ELITE ICONS wrestling Federation 'Network'
...taking you back....to the attitude era...

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Live from the Rogers Centre in Toronto, Canada.
(Formally the Skydome)
A crowd of 41,347 are in attendance for Doomsday
The show opens with a packed arena, the light go out filling the arena with darkness. The crowd goes silent, Eminence Front by the Who plays as various images from the EIWF’s past fade in and out on the video screen above the entrance ramp. The crowd cheer as the pictures of the biggest stars are shown such as Hollywood Hogan, Super Fire Jr, Badd Dogg, Davie J, Kurt Angle, Wishmaster, Eddie D, Firestorm. Then they boo when they see images of Jeff Jarrett, L double E, Metyl, Rodzilla……
…..then the music cuts into the last Doomsday theme (fucking in the bushes by Oasis) and the crowd roars as a video montage of the stars plays. Fireworks and pyro’s go off on the entrance ramp as the crowd goes wild. The camera zooms into signs being held up by fans such as:
‘EIWF is not PG rated!’
‘Vince you wish you could write this shit!’
‘Badd Dogg is my Mom’
‘The D stands for double portion - Eddie’
‘The EIWF is back! Better late than never!’
‘Hollywood built this house’
‘How’d you like them apples’
‘CREWites in da houuuuuse!’
‘SFJ is 6ft tall to me, damn it!’
‘The Prez loves a screw job!’
‘Welcome to the Dog Pound!
‘I got your wish list right here!!!’
‘L Double E spells F*ck Off!!’
The camera switches to the announce table with the fans going nuts in the back ground to get on camera, sat at the announcers table are Tim Moss and Mark Madden.
TM: Hello wrestling fans, I’m Tim Moss……….the fed that is no sell out, the fed that is the original and number 1 extreme fed out there. The fed that set the standard that all others are measured by, the fed that ruled the efed world between 1999 and 2003………..the fed that is called Extreme Internet Wrestling Federation………..the fed that is known as the EIWF………………IS………..BACK!!!!!
MM: Tim it’s great to be here and to be a part of this extraordinary event, I never thought this day would happen, but now I’m here and knowing that all the big superstars such as Hogan, Davie and Eddie will be here………I’m choking up here a little, trying to hold the tears back……….knowing that we will see the CREW!.
TM: Will you stop it! There are many great stars that will be appearing at Doomsday and of course the PPV entitled ‘EIWF’s – The Final Stand’. It’s not just CREW members but former world champions such as Badd Dogg and Super Fire Jr!
MM: Boring….
(TM looks at MM and frowns at the response)
TM: OK, there will be Kurt Angle and Firestorm!
MM: Overrated, and that's true, damn true!
TM: There will be the Anti Hero L double E, Big Poppa, Jeff Jarrett!
MM: ah, now that’s better. But L double E is not in the same league as Hogan and Davie or even Eddie D. Big Poppa and Jeff, both former members of the CREW so it will be good to see those again.
TM: The EIWF’s last and longest World champion Wishmaster will also be here.
MM: Wishmaster?
TM: Yep, that’s right.
MM: Well I ‘wish’ he would shut up, his promos were boring! Wish list this, Wish list that, Wishmaster speaks………..we all fall asleep!
TM: Will you show some respect! You haven’t changed have you?
MM: Look Timmy, we have a sold out arena right?
TM: Correct.
MM: Millions watching at home on TV?
TM: Correct.
MM: What is expected to be EIWF’s largest ever PPV buy rate with Final Stand?
TM: That’s what the experts are forecasting.
MM: That is all because the fans in the arena and the fans at home are paying their hard earned cash for one reason, and that reason is to see the CREW! So how about you show some respect Timmy!
TM: I’m here as an equal for all the guys in the back, not just your favorites!
MM: You never did stay true did you?
(The fans start an EIWF EIWF EIWF chant)
TM: The fans here are hot!
MM: They are JACKED!!
(‘Extreme’ plays out over the arena sound system………’Wrestling’…..followed by Figure it out by Royal Blood plays…….The EIWF Prez walks out onto the ramp!)
MM: Holy Shit! The mastermind behind everything that was the EIWF is here, and listen to the fans!
TM: Its deafening in here! The fans have given a POP to the Prez!
(The Prez stands on the ramp taking in the ovation, he walks down the ramp slaps the hands of the fans on the way, enters the ring. The fans start a ‘Thank You’ chant. The Prez bows down to them as they continue to cheer. The Prez puts the mic to his mouth as the fans quiet down to hear what he has to say)
Prez: I want to say thank you to you the fans, that was a great ovation and thank you for all your support back in the day and ever since! (fans cheer). I have a special announcement. When this idea of a reunion was originally floated it was going to be just the PPV. But as we got serious and looked into it more, we realised that there was too much to be able to cram into one show. We don’t want to do a rushed half arsed job after all we are not the IWA!, So we added this extra Doomsday.
But now…….we realized that it’s still tight, so we have added a 3rd show!! (the fans cheer and start an EIWF chant)
TM: we will have extra show added for this reunion. Two shows and the PPV!!
Prez: You see this reunion will have all the biggest names from the EIWF’s past, and to do everyone justice we need a little more time! So tonight it’s Doomsday, next we will have Redemption, then we will have the Final Stand PPV.
TM: Redemption is back fans! Are you excited Mark?
MM: I sure am Timmy, that’s three pay cheques!
Prez: I want to thank everyone who has helped to support what is known as the EIWF network and helped make it happen. It was because of this that I got the motivation to do a reunion show.
TM: That’s the EIWF network everyone, similar to the WWE network but FREE!! It has old Doomsday shows, old Pay per views, the fansite is on there with interviews, TV ratings, top selling merchandising items and there is also a CREW section.
MM: The CREW section is da bomb!
Prez: let me explain how the shows will be working. (the fans start a ‘we want the CREW’ chant) Ok ok, let me tell you that in action tonight will be Davie J and Eddie D (The fans cheer) but Hollywood Hogan will not be here at Doomsday (fans boo) I’m afraid he has some prior engagement’s but he will be at Redemption and the Final Stand PPV. (the fans cheer)
Tonight we will hold a tag team tournament consisting of the best three tag teams the EIWF has seen plus a team made of two of the hottest stars before the EIWF closed.
We will see the Hero & Zero connection, L double E and Rage vs Big Poppa and X-Factor. Then we will see the Good Guys Davie J & Eddie D vs two of the hottest stars before the EIWF closed team together, Scott Douglas and Darklight.
TM: Great matches there, the Hero & Zero Connection were a very popular tag team. We all know about the Good Guys. Big Poppa is a three time tag team champion, one of those times with X-Factor. Scott Douglass and Darklight, that’s an interesting one from the Prez.
MM: Darklight was the reigning TV and US champion when the EIWF closed and Scott Douglass was working his way up the ranks and had won the US title and the tag team title.
Prez: The tournament for EIWF’s Final Stand has also been decided. There are four people who have been given a bye to the final eight of the tournament. Those four people are the three hall of famers.
MM: That must be Hogan, Davie J and Eddie D!
TM: Will you stop it!
Prez: That’s Hollywood Hogan, Davie J and Badd Dogg. Joining them in the final eight will be the EIWF’s final and longest reigning world champion Wishmaster. They are all straight through to the Final Stand PPV.
TM: Four massive names from the EIWF’s past right there!.
Prez: that means there are four places up for grabs. On Redemption we will have the following matches, to face Hollywood Hogan at the PPV will be the winner of Kurt Angle and Metyl.
TM: Too former EIWF world champions collide!
MM: I’m going with Metyl in that one, he was in the CREW!
Prez: To face Wishmaster at the PPV will be the winner of the match between the Anti-Hero L double E and Jeff Jarrett! To face the ICON Davie J at the PPV will be the winner of Scott Douglass vs Super Fire Jr!
TM: There are some great matches there!
Prez: to face Badd Dogg at the PPV will be the winner of Joe Green and………………there is no opponent! Tonight we will have a 20 man Royal Rumble, the winner of that will get the last slot in the tournament and will face Joe Green at Redemption! (The Prez leaves and interacts with the fans as the camera cuts back to Moss and Madden)
MM: Where is Eddie D? Is this a joke!! He’s not even in the Redemption matches? He has to enter the Royal Rumble to get a chance! The Prez has lost it, totally lost it!
TM: The fans are going wild at the reaction to that announcement. So to clarify, tonight is the tag team tournament. The Good Guys vs Scott Douglas and Darklight. Then the Hero & Zero Connection vs Big Poppa and X-Factor. The winners of those matches will then meet in the final. Plus we have a Royal Rumble match with the winner getting the last spot in the Tournament and that winner will face the Legend Joe Green on Redemption.
MM: Sooooo, your telling me that the Game Eddie D has to wrestle twice tonight in the tag team tournament. Then wrestle in the Royal Rumble against however many men it is, win that………..just to get onto Redemption to face Joe Green?
MM: Correct.
MM: That’s BS Timmy! How the hell has Super Midget Jr got straight into the Redemption show? How has Wish ‘he would shut up’ master made it straight through to the Final Stand PPV?
TM: Well SFJ and Wishmaster are both former EIWF world champions. Eddie D never won the World title.
MM: are you telling me the TV title is not a prestigious title to hold?
TM: I don’t have time for this.
MM: I'm calling it now, Hogan Davie J in the final!
(The camera cuts to backstage and a motor bike pulls up, the man revs the Harley Davidson before getting off, he takes of his helmet and the fans in the arena can be heard cheering as it’s shown to be Badd Dogg, he walks into the building)
TM: BADD DOGG IS HERE!!! One of the EIWF’s biggest stars ever is here at Doomsday, and listen to these fans!
MM: What is he doing here? He’s not scheduled to fight? Probably another opponent for Eddie D the way things are going.
TM: Fans we are going to a commercial, don’t change that channel because I can tell you know, our competitor on the other channel is not live like us, its pre recorded and I can tell you that former WWO world champion Tormentor is going to easily get the win over some jobber the Lagradi family have laid out for him.
Check out the EIWF Network, it has all the the EIWF history, previous shows such as Doomsday, Redemption, Friday Fight Night, Havoc and Chaos. Plus previous pay per views. There is also a fan site section, including wrestler interviews, TV ratings, wrestler rankings, merchandise sales, the Moss Report end of the year awards and the hall of fame. Plus there is a dedicated section for the CREW, the EIWF's most famous stable, there is a message board, wrestler profiles, old shows, a poll and more.
TM: Welcome back fans, I've been told that a vehicle is making it’s way in, lets take a look…
(the camera changes to the parking lot, a white hummer pulls in and the doors open. Out step Eddie D and Davie J)
MM: There is a GOD!!
TM: Davie J and Eddie D are here!
(There fans cheers)
MM: There is a God and his name is Davie J!
(Davie and Eddie walk to the back of the vehicle)
DJ: Now you did bring the back up plan didn’t you?
ED: Of course I did……
(Eddie opens the trunk but the camera does not show what's inside)
DJ: What the hell is that?
ED: Back up plan!
DJ: Beer………I meant beer as the back up plan!
ED: Oh………Beer??
DJ: if we had an early exit we could have a couple of cold ones.
ED: This is better………..if we have an early exit this is our answer!
DJ: I’m not wearing that!!
(they walk into the building)
TM: The Good Guys are here wrestling fans, three time EIWF tag team champions together.
MM: Plus WWO tag team champions, plus NWL tag team champions, plus ICW tag team champions……the list goes on Timmy.
TM: Ok fans its time for our first match!
(Perfect Strangers hits, the fans rise to their feet! Eddie D walks out first, takes in the applause, he turns back and points to the entrance way and Davie J walks out!)
TM: Listen to this reaction!
MM: I can’t hear you Moss! Its deafening in here!
(They make their way down to the ring)
TM: Interesting enough I have noticed they are wearing Good Guys t-shirts not CREW ones?
(Davie & Eddie enter the ring, they both go to opposite turnbuckles and climb them, posing for the fans, they climb down and Davie signals for a microphone)
DJ: OK…….do you know what time it is? (fans shout back survey time)
ED: Is it survey time?
DJ: It sure is! So who here came to see the little man Super Fire Jr?
(The fans cheer)
ED: Who came here to see the big man, Badd Dogg? (fans cheer)
DJ: and who here came to see the superstars of the CREW? (fans cheer)
ED: Hmmmm, its close….
DJ: its real close!
MM: From where I’m sitting the loudest cheer was for the CREW easily!
TM: I think it was all the same, possibly Badd Dogg the loudest.
DJ: So survey says!..........One more for the Good Guys!!
(Highway to hell hits and the fans look to the entrance ramp. Darklight and Scott Douglas walk out, raise there arms and head towards the ring sporting t-shirts that say ‘The Future is now!’)
TM: Darklight was the reigning TV and United States champion when the EIWF closed and Scott Douglass was a former US and tag team champion. They were the future of the EIWF back in 2003!
The Good Guys (Davie J & Eddie D) vs Scott Douglass & Darklight - Tag Team Tournament semi final.
TM: and we are off fans..ding ding..........., Scott Douglass steps in first, Eddie and Davie play paper, scissors, stone to see who will start! Eddie steps in. Eddie and Scott Douglass circle the ring, they lock up…both men trying to gain the advantage…….Eddie then pushes Douglass down to the mat, Douglass looks up as Eddie poses and the fans cheer. Douglass back to his feet, they lock up again…….Eddie looking stronger here as he walks Douglass into a corner, Eddie hits Douglass with a knife edge chop…….and another and another! The Game Eddie D asserting his authority here!
MM: Its not only pork chops Eddie loves! Listen to those!
TM: Eddie grabs Douglass and throws him into the opposite corner, Eddie follows in with a splash but Douglass moves out the way. Eddie stumbles as he struggles to catch his breath, he turns round and is hit with a dropkick from Scott Douglass. Eddie stumbles back into the corner and tags Davie J. The fans cheer as he enters the ring.
MM: The ICON is about to open up a can of whoop ass on Scott Douglass
TM: Scott Douglass bounces off the ropes and barges into Davie J, he doesn’t move. Douglass off of another rope and again into Davie but it doesn’t move him. He does it a third time but Davie J grabs Douglass and power slams him. Davie pulls Douglass up off the mat and throws him into his corner telling him to tag. Darklight tags Douglass who rolls under the rope to the outside. Darklight locks up with Davie, Darklight throws Davie into the ropes and hip tosses him on the return, Davie gets up quickly. They go to lock up and Davie kicks Darklight in the gut, suplex! Davie then stomps on Darklight's head as he lays on the mat. Davie pulls Darklight up and throws him into the ropes and hits a clothesline, he then drops an elbow on Darklight as he lays on the mat. Davie covers……..1………..2……..kick out.Davie J in full control now, it may have been a few years but he still looks the dominant force!
MM: The man is a legend!
TM: Davie J throws Darklight into the corner and follows in but Darklight lifts up a foot and catches Davie in the face. Davie stumbles around in the middle of the ring. Darklight goes to the top rope and hits a clothesline from the top rope. Both men are down, Darklight shakes his head and crawls over to his corner to tag, but Scott Douglass is still on the floor. Davie gets up and tags in Eddie D. Eddie goes over and grabs Darklight's leg and pulls him into the centre of the ring. He pulls Darklight up, belly to belly suplex!!
MM: That’s gotta hurt…..
TM: Eddie grabs Darklight by the hair and pulls him up, throws him into the corner and follows in with a splash. Darklight falls to the floor. Eddie starts poses for the fans, he shouts to the fans ‘This is one game you don’t want to play!’ Davie J can be seen applauding Eddie. Eddie picks up Darklight, he throws him into the ropes and backdrops him down. Eddie laughs at Darklight on the floor. Scott Douglass climbs back up onto the ring apron and tries to encourage Darklight, Douglass starts to clap and stomps and asks the fans to join in. Eddie goes off the ropes and splashes Darklight who is still on the mat. He covers……1…………2………kick out!
MM: That was close! I thought Eddie D had won the match.
TM: Scott Douglass trying to get the fans behind Darklight here, he's stretching out for the tag as Darklight lays on the mat. Eddie looks surprised he didn't get the pin, he shakes his head and tags in Davie. Davie sits over Darklight and slaps him in the face a few times...(this is your wake up call Darklight, your flat out on your back against the greatest superstar the EIWF and in fact the wrestling industry has seen, this will be the highlight of your career!) Davie throwing insults at Darklight.
MM: He speaks the truth Timmy, that's all.
TM: Davie pulls Darklight up and suplex...........into a jackhammer.........covers..........1...........2.........kick out. Davie pulls Darklight up and applies a abdominal stretch, the ref checks to see if Darklight wants quit but he shakes his head. Davie reaches out and Eddie grabs his hand applying extra pressure.......the ref sees it and kicks there hands breaking the hold. Davie grabs Darklight, Russian leg sweep. Davie gets up and punches Scott Douglass...........Douglass goes to enter the ring but the ref stops him, Davie is there taunting Douglass, Eddie gets in the ring and stomps on Darklight......come on ref! this is two on one!! Eddie leaves and Davie walks back over, he pulls Darklight up and throws him into the ropes, goes for the clothes line, Darklight ducks........off the other rope..Davie turns....Darklight hits Davie with a flying elbow.... what a move!! This is his chance. The ICON looks dazed...Davie is on the mat, he shakes his head...Davie starts to move towards Eddie for the tag. Darklight is crawling to Douglass....
MM: Who is gonna get there first!
TM: Darklight stretches an arm, so does Douglass but he cant reach......he continues to slowly crawl to the corner......Davie makes it and tags Eddie in.......
TM: What is Eddie D doing? He's just standing in the ring, why is he not going for Darklight to stop the tag.
MM: The Game don't want a beaten up Darklight, he's gonna let him tag and then do the same to Scott Douglass!
TM: Darklight is in range now! He goes to tag..........What the hell? Scott Douglass just turned around he trying to get the fans to chant again?? But Darklight is in range to tag...
MM: He didn't see him Timmy....
TM: Darklight continues and makes it to the corner, Douglass turns round and sees Darklight, he goes for the tag..........Douglass moves his hand out the way and drops off the ring apron.....Darklight looks shocked!
MM: I'm shocked!
TM: Darklight asking Scott Douglass what is going on here........meanwhile Eddie D walks up behind Darklight, German suplex!.........Eddie picks up Darklight....oh big bear hug!!......This doesn't look good for Darklight and Scott Douglass is just walking around the ring.
Eddie drops the hold, kick to the gut...STUNNER STUNNER STUNNER!!!! Eddie covers Darklight.............1.............2..............3!!!!! The Good Guys win, but Darklight was out numbered two to one!
MM: Timmy, you could have had ten guys with Darklight and the Good Guys still would of won!
(Scott Douglas climbs into the ring, he walks up to Eddie and Davie..........he pulls off his 'Future is now' t-shirt to reveal a 'Good Guys' t-shirt. Davie laughs as Eddie nods in approval.)
MM: Smart man!
(Perfect strangers hits as the three leave the ring)
The Good Guys win via pinfall.
TM: What does this mean? Is he in the CREW? Or just helping the Good Guys.........I don't get it. Ok fans we got former WWO and ICW world champion Revolution backstage with the Hero & Zero connection who will be facing Big Poppa and X-Factor in the other tag team semi final match.
Rev: Thanks Tim, I'm here with former EIWF tag team champions the Hero and Zero connection, made up of L double E and Rage. Guys you take on Big Poppa and X-Factor shortly with the winners taking on the Good Guys in the final, what's your thoughts on that.
L double E: First off Revolution everyone knows exactly who the hero and zero is in this tag team. This is a tag team made up of me, this man to my left is derived of any talent apart from listening, listening to exactly what I tell him to do. As for our opponents, I couldn't give a fuck who we face, I am the anti hero, the man that made the EIWF TV title more important then the world title. A man who was held back by the EIWF throughout his career for one simple reason......
Rev: What is that reason?
L double E: The EIWF, it's owners and the Prez can't control what is uncontrollable!! There were players backstage that liked to play politics, not me. I am what I am. If anyone doesn't like me then fuck off! Rage lets get to the ring.
Rev: Back to you Tim and Mark.
TM: There you have it fans, L double E claiming he was held back in the EIWF for political reasons, backstage politics maybe? Perhaps the CREW?
MM: I have no idea what that loony just said!
TM: Ok I'm being told that another superstar has arrived, lets go backstage.
(The camera cuts backstage with security letting a man in.)
TM: It's Suicide, the personification of Extreme is here fans.
MM: He's just another Davie J wannabe!
(Suicide walks down the corridor and looks at the camera)
Suicide: After all these years, finally I'm in touching distance of taking down Davie J and his CREW. Davie you have run for so many years but there is no where left to hide. Tonight the POE will step into the rumble match and emerge victorious to claim his rightful place into the tournament, then I'm going to beat whoever is in front of me until its just the two of us left. Then I will have my destiny standing in front of me, the moment I have wanted for all these years. I'm going to make you pay for destroying the EIWF, I will end Davie J!
TM: Big talk from Suicide, one of the rising stars at the end of the EIWF.
MM: hahahahaha, he's a dreamer! He is not in Davie J's league!
(Steal my shine hits over the arena speakers)
TM: its time for our next match up, the hero and zero connection vs Big Poppa and X-Factor!
(L double E walks out with rage and get quite a good reaction from the fans they make there way down to the ring and the camera cuts to backstage)
(X-Factor and Big Poppa are getting ready to come out when Davie J and Eddie D turn up)
DJ: Hey guys!
BP: The ICON Davie J, its great to see you!
DJ: How have you been?
BP: I've been looking after my freaks!
XF: I've been working in TV production, got a talent show about singing.......
ED: Its great to catch up guys, remember when your CREW...
(All four reply at the same time)
All of them: Your CREW 4-Life ha ha ha
DJ: Right guys, you go and take care of those two horn-yackers and we will see you in the final and show the fans what a right tag team match looks like!
BP: Sounds like a plan!
XF: See you in the final.
('Holla if you hear me' sounds over the arena speakers followed by Man in a box
and Big Poppa and X-Factor walk out)
MM: What an ovation for this former CREW members!
TM: I would say it was a mixed reaction at best! However there is no doubting the talent of the two. Big Poppa is a three time tag team champion, with three different partners!
Big Poppa & X-Factor vs The Hero & Zero Connection (L double E and Rage) - Tag Team tournament semi final.
...........ding ding.......
TM: He we go, Big Poppa and Rage starting in the ring. They lock up, Big Poppa throws Rage into the ropes, comes back straight into Big Poppa..knocks Rage down but Big Poppa didn't move, Big Poppa starts posing and flexing......they lock up again. Big Poppa scoops Rage up and slams him down, Rage is on the mat holding his back......Big Poppa drops down next to him and starts to do press ups!
MM: Classic Big Poppa!
TM: Rage gets up, he doesn't look impressed with the lack of respect being shown here by Big Poppa. They lock up, hip toss by Rage. Big Poppa gets back up and unloads a barrage of punches on Rage. He backs Rage into the corner, kick to the gut and a big uppercut from Big Poppa, he grabs Rage.....belly to belly suplex! Big Poppa covers..............1.................2.............kick out. Big Poppa gets up and tags in X-Factor. X-Factor grabs Rage, Rage breaks the hold, kick to the gut.....DDT! X-Factor is down. Rage goes over and tags in L double E, the Anti-Hero is in the ring. He lifts up X-Factor and delivers a knife edge chop, X-Factor looks dazed as he wobbles on his feet. A standing drop kick from l double E send X-Factor to the mat. L double E goes up to the middle rope of the turnbuckle and drops an elbow........he covers..........1..........2……..kick out. L double E complains to the ref that it was a slow count.
MM: I'm impressed with L double E here, he's in total control!
TM: L double E lifts up X-Factor and throws him into the corner with Big Poppa, Big Poppa looks surprised L double E did that, Big Poppa tags X-Factor and enters the ring, the two men lock up……..Big Poppa looks far to strong for L double E. Big Poppa throws L double E into the ropes and back drops him on the rebound, L double E gets up, they lock up again….Bit Poppa throws L double E into the ropes and hits him with a clothesline, Big Poppa then drops an elbow on L double E while he's still down. Big Poppa pulls L double E up, throws him into the ropes but L Double E slides under the bottom rope and to the outside. Big Poppa walks over and mouths at L double E to get into the ring. L double E grabs Big Poppas leg and pulls him under the bottom rope, both men go at it throwing punches, Big Poppa throws L double E into the guard rail and he drops to his knees………….Big Poppa walks over, he grabs L double E’s head but L double E hits a low blow…..L double E grabs Big Poppa and throws him head first into the steel steps……Rage gets into the ring and steps the ref from counting……..X-Factor gets in and starts brawling with Rage……….Rage throws X-Factor to the outside and follows as they continue to brawl. L double E throws Big Poppa back into the ring and follows. L double E lifts Big Poppa up and hits a big fall away slam…………L double E signals its over, he lifts Big Poppa Up and hits the Hero-Drop!......He covers…………..1……………2…………….3………ding ding ding! Steal my Shine as L Double E has his arm lifted into the air by the ref but L double E snatches it away and raises it himself
The Hero and Zero Connection win by pinfall.
TM: A big win for the Hero & Zero Connection.
MM: You know what Timmy, that was an upset, everyone expected Big Poppa and X-Factor to win that, but watching that match I was very impressed with the Hero & Zero Connection. That said, the Good Guys have nothing to worry about.
TM: Fans I'm being told that Revolution is backstage with none other then Badd Dogg.
(The scene cuts backstage with Revolution holding a mic and Badd Dogg walks into shot)
Rev: Im joined by EIWF two time world champion and hall of famer Badd Dogg who despite not being scheduled to wrestle tonight is here in attendance!
BD: Hey Revolution it’s good to see you! As for me being here, the first off is to say thank you to the EIWF fans, back in the day they were always behind me and gave me support.
Rev: Great to hear, you were one if not the most popular wrestler the EIWF had. Is there another reason you’re here, besides to thank the fans.
BD: Yeah I was looking forward to catching up with some of the boys, its been a long time…….
Rev: I sense there may be another reason?
BD: Yeah there is, I’m a little bit rusty and thought I needed to sharpen up being around the boys, I don’t wanna get screwed over……….again! There are some guys you just cant trust!
Rev: Anyone in particular?
BD: Well there are the obvious ones and I want to be able to look them in the eye to see…………….(Davie J walks into shot and stands face to face to Badd Dogg)
Rev: Wow! We have been joined by the ICON!
DJ: Well Badd Dogg……….it’s been a long time!
BD: Sure has Davie……….I don’t know whether to shake your hand……….or slap you in the face!!
DJ: Make you choice…………..(Davie extends his hand………….Badd Dogg looks around and then shakes it)
BD: Its good to see you Davie.
DJ: Dogg in the past me and you had some epic battles, but lets leave it in the past and look to the future!
BD: I'm with you on that! BUT…………I respect you and will give you the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t trust you Davie. (Badd Dogg walks off and Davie laughs)
Rev: WOW! That was intense, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife! Back to you Tim and Mark.
TM: It appears that the two hall of famers have let bygones be bygones fans.
MM: Badd Dogg is lucky that Davie didn’t kick his ass right there.
(Bonfire by Knife Party hits over the arena……..images starts to flash over the EIWF-tron of Super Fire Jr and the crowd POP.)
TM: Super Fire Jr is here! This is a surprise.
MM: He’s most likely knows Davie J is here and is coming out to beg for forgiveness and to bow down before the man that is the ICON.
TM: I think not Mark, SFJ can hold his own against Davie J!
(Super Fire Jr walks out onto the ramp accompanied by Firestorm, the crowd cheers as the make there way down to the ring)
TM: Firestorm is here as well, both former EIWF World champions.
MM: Fire-yawn!
(they enter the ring and SFJ is handed a mic)
SFJ: What’s up my peeps! The Fire family are in the house tonight! (Crowd cheers). I feels great to be back amongst you Super Fire Jr and Firestorm fans. Now I am not in action tonight but will be on Redemption facing Scott Douglass, with the winner facing Davie J at the Final Stand PPV. Well you see this 6ft 6 beast next to me? His nickname is not the Lord of Fire for nothing. He will be watching out for Super Fire Jr because basically I don’t trust the CREW. They always try and screw people and there is something going on with Scott Douglass, I saw tonight how he dropped Darklight and sided with the Good Guys. Well if he wants to be the man to carry their luggage at the airport that’s up to him. But SFJ has a destiny with Davie J and to go on and win the tournament as the true hero of the EIWF. So Firestorm will be watching out for you CREW! Just as a taster of what is to come, Firestorm is in the rumble match tonight and so is Eddie D, lets see how the CREW’s big man does against the Lord of Fire.
(Music hits and they pose for the fans)
TM: Well the three time World champion has sent a message to the CREW not to try and play any games with him.
MM: That was like watching a Jack Russell and a Great Dane yapping in the middle of the ring! Hey tweedle dee and tweedle dumb may be able to fool this fans out here but not me, they are running scarred!
TM: Ok we have Revolution back stage with some wrestlers pulling there entrance numbers for the match tonight out of a hat.
Rev: Yes Tim Moss I’m backstage where some of the participants in the main event tonight are finding out when they will be entering the match. (Suicide walks into shot, he puts his hand in the black cloth bag and pulls out a number, he looks at it and nods his head)
Rev: Suicide, a quick word? Are you happy with the number you have got?
Suicide: I, the personification of extreme doesn’t not care when I enter the match. I am far superior then anyone else in the match and I will be the last man standing, mark my words!
(Suicide walks off, Firestorm walks into the room with Super Fire Jr, Firestorm puts his hand in the black cloth bag, pulls out his number and looks)
FS: Damn, its gonna be a long night!
SFJ: Lets get a game plan together.
(They walk out of shot)
Rev: Tim we will be getting more reaction later from the draw……….(Eddie D barges into the room followed by Gilbert)
Rev: it looks like the Game Eddie D is here to draw his number.
ED: Come on hurry up, I'm a busy man……….I've got the tag team tournament final next. (He pulls out a number and looks at it, and shakes his head.)
ED: Crap……
Rev: Eddie D, how do you feel about the number you have drawn and the main event now?
ED: There has to be a mistake?? Can I change it?
Gilbert: Yeah of course.
Rev: Errrrr…..guys I don’t think you can.
ED: What? What BS is this? Right get me a cell phone……….(Eddie D starts pacing up and down as Gilbert hands him a cell phone)
Rev: Eddie, any comment for the fans at home.
(Eddie dials a number)
ED: Yeah….Hollywood its Eddie D, look man I've pulled out an early number for this stupid main event. I'm’ meant to be taking care of CREW business…………you can??.......You will??......ah that’s excellent!. You speak to the Prez…..yeah, stay true brother.
Rev: What was that all about?
ED: Look little man, the big man has just spoken with the top man to get something sorted, then the big man is going to step out for the tag team tournament final with the main man.
Rev: I'm confused but it seems there are a lot of men.
ED: Look smart arse, you don’t need to know CREW business, but let me tell you this. Hollywood Hogan has a lot of sway around here and he's going to ensure that Eddie D is not burnt out tonight and will tell the Prez that Eddie is entering the main event nearer the finish then the beginning.(Eddie walks off)
Rev: Back to you Tim…..
TM: It seems that Eddie was not happy with the number he drew and he's asking Hollywood Hogan to speak to the Prez.
MM: Look Tim, it’s simple. Hollywood Hogan has more power then the Prez.
TM: How do you figure that?
MM: Hogan calls the shots, if the Prez does not comply then Hogan wont show up………….its that simple.
TM: Ok fans it's time for a commercial, don't change that channel we will be right back......
to be continued...
(I know its been a long read but I hoped you enjoyed it. Just the final of the tag team tournament and main event to follow.)
Click Here for Doomsday Part 2