrived in the EIWF. What are your impressions so far of Kenny Omega, Rick Rage and Boudreaux?
Davie J: I know you wouldn't have recommended them without really rating them highly. Like any young guys coming into the business they have a lot to learn. But if they work hard they have the tools to make it. Unlike those jabroni's Richard Dweck, Seth Freeman and Fethdar who didn't want to put the hard yards in to make it here.
Rev: You have had a lot of epic and storied feuds, but who has been your greatest rival?
Davie J: Hmmmm...... probably Hogan. And we have only faced each other a few times. But I say him because I always got the better of Bad Dogg and Super Fire Jr. Hogan thou....he would manipulate things to his advantage without me realizing it. So he was beating me by making the situation so I wouldn't be in his spot......smart and cunning individual.
Rev: Is it fair to say you learnt a lot from him?
Davie J: Yes that's fair.
Rev: Being on top for so long isn't easy to maintain. How have you managed to keep the character fresh all this time?
Davie J: There are so many carbon copies out there of Davie J it's unreal. There was a guy who called himself Icon and used pics of me on his website, same music, finisher, catchphrases etc. Suicide wanted to be me so bad it was frightening. But the reason I always stood out from the many clones is because I was the original. I always lead, they followed what I did so when I did it, it was always the first.....hence staying fresh.
Rev: Its long been rumored, but have you ever spoken to WWE about going there?
Davie J: Well.... yes but the talks didn't really get that serious. I think Hogan put a stop to it when he was there. They were looking to release a DVD but couldn't secure the rights from various feds.
Rev: Of course we can now see everything in your career on the EIWF Network so it's worked out for the best. Most decorated wrestler in EIWF history, Hall of famer, legends belt.......Whats left for you to achieve?
Davie J: Not much really, and I've also done the same achievements in other feds. The one obvious thing I guess would be for me to take over the EIWF and make it even bigger and more successful. But.....I'm not sure if would want to. Let's be honest I've had plenty of say in the past with what should be happening story line wise. I've had a lot of backstage influence over the years, something I learned from Hogan, as I mentioned earlier. Not sure I want to run the EIWF but I know everyone else would like me too.
Rev: That would certainly be an interesting take on things if that ever happened. We are just about out of time but I want to thank you for spending this time with me. Its fitting that you are the first to be able to do this network exclusive podcast. I've really enjoyed our chat and look forward to doing to again in the future. There is a lot more we can cover.
Davie J: Thanks for having me, you are doing great things with your media work, just keep out of the ring.
Rev: I will do for sure.
"Love and War" hits as the screen fades to black and the show ends.
Revolution Rambling Episode 289
"Love and War "by Drowning Pool plays in the intro to episode 289 of the world's number 1 sports entertainment podcast Revolution Rambling on the Revolution Radio network.
Rev: Welcome to episode 289 of Revolution Rambling and as always I am here with my trusty sidekick CrazyATE. CA how are you doing my friend?
CA: I am looking forward to another exciting show. We sure have a lot to talk about.
Rev: We really do, I am looking forward to it.
CA: So it's been a few days since the huge announcement that EIWF are going to running a pilot show called Havoc. What are your thoughts.
Rev: It's incredible, and for me its been highly emotional as well. When I got the call for the reunion shows I didn't expect it would go beyond that. Now there is potential that if this show is successful then we will have a very bright future.
CA: The company have signed a couple of new guys, the likes of Fethdar and Richard, clearly there is some thought toward the future.
Rev: I can't say too much at this stage but everyone wants the EIWF to have a future and to be close to that is huge. The new guys look good, they will learn how the EIWF works but so far they are looking very very promising if a little inexperienced. I look forward to seeing how they develop.
CA: Do you think you could play a part in that?
Rev: Everyone knows that I've been around a long time, won a lot of titles and been a huge success in this industry. If I can pass any of my experience on to help them then I would love to do that.
CA: You've been very active on your twitter @EIWFRevolution , doing lots of promotional work for the company and pushing #TeamEIWF
Rev: To me its important, I want us to be as successful as possible. Its important that if anyone has been hiding under a rock then we make them aware and say "Hey we are the EIWF, we are back, bigger and better than ever".
CA: Redemption certainly showed that the company is in good shape. The launch of the EIWF has opened up a load of new fans the legacy product. I've gone back through a load of old shows myself.
Rev: What's fascinating about it is that you can see pretty much all the guys from start to finish. So if you're a Revolution fan you can watch my wrestling debut, the first run in the EIWF, joining the ICW, WWO going back to the EIWF, its all there. Same for Wishmaster, Davie, Eddie, its a marvelous piece of technology and a way to follow the careers of so many wrestling legends.
CA: Speaking of the EIWF network, you have some exciting news.
Rev: Yes I do. As you might have seen I have signed a deal to have the podcast on the EIWF network. And to add to the audible orgy we bring to your ears we are also going to having a live visual stream. Its hugely exciting and a first for the EIWF network.
CA: Do we have some special guests lined up?
Rev: Well if you follow me on @EIWFRevolution you'd have seen that I announced that we are going to be recording a very special edition of the Podcast with The Wishmaster and that will be live on the EIWF network. He has never done a podcast before so its a world exclusive and one I am very proud of.
CA: That is going to be very very interesting. Have you reached out to other EIWF superstars.
Rev: Yes I have and I am hoping we can firm up some more exciting guests in the very near future.
CA: I can't wait to be part of it. You have some exciting merch news also.
Rev: Yes, well as you know the "Crap Pappy" t-shirt is selling like hot cakes! The company have launched 2 more exciting Revolution products, available exclusively on the EIWF store. Firstly a brand new and exclusive "THEN, NOW, FOREVOLUTION" t-shirt and a classic EIWF Revolution wrestling figure. I am a merch machine CrazyATE. There is some awesome stuff on there, things like Davie J's "Superkick Party" t-shirt, Wishmasters replica mask and so much more for our great superstars.
CA: Wow that's incredible, let's sit back and watch the dollars roll in. Can I get a figure for my kids?
Rev: Yes, you can buy one on the EIWF store like everyone else crap pappy!.
CA: I think that's all we have time for tonight.
Rev: Another great show man, thanks a lot.
"Love and War" plays out the show.
Episode: 288 Post Redemption, Mania, NXT
The following is a section of the latest edition of the award winning show "Revolution Rambling", a weekly podcast on the Revolution Radio network hosted by former EIWF, ICW, WWO and NCPW superstar Revolution and his sidekick CrazyATE.
CrazyATE: So it's been a huge couple of weeks in wrestling. We've had the Hall of Fame, NXT, Wrestlemania weekend and most importantly Redemption. What are your thought's on all that's been happening?
Rev: Let me tell you, I've put some serious hours into the WWE and EIWF networks over the last week or so and its been a hell of a ride for so many reason. The Hall of Fame was a bit of a snooze fest, apart from The Dudley's and Mark Henry. Goldberg had the look of someone who had downloaded his speech from halloffamegenericacceptancespeech.com and delivered it without much panache. NXT was immense, really a top drawer show right through the card. Mania...........man it was a show that started hot, promised so much, delivered some but ultimately fell flat thanks to that dreadful main event between Reigns and Lesnar. The Rousey match was great and I am excited to see where she goes. As you can imagine being Redemption weekend there was a lot for me to be doing with the EIWF. You'd think that being a media guy would be a piece of cake but I can assure you that I was determined to deliver the best performance I could to show what an awesome product the EIWF is and I don't think Redemption disappointed in any way shape or form. I have watched it back a couple of times and it stacks up against anything that's come before it.
CrazyATE: I can't disagree with anything you have said. Now that the EIWF reunion is a few shows in has anything changed since you initially agreed to get back involved?
Rev: When it first came up I felt like it would be a couple of blow off shows and that would be the end of it. But having been back for a while now it sort of feels like its building towards something, something that may go beyond Final Stand maybe. Its not up to me to decide but the way these shows have gone I'd love to see it happen. Look at Redemption, look at the action in and out of the ring and tell me that the EIWF isn't at the top of the game right now. Hogan said something during his promo at Redemption about only being as good as the weakest link. Can you see a weak link in the EIWF?
CrazyATE: Honestly..........no.......even Triple W and Fenom were so over with the fans.
Rev: What you have to remember is that a lot of the fans haven't seen these guys in years and when they come out there is a surprise element which the fans go crazy for. You see it at the Royal Rumble most years when they have surprise entrants.
CrazyATE: None more surprising that Tormentor showing up?
Rev: That's huge news, the former EWA champion adding to the list of former world champions in the EIWF. I can't wait to see where that goes. You've really got to give credit to the Prez, he has managed to pull all of these guys back together from all over the world, some retired and a few still active. But they have all come together for the good of the EIWF. So whether the smarks agree or not, Redemption was a great event and I have no doubt that Final Stand is a must see.
CrazyATE: Can we talk hypothetically for a minute?
Rev: That's the longest word I've ever heard you use......but yes.
CrazyATE: You've been at the EIWF performance centre, you've been doing DDP yoga. If you were offered an in-ring role, would you take it?
Rev: I am doing all that stuff because you just never know. But right now I will do whatever the company need me to do and they want me being on the mic, doing my journalist bit right now. If they need me for something else then of course I would be up for it. Its not been that long since my last match and if I took a leaf out of Wishmaster's book then I am in the 17th year of my ICW World title reign.
CrazyATE: We have a couple of emails and tweets to go through right after this ad break.
Rev: Remember you can tweet me at @EIWFRevolution
Debut Show on EIWF Network
The below is a section of the latest edition of the award winning show "Revolution Rambling", a weekly podcast hosted by former EIWF, ICW, WWO and NCPW superstar Revolution and his sidekick CrazyATE.
CrazyATE: We don't usually interview you but I want to flip the script today because of something that's been happening in your world. So I have caught up on this EIWF thing you have been involved with and what's the deal there? You left years ago and said you'd never go back but there you were right on the show interviewing people.
Rev: First of all ATE I have told you to stop eating while your mic is on, you make the audio sound shitty.
CrazyATE: Sorry........sorry.
Rev: They called me out of the blue and told me they were planning to put this thing together, a kind of long goodbye. They asked what kind of shape I was in and what I would be happy to do. I've been straight with them, its been a few years since I have been in the ring and I have kept in really good shape but the urge to step in the ring wasn't really with me anymore. But i'd be willing to do what they wanted to put on the best show possible. They were great and offered me the backstage interviewer gig which I jumped at. A chance to be involved and not have to worry about my passion for stepping back in the ring being gone, just perfect.
CrazyATE: Having spent time back amongst it again how was it?
Rev: Look, working on these taping's was huge fun. I'd forgotten what it was like to be with the boys, we had a lot to catch up on. The company wanted me to have an on screen role, so this interviewer job suited me best. What better person to ask questions about wrestling than a 19 time World Heavyweight Champion, the father of legends. I'll be honest man, its been a blast. I've got to be back on screen with the likes of the Hero & Zero connection, Badd Dogg, Eddie D and Suicide, hell i've even done my roving reporter schtick and followed Suicide to the hospital.
CrazyATE: Surely this is a waste of your talent?
Rev: Part of me was itching to get back involved with it all, I have no doubt that I could still drop anyone with an RDD in an instant. What you have to remember is that the EIWF is a company that gave me my break in this industry, its a place that is and will always be close to my heart. Anything that's happened in the past is behind us and I love the place, I love the people, it's been an honour to get back involved again.
CrazyATE: We've heard the stories about the politicking that went on there back in the day, are you telling me all that's done with?
Rev: Back in the day we were all hot headed fierce rivals, the politics were rife. I can't speak for everyone that's involved with these shows but I am pretty sure that for the most part we are different people now. Our lives have moved on, we are family men. I don't have a bad word to say about anyone there. The management reached out to me and told me how much they wanted me to be part of it and I have nothing but love for them. Don't make any mistake, my history in this business was so much more than EIWF. I spent time with ICW, WWO and a lot longer with NCPW where I achieved everything I could possibly achieve, but the EIWF is my first love. I told them if they need me for something......anything then consider me a company man, I am here for them.
CrazyATE: You had some pretty fierce rivalries with guys like Kurt Angle and you and Wishmaster had a hell of a rivalry in the WWO days. You've said before that those rivalries were more than just "on screen".
Rev: We were all young, hungry and single minded. Kurt is a hell of an athlete and if he doesn't know a move, it just ain't worth knowing. Wishmaster............well he is like Taker, you rarely see him out of character, he is an amazing worker, very serious. We haven't always seen eye to eye but its been great to see him back in the ring, same with the rest of the guys. I have nothing but respect for them. They are all good people.....christ even Davie J is a good guy.........figuratively and literally.
CrazyATE: Has any of this stoked the flames to get back in the ring?
Rev: After the Doomsday taping's my son Curt asked me the same question. I'll told him what I'll tell you and our listeners right now. Being honest with myself after those taping's I looked back and realised that actually I still do have that desire......I always did. In the years I had away from the industry the whole business changed, I couldn't see myself with a place in it anymore should I want to come back. Its kinda like how former ECW wrestlers talk so passionately about the company they worked for, you can see the love they had for Heyman and the company. I didn't understand it then but having spent this time back with the EIWF I get it man, I really do. The flame burns for the past and in the EIWF I see a place for me. Some of the boys might be listening to this and screaming KAYFABE at me, but after Doomsday there were a lot of tears in that dressing room from everyone. After so many years away we all came back together and put on an incredible show and not one person missed a beat, it was beautiful. I couldn't be more grateful to the EIWF for bringing this all back together and I am fully committed to being the best Revolution I can be to play my part in these historical shows.
CrazyATE: In all the years we have been doing this I have never heard you so passionate.
Rev: It feels like a rebirth of sorts man.
CrazyATE: Are we gonna see you back in the ring hitting someone with the RDD?
Rev: Haha, I don't know. Its wrestling, you can never say never.
CrazyATE: Any regrets from your time there?
Rev: Loads. I had a couple of really good runs there but yeah. I could have done a lot more there, but when I get close I just sort of lost my way. I was supposed to become a member of The CREW and win the US title, I wasn't in a good place personally at that time and made some bad choices and it didn't happen. When I came back things had moved on and I did my own thing. I was proud to eventually get my hands on that US title but I felt I could have done a lot more there. I never got close to the big one. The Revolution who matured in WWO and NCPW was a much different Revolution to the EIWF version.......I think peak Revolution would have been a huge asset to the EIWF and definitely would have had a world title run.
CrazyATE: Before we spend the rest of your show talking about you is there anything else you'd like to say in closing?
Rev: Yeah, I want to publicly thank the EIWF, the boys and my family for making this reunion possible. I am really excited to see where this goes. And ATE you need to remember to get some CRAP PAPPY t-shirts printed up as we might just start shifting those on the podcast store.
CrazyATE: Thanks Rev, lets get those bills paid with the following ads.