ELITE ICONS wrestling Federation 'Network'
...taking you back....to the attitude era...

TM: Hello fans and welcome back from the break.
MM: Is it me or did that seem like a looooong commercial break?
(Steal My Shine hits and the fans rise to there feet as the Hero and Zero Connection walk out and down to the ring)
TM: Its time for the final of the Tag Team Tournament fans.
(Perfect Strangers hits and the Good Guys come out as the fans cheer, the pose before walking down to the ring)
The Hero & Zero Connection vs The Good Guys – Tag Team Tournament Final.
MM: Two of the greatest there Tim…..
TM: Two great tag teams.
MM: As I said Tim, two of the greatest right there in the ring…………Davie J and Eddie D.
TM: Davie J and L double E are both already through to the knockout stages of the singles tournament but both Rage and Eddie D are in the rumble match tonight trying to win that last place.
Ding ding……….
TM: Here we go then fans, and L double E is in first and so is Davie J……….it appears Davie J is saying something to L double E…….and I don’t mean in a friendly way….
MM: I can’t quite make it out Tim, something about Davie knows who he is? Not sure what that means, we all know who he is, he's L double E.
TM: Well it appears to have given L double E something to think about……..he's walked over and tagged Rage………wait a minute……..L double E is walking off? What the hell is he playing at?? The Good Guys already won one match after Scott Douglass walked out on Darklight, not again surely?
MM: L double E is gone!
TM: This is bizarre? Rage looks shocked?......the fans are shocked and Davie J lock up Davie throws Rage into the ropes…..Davie hits him with a should barge…….Rage is up..hits Davie with a short close line………..Davie gets up…..he kicks Rage to the gut and hits a swinging neck breaker………Davie pulls up Rage………fall away slam………I think he's mocking L double E?......Davie tags in Eddie D……Eddie grabs Rage by the hair and pulls him up……………oh big head-butt………Rage is stumbling around………….Eddie grabs him, belly to belly suplex…………Rage looks out.
MM: The end is near…
TM: Eddie covers………..1……………….2…………..kick out…………I don’t know how Rage managed to kick out…….Eddie picks up Rage………..sets him up……….BIG…. piledriver!!!..........Eddie tags Davie back in…………Davie goes up to the top rope……..big elbow……NO! Rage rolled out of the way!!......Davie is up…….Rage rolls to the outside…………not sure that’s a good idea……Eddie drops down and goes after Rage……..Rage sees Eddie coming and hits him with a running clothesline……..The fans are really getting behind Rage as he mounts a comeback. …….Davie leans over the ropes Rage grabs Davie’s head and drops down pulling Davie onto the rope and back into the ring and onto the floor……..Rage slides back in and stomps on Davie……..Rage applies a reverse chin lock!!.......the ref checks but Davie is not gonna quit……Davie pokes Rage in the eye and he breaks the hold…Rage turns Davie round and applies an inverted facelock…..
MM: It appears if Rage is trying to wear Davie down and also give himself a chance to catch his breath at the same time………..smart….
TM: Eddie is back on the ring apron and telling Davie to make a tag when he can…….oh Rage has turned it into a reverse DDT and Davie is hurt…………Rage covers…………….1…………….2………….kick out!........Davie is holding his neck here…………Rage pulls Davie up………..hits him with a chop……….and another………and another………….Davie stumbles back onto the ropes……….Rage with a running clothesline and both men to the outside………Rage shakes off the fall and pulls Davie up…………..Rage hits him with an enzuigiri!!!!...........Davie is down!!!.........wait! ‘BANG!!!!’ Eddie has just taken Rage out with a steel chair to the back of the head!!!!.......Eddie oulls Davie up and slides him in the ring near there corner……….he goes back and grabs Rage and throws him into the ring………..Eddie goes back to the turnbuckle…….Davie reaches out out and tags in Eddie D!! Eddie is in he pulls up Rage and hits him with a European uppercut……..Eddie throws Rage into the ropes but Rage turns it into a high cross body…..he covers Eddie….1……..kick out………Eddie grabs Rage…….belly to belly suplex!!!.............Eddie throws Rage into the corner and follows in with a body avalanche………..Rage stumbles out………Eddie turns him round…kick to the gut……STUNNER…… STUNNER ……STUNNER!!!!!!!!!! Rage is down!............Eddie tags in Davie J…………Davie walks over to Rage and places his foot on his chest…………..1…………………2………………3!!!!!!...it’s all over! The Good Guys have won the Tag Team Tournament!!!!............
The Good Guys win via Pinfall (Perfect Strangers plays and the fans cheer)
MM: The Greatest Tag Team there ever was, not that they need to prove anything!
TM: It looks like they have finished here…..Eddie D off the ropes……..big splash………Eddie pulls Rage up…………..Rage can’t even stand on his own…………..Eddie is holding him up for Davie J……………..SUPERKICK!!!!!!.............My god……….enough is enough!............Eddie D has grabbed a steel cheer……….’smashes’ over Rage’s knee………..somebody stop this……….Davie pulls Rage up and holds him……Eddie delivers a chop………..and another……………wait a minute the fans are on there feet………L double E has come back out……….he’s running to the ring…….slides under the bottom rope……..Davie drops Rage and tells Eddie to turn round……..he sees L double E…Eddie charges at him………..L double E moves out the way…..Eddie comes off the ropes…….L double E kicks him to the gut………….EVENFLOW DDT………DDT……..DDT!!!!............Davie gently walks back………..nodding his head…………L double E is telling him to come back……Davie slides out of the ropes to the outside and goes round to Eddie D…he pulls him out and helps him up………Davie points to L double E and signals his time will come!!............L double E helps up Rage………listen to these fans? Are they actually cheering L double E? This has never happened before…
MM: Yeah but look at L double E, he doesn’t seem very comfortable with the fans cheering!
TM: Rage is just coming too……….he sees its L double E who came back to help him and hugs L double E…….the fans are cheering!....
MM: We may have to call them Randy and Liz!
TM: Will you stop it!
(L double E pushes Rage off of him and they leave the ring)
MM: Let’s not forget though that the Good Guys won the tag team tournament.
TM: Yes they did, but in my opinion they went too far with their treatment of Rage.
MM: That’s the great thing about opinions Timmy, everyone has got one and in MY opinion the Good Guys can do what the hell they want because there Davie J and Eddie D!
TM: Ok fans Revolution is back stage…….
Rev: Thanks Tim, at this time I want to introduce you to the longest reigning EIWF World Champion, the man who says Evil Never Dies………Wishmaster!
(Wishmaster walks into shot with the EIWF world title over his shoulder)
WM: Finally, the king of darkness has stepped back into the EIWF arena! I have been waiting fifteen years for this moment. You see this belt here, a belt I have held for fifteen years! This belt represents the best there is in wrestling, past………present and future and that is why it is on my shoulder!
Rev: From one former WWO world champion to another....Wishmaster....tell me... your not scheduled to fight tonight, why are you here?
WM: I’m here to ensure that the EIWF keeps the great reputation it has and had. You see all the talk has been about the CREW. I’m fed up of the talk, they are here for themselves, not the legacy of the EIWF. So I am here to ensure that come the end of the show, if anyone is gonna get screwed………it will be the CREW!!
Rev: But your not in the rumble match, how will ensure this?
WM: Don’t you let that worry you, just know this. The King of Darkness is here, he’s watching the CREW and I am the one hope that this reunion has. I may be the King of Darkness, but I’m the only light the EIWF has!
Rev: Back to you Tim and Mark……
TM: The last and longest reigning EIWF world champion, Wishmaster is here! He’s also said hes gonna keep an eye on the CREW.
MM: I can’t believe he thinks hes been the EIWF world champion for the last fifteen years! The man is not all there!!
TM: He was a great champion.
MM: Good, yes………great? NO. Half of his title reign the EIWF was inactive. He was the world champion when the EIWF folded, he has to take some responsibility!
(My World by Dale Oliver hits as images of Jeff Jarrett flash over the EIWF-tron and the fans boo)
TM: It looks like Jeff Jarrett has something to say.
MM: The chosen one is here!
(Jeff Jarrett walks out, he stops on the ramp and lifts his guitar in the air and makes his way to the ring)
TM: There is no doubting he was the most successful US champion the EIWF had.
MM: Was also the winner of the Battlefield PPV and a member of the CREW.
(Jarrett gets in the ring and pulls a mic from his pocket)
JJ: The Chosen One is here!!! (fans boo) Well it seems there are a lot of jealous and smart people here in the EIWF. You see everyone has not been showing double J the respect he deserves. Ive been working hard behind the scenes to get the EIWF Network site up and running. I was brought back because of my past record of creating new federations and making them a success such as TNA and GFW!! But the way I'm being treated is horseshit! Hollywood makes comments about the Chosen One and I ask to be against Hogan, and what happens?? I get slapnut L double E!! The most successful United States champion in the history of the EIWF is put in a match with a mid carder at best, a TV champion and not a good one at that. OK so the Prez wants to play hard ball? That's fine with me, you see Ive been saying for years this is my world, and while all you may dismiss it come the end of the Final Stand you will realize I was right all along. This is my world and in my world I choose what will happen! I warned people Don't Piss Me Off!! But you didn't listen, now it's time to face the consequences..........L double E.........you will be my next hit. All you slapnutts here who dare boo the Chosen One, suck on this!
(My World plays and Jeff Jarrett stands on the middle rope and holds his hand in the air.)
TM: Ok fans it's time for a commercial and when we come back we will be with Revolution backstage as he talks to some more of the contestants in the rumble match.
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(The show comes back from the commercial with Revolution backstage)
Rev: Welcome back fans, at this time I am joined by former EIWF United States, TV and ICW World champion, Slash!
SL: Revolution, tonight Slash is back here where his career begun in the EIWF. Tonight I have come back to show all the fans that I was the original future of the EIWF, if I had been given the opportunity yeah! Tonight in the rumble I will be taking every opponent………….INTO THE VOID!!!!
(Slash walks off)
Rev: Thank you Slash, next up we have Darklight who was in the tag team tournament earlier in the show.
(Darklight walks into shot holding an ice pack on his head)
DL:………………(he stares into the camera)
Rev: Darklight, can we have your thoughts on tonights rumble match?
DL: Tonights rumble match? All I keep thinking about is how Scott Douglass walked out on me, walked out on the EIWF and sided with the Good Guys and crossed me!
Rev: Well Scott Douglass is already through to the knockout phase of the final stand tournament and is scheduled to be on Redemption.
DL: Exactly and I smell a rat, and his name is either Davie or Hogan. You see Scott Douglass has obviously been promised something by the old boys crew and to get straight through to the knockout stages is bullshit, one of those two have obviously pulled some strings to get him through because there is no way he should be straight through.
Rev: But if they could made decisions like that then surely they would of chosen Eddie to be through?
DL: Who knows what they are thinking or what they are up to. But tonight I will win the rumble match and make my way to you Scott Douglass, I am here to be the shining light of the EIWF, the light may be dark, but its getting stronger!!
Rev: Back to you Tim and Mark…
TM: Thanks Revolution, some more of the entrants in tonight's main event.
MM: So Tim how is the Rumble match working tonight?
TM: Ok fans, it’s a 20 man rumble type match. Every two mins a new person will enter, elimination is over the top rope with the final two in a straight up match.
MM: Like the gauntlet for the gold in the original NWA-TNA PPV show. But with a greater prize at the end of it!
TM: OK fans it is now time for our a min event. It’s a Royal Rumble match with e winner going through to the knockout stages at Redemption where they will be taking on the Legend Joe Green.
MM: The turncoat more like! The backstabber! The only man who has ever left the CREW by choice.
TM: Lets get to the action, Revoluton is in the ring with a mic!
Main Event – 20 man rumble match
Rev: First, the participate who at random choose number 1………
(land of hope & glory plays)
Rev: weighing in at 250lbs, from Blackpool, England………Regal….
(Regal walks out onto the ramp to a chorus of boo’s, he waves to the fans and slowly jogs down to the ring)
Rev: The participant who randomly chose number 2……..
(Their Law hits as the fans cheer, Daddy Mack walks out onto the ramp runs down to the ring)
TM: Here we are fans, the main event is about to start and the first two are Regal and Daddy Macj.
MM: It’s a battle between two of the greatest TV champions the EIWF ever had!
(Ding ding)
TM: OK here we go………….both men circle the ring…..they lock up………..Regal pushes Mack into the corner………..he lands a stiff European uppercut………and another…..he whips Mack into the opposite corner and follows in with a clotheslines………Mack feels out of the corner and onto his knees………..Regal………applies a rear chin lock as the fans boo…
MM: Good tactics by Regal, looking to wear Daddy Mack down before anyone else gets out here and reserve his own energy.
TM: OK fans we will be right back but I’m told Revolution is back stage….
(The scene goes backstage with Revolution who is with Rebel Enforcer)
Rev: Fans I am backstage with the EIWF’s first ever World Champion, Rebel Enforcer!
RE: Hey, I don’t know who you are or what your name is, but frankly I don’t give a damn. I’m here tonight because I got bills to pay and 6 kids to feed. Let’s get this done so I can get my paycheque! (He walks off)
Rev: Well there you have it………..back to you Tim.
TM: OK thanks Revolution, back in the ring and Regal is still in control and has Daddy Mack in a arm bar……Mack is trying to get the fans going as they start a Daddy Mack chant……Mack is up….breaks the hold……..kicks Regal to the gut and hits a standing dropkick to send Regal tumbling under the rope as the fans cheer……..let me remind you it must be over the top rope for elimination……..Regal walking around as Daddy Mack is trying to get him to come back in the ring….10…………….9…………..here we go fans, our next contestant is on there way………..8……………….7……………….6……………Daddy Mack walks to the rope to watch the entrance way………….5…………..4…………..Regal slides back in…………..3………………..2………..Regal with a running clothesline………Mack hasn’t seen him……….Regal sends Mack over the top rope and out!!!.....1!!!!!.....’wooooooo’ (Also Sprach Zarathustra plays as Ric Flair walks out as the fans go ‘wooo’) he walks down to the ring and slides in.) Ric Flair is here! Regal and Flair lock up……….Flair breaks the hold and delivers a chop……….Regal hits a chop back………….Flair with another chop!.........Regal hits a chop back…Flair pokes Regal in the eye and puts him in a headlock…..Regal gets out by sending Flair into the reopes and delivers a backdrop……….Flair sits up and shakes his head and begs for Regal not to hurt him……….Regals stands over him and Flair delivers a low blow…….10…………….9………………8………………..7…………………6………………5………………4…………………3……………….2…………….1………’Holla if you hear me! (Man in a box plays as Big Poppa walks out)
MM: The Genetic Freak!
TM: Big Poppa makes his way down as Regal and Flair are in the corner as Flair tries to lift Regal out………..Big Poppa walks over to flair………grabs him from behind………delivers a german suplex……….Big Poppa kicks Regal who is slump in the corner………..Big Poppa goes back over to Flair……..lifts him up……….belly to belly suplex!.......Big Poppa stands in the middle of the ring flexing his muscles……..he lifts his arm up…...kisses his bicep and then drops an elbow on Flair……..Big Poppa in control here……Regal is up…….Big Poppa spots him and hits a running clotheslines………..Regal is down again………….Big Poppa goes back over to Flair…………..lifts him up and tries to lift him over the rope……..Flair grans hold of the rope though…………it’s a stalemate………..Regal is back up..he goes over and tries to lift Big Poppa over with Flair……………Poppa lets go of Flair and turns round………..Regal hits \Big Poppa with a headbut…..Poppa is dazed………Regal throws Big Poppa into the ropes and hits him with an elbow as he comes back sending Big \Poppa down to the mate…………10…………….9………………8……………….7……………….6……………………5………………….4…………………….3………………..2………………..1……………..(Cat Scratch Fever by Ted Nugent plays and Rebel Enforcer walks out) accompanied by Mad Cat!)
MM: The EIWF’s first World champion, and it looks like he hasn’t made much effort to stay in shape!
TM: Rebel Enforcer is in the ring……..he pulls up flair and kicks him to the gut……..Rebel lifts up Flair………..Flair cant hold on and is eliminated!!!.......Enforcer goes over to Regal and Big Poppa………Regal locks up with Rebel……he gets behind Rebel and applies a full nelson…..Big Poppa is up..he starts to punch Rebel Enforcer……..
MM: Regal and Big Poppa now working together!
TM: Rebel Enforcer has no chance here…….Regal passes Rebel to Big Poppa to hold……..Regal goes off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Rebel Enforcer ducks out the way and Regal hits Big Boppa knocking him back………….Regal looks stunned…..but then starts to stomp on Big Poppa…..
MM: Regal is going to regret this, when Superman Big Poppa shakes this off he will destroy Regal!
TM: Rebel Enforcer is resting on the other side of the ring after the beating he took………..10……………..9……………here we go again!...............8…………………….7…………………..6………………..5……………………4…………………….3…………………..2…………………1…………(Man's Not Hot by Roadman Shaq plays as Fizz walks out)
MM: Not another one!
TM: What do you mean?
MM: Well we already got Super Fire Jr!.........I do like this song though......quack quack quack...
TM: Fizz is here in the EIWF, making his debut and he had been calling out Big Poppa. (Fizz gets in the ring)….he goes over and stomps on Big Poppa, Regal looks and then walks over to Rebel Enforcer………..Rebel grabs Regals wrestling tights and pulls him head first into the turnbuckle……….Rebel gets up and lays some punches into Regal, Regal then reverses and throws Rebel Enforcer in the corner and hits some stiff European uppercuts…………meanwhile on the other-side of the ring Fizz has climbed the rope and hits Big Poppa with a splash……Big Poppa gets up and sees Fizz……..Big Poppa goes to grab Fizz but he runs through Big Poppa’s legs……….Poppa turns round and Fizz headbutts him in the groin……Fizz goes for it again but Big Poppa hits a big clothesline wiping Fizz out….. back at the other side Regal has Rebel Enforcer in an arm-bar……………10……………..9………………….8……..here we go, who will be entrant number seven?...............7……………..6……………….5……………
MM: We are still awaiting the Game Eddie D, but I think he will not be yet..
TM: I agree, it seems Hogan has made some deal with the prez…………..4………………..3………………..2………………..1……(Greg Roberts walks out)
MM: Where did we find this dross?
TM: Greg Roberts the former EIWF Hardcore champion!.....he steps into the ring, goes over to Rebel Enforcer and Regal and hits them both with a forearm and then heads over to Big Poppa and Fizz…….Big Poppa lifts Fizz up, goes to throw him out of the ring but Greg Roberts hits Big Poppa in the back and he drops Fizz down……..Big Poppa turns round……..Roberts hits a clothesline but it doesn’t send Poppa down…..Big Poppa kicks Roberts to the gut and sets him up and hits a piledriver…….Fizz jumps on Big Poppa’s back……Poppa trying to get him off but cant reach.Big Poppa runs backwards and squashes Fizz in the corner……..Big Poppa walks over to Roberts and drops an elbow…………Regal is up he pulls Rebel up………..Rebel hit him with a punch………….Rebel hits him again…Regal stumbles back onto the rope…….Rebel runs at him for a clothesline but Regal ducks and back drops Rebel Enforcer over the top rope! Rebel Enforcer is out!!!....The first ever EIWF champion is out…
MM: Yep he sure is out……out of shape!
TM: Big Poppa, Fizz and Greg Roberts are all going at each other……Regal is taking a rest and letting them get on with it………10…………….9……………..8……………7……………..6………………5………………..4………………..3………………2………………1………..(My Hero by the Foo Fighters plays as Rage walks out to a great reaction from the fans, he is wearing an K double E t-shirt and holds up a sign saying ‘Ive been saved by the Anti-Hero’)
TM: Rage is next up, one half of the Hero and Zero Connection, I’m surprised he’s taking part in the main even after the beating he took from the Good Guys!........Regal waits for Rage and beats him down as he enters the ring…….Big Poppa is trying to fight off both Greg Roberts and Fizz……..there in the corner double teaming Big Poppa..Poppa hits Fizz with a double Axe handle and locks up with Roberts……..Poppa gets the upper hand and a belly to belly suplex………….all three are now on the mat and look exhausted……Regal is in control over Rage on the other side and has him in a figure four leglock…………Big Poppa is up and he walks over to Regal and Rage and drops an elbow on Regal which breaks the hold……..Poppa goes back over to Roberts and pulls him up and applies the Poppa Recliner!!!.......
MM: The big bad booty daddy is in control here!
MM: He should concentrate on eliminating people…………..Rage gets up as does Regal………Regal throws Rage into the ropes and Rage hits a diving crossbody……(the fans cheer)………Rage pulls Regal up and hits a pump handle slam!!..........10………………9……………here we go again fans…………we currently have five wrestlers in the ring and we have eleven left to enter, we are about to get to the half way mark!!............8…………………..7………………..6………………..5……………………4……………………3…………………2………………..1…………(Smooth Criminal by Alien Ant Farm plays as Rodzillia walks out! to the fans boo-ing)
MM: Stand up and pay your respects to the man that started it all!
MM: That’s right fans, Rodzilla who would join the new blood incarnation of the CREW was the original Prez of the EIWF, he founded the federation and run it for about a month!!.....Rodzilla gets in the ring and goes over to help Big Poppa…Rod pulls Fizz round and hits him with a double chop on the shoulders……….Rod grabs Robers from behind and Big Poppa hits Roberts with a couple of chops………….a kick to the gut followed by a running clothesline sends Roberts down……….Rod and Big Poppa do the (‘2-sweet’ sign’ as the fans cheer)…..
MM: I love it!
TM: Rod pulls Fizz up and throws him towards Big Poppa.hits him with a big boot……….Fizz is down………….Big Poppa,lifts Fizz up and throws him over the top rope….Fizz is eliminated!!.....Rod and Big Poppa stomp on Greg Roberts who is still down……………….Regal and Rage both look exhausted……….Rage has Regal in a headlock…………….10…………….9…………………8………………..7……………….6………………….5………………….4…………………..3………………….2………………….1……..(’can you smell what the Rock is cooking!!!’ plays as the fans pop and the Rock walks out)
TM: Former EIWF World Champion the Rock is here!!!!
MM: What an ovation for the peoples champion!
TM: Big Poppa and Rod have seen the Rock making his way to the ring and have left Greg Roberts and are waiting for him……..Rock slides in the ring……..he runs towards Rod and Poppa………they go for a clothesline but he ducks…off the ropes and double clothesline from the Rock!!! (fans go wild)………..Rock pulls Big Poppa up………ROCK BOTTOM!!! ROCK BOTTOM!!! ROCK BOTTOM!!!!.....Rock pulls up Rod and hits him with a hard right………..and another……..and another……..Rock spits on his hand and hits him again and Rod goes down………..Rock walks over to Rod and kicks his arm next to his body and smells the air (the fans go wild)………..he pulls off his elbow pad………
MM: here it comes Timmy!.......the Peoples elbow!
TM: Rock goes off one rope……….skips over Rod……….over the other rope………..back……..PEOPLES ELBOW!! PEOPLES ELBOW!!! PEOPLES ELBOW!! The Rock is electrifying the crowd here! He's the most electrifying man in the EIWF!!
MM: Woah woah woah Timmy! Let’s not get carried away!
TM: Rage and Regal are still battling in the corner……….Regal hits a suplex on Rage…….Regal applies a cross face chicken wing!!...........Greg Roberts is up and hits the Rock from behind………..Rock turns round…………Roberts is now trying to apologize! Rock throws Roberts into the ropes.....big back drop by the Rock!!....... The Rock is on Fire!..........(he poses for the fans who are chanting Rocky)…..Big Poppa grabs Rock from behind and hits a German suplex (the fans boo)………Greg Roberts puts his hand up to Big Poppa for a 2-sweet sign……….looks like he wants to form a pact here……..Big Poppa dives forward and clotheslines Greg Roberts over the top rope! Greg Roberts is OUT!!!!!!
MM: ha ha ha ha………classic Big Poppa!
TM: Fizz is on the top rope……..Big Poppa turns round….drop kick in the face by Fizz!........Rod is getting back up and Fizz runs over and hits Rod with a hard right…Rod is fighting back ………..there both going at it.............Rage looks like hes given everything and there's nothing left............he throws a tired looking punch at Regal.......Regal returns one............Rage swings again but misses...he stumbles and leans on the ropes...........Regal grabs Rage's leg and lifts him up...............and over the top rope!..........Rage is eliminated!!! Regal goes over to the Rock and they lock up............Big Poppa grabs Fizz who is fighting with Rod and slams him, Poppa and Rod double team Fizz......10............9...............here we go again fans................8............................7....................
MM: We are still waiting for the Game Eddie D!!
TM:...............6...............................5..............................4.............................3...........................2.............................1.........................(Invasion plays and the fans start a Goldberg chant. He walks out on the ramp with sparks and smoke and runs to the ring)
TM: Goldberg, the winner of the Fortress of Fear PPV which was like a Royal Rumble but you could be eliminated via pin or submission also.
MM: Well you can't count Goldberg out with his Fortress of Fear win.
TM:.........Goldberg is in..........Big Poppa throws Fizz towards Goldberg............SPEAR!!!SPEAR!!!SPEAR!!!!....Goldberg picks up and tosses him over the top rope......Fizz is eliminated!!!!.......Big Poppa and Rod start to double team Goldberg, hit him with blows.......they throw him into the ropes.......Goldberg hits them with a flying shoulder tackle sending both down!!! Goldberg is up.....he grabs Rod and lifts him up above his head...........big press slam............over the top rope!! Rodzilla is out!!!!!!!!
MM: Goldberg has just bought himself a one way ticket to destination ass kicking via the CREW airline!!! He will regret that!
TM: I don't think Goldberg is afraid of the CREW!
MM: He should be, but he may be too dumb.
TM: Goldberg grabs Big Poppa..........lifts him up.........JACKHAMMER!!! JACKHAMMER!!!! JACKHAMMER!!!............The Rock he had the upper hand on Regal and leaves him on the floor.............Goldberg turns around....Rock grabs Goldberg.............ROCK BOTTOM!!!!....Fans Im being told that Revolution is backstage with L double E.....
(The scene shows L double E backstage with a cardboard cut out of Rage)
Rev: L double E, can you explain your actions tonight in the final of the tag team tournament? What did Davie say to you to make you leave?
Lee: Davie got in my head, but he doesn't want to play mind games with the Anti-Hero, for you see the mind of L double E is a dark place that not even Davie J could come back from! Davie J thinks he has something on L double E but I suggest he concentrates on what he's doing, not what I am doing because I am also in the Final Stand tournament and Davie's time with the Anti-Hero will come, and when it does not even his pathetic Crew will save him from the darkness......
Rev: What is with the cardboard cut out?
Lee: Well this represents Rage, a better version of him. Tonight I wanted to prove that I didn't fear Davie J and made my way back to the ring, the fact that I saved Rage from the Good Guys was a coincidence! There are more important matches to come then the tag team tournament final. If I had to make a sacrifice in the tag team final to help my chances in the singles tournament, then so be it. SO I sacrificed Rage!
Rev: Ok thanks, L double E says that there is more to come from him and Davie J, back to you Tim.
TM: Thanks Revolution, while we have been backstage Dynamite Darren has entered the ring and is fighting with Regal while Big Poppa, the Rock and Goldberg have been exchanging blows!........Regal has been in there for a long time...Darren is landing blows to the stomach of Regal........Regal reverses it and throws Darren in the corner and throws a series of blows and a European uppercut..........Regal then Irish whips him out of the corner and Big Poppa hits Dynamite Darren with a clothesline..........10..............9..............time for another participant............8....................7.......................6......................5............................4.........................3.............................2..........................1................(Party on up by DMX plays and Firestorm walks out and makes his way to the ring)
TM: Former EIWF world champion Firestorm!!
MM: Fireyawn! He looks like a Giant......7ft tall!!!
TM: Firestorm into the ring....he walks over to Rock and Goldberg............hits them both..........grabs Rock..............CHOKESLAM!!!.........He grabs Goldberg around the throat...........lifts him up off the floor and throws him over the top rope!!! Goldberg is eliminated!!!............Firestorm turns round and Big Poppa hits him with a clothesline but Firestorm doesn't move............Big Poppa looks shocked and tries again.............Firestorm still doesn't move..........Firestorm grabs Big Poppa...picks him up..........TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!!...........Regal whips Dynamite Darren into a corner and follows in with an elbow………..Darren stumbles out of the corner………..Regal lifts him up and hits an atomic drop………..Darren stumbles onto the ropes and almost goes over………Regal grabs him from behind and tried to left him over as Darren holds on………The Rock is back up and turns Firestorm around and hits a DDT!!!!.........Big Poppa is up………….he walks over to Regal and Dynamite Darren………..both are still on the ropes with Regal trying to lift Darren out…….Big Poppa grabs Regal’s leg and lift him up and he goes over the top rope with Dynamite Darren!!........Dynamite Darren and Regal are eliminated!!!
MM: Big Poppa putting on an outstanding performances for the CREW!
TM: Big Poppa over to Rock and Firestorm……three big men in the ring here….10…………..9…………time to see who is next in!..............8…………….7…………6…………….5……………….4……………….3……………….2………………1…………(Last Resort by Poppa Roach plays as the fans boo as Suicide walks out)
TM: Suicide is next, listen to the fans!
MM: The Davie J wannabe!
TM: The former EIWF TV Champion is making his way to the ring……….he slides in and Big Poppa has spotted him!!..Big Poppa points at Suicide and starts shouting at him………..they lock up………both trying to gain an advantage………..Big Poppa hits a knee to the gut………..he lifts Suicide up and slams him down and then drops an elbow…………Big Poppa now doing press ups next to Suicide……taunting him.
MM: The freak is showing the fraud whose boss!
TM: The Rock and Firestorm square up…………..the Rock lifts his arm up for a test of strength…Firestorm puts his arm up………..and the other……………they lock up!!......it’s even…………………both trying to gain the upper hand………..it looks like the Rock is getting the advantage…………..he lifts his arms up and forces Firestorm onto one knee………. Firestorm breaks the hold and hits a low blow on the Rock…………Firestorm gets up and hits a short arm clothesline on the Rock…………. Firestorm pulls Rock up……Rock grabs Firestorm and suplexes him……..Rock is up……..grabs Firestorm by the hair and pulls him up…………hits a chop…………..and another………..Firestorm stumbles onto the ropes and leans on them…………Rock goes for a running clothesline………Firestorm drops down pulling the top rope………Rock goes over the top to the outside!....The Rock is eliminated!!!..........Firestorm sits in the corner……Big Poppa has Suicide and hits a belly to belly suplex!.............Big Poppa signals its over…….pulls Suicide up and puts him in a leglock……………..10……………….9………………….8……………………..7…………………6……………………..5……………………4………………………3…………………………..2……………………….1…..(X Gon' Give It to Ya BY DMX plays as X-Factor comes out and runs to the ring)
MM: Crew in da house!
TM: X-Factor the former EIWF Hardcore and Tag Team Champion and long-time tag partner of Big Poppa is in the ring!..He goes over and helps Big Poppa…..X-Factor stomps on Suicide………..Big Poppa gets up and hi-fives X-Factor………….Big Poppa lifts up Suicide and puts him on his shoulders…………..X-Factor up to the top rope…………flying clothesline from X-Factor almost takes Suicides head off!
MM: Ladies and Gentlemen………..that fraud is done!!
TM: He’s being double teamed; the odds are stacked against him!!...Firestorm walks over and grabs X-Factor and hits him on the back………he then hits a backwards suplex…….Big Poppa grabs hold of Firestorm from behind holding his arms…..X-Factor gets up and hits Firestorm with a flurry of punches…….Poppa lets go and Firestorm falls to his knees….X-Factor hits Firestorm with a knee to the face sending him down to the mat………….Big Poppa stomps on Firestorm…………Suicide is up…….he walks over and grabs X-Factor….throws X-Factor into the ropes……….sleeper hold!!......Big Poppa…..breaks the hold by hitting Suicide with a double axe handle……. Suicide turns round....Big Poppa with a punch….no Suicide ducks it…..grabs Big Poppa and hits a reverse DDT!!........X-Factor locks up with Suicide…. Suicide breaks the hold…………off the ropes and hits a one handed bulldog on X-Factor……..Big Poppa is slowly getting up………..Firestorm is up…………he grabs Big Poppa from behind and applies an inverted facelock….(10…………..9……………..8………………7…………………6………………5………………….4…………………3………………..2………………….1………… (Dark Necessities by the RHCP plays as Darklight walks out)
TM: Darklight who was crossed by Scott Douglass earlier tonight makes his way to the ring. The last ever EIWF United States Champion and a former two time TV champion, when the EIWF closed Darklight was one of our biggest rising stars………Darklight is in the ring………goes over to Big Poppa and Firestorm……..he grabs them and bashes their heads together…….he goes over to X-Factor and Suicide………He hits Suicide with a chop…..he then grabs X-Factor….throws him into the corner and follows in with a splash……..Suicide is standing there and Darklight runs at him and hits a Thesz press……..Darklight is up……..walks over to X-Factor but Big Poppa hits Darklight from the side with a Flying lariat!!!!............Firestorm comes in with a wave of punches on Big Poppa…..Suicide runs and jumps in with a splash on the other wrestlers………..its mayhem here………all five in the same corner all fighting eachother!......X-Factor gets out of the corner……….so does Suicide….Suicide grabs X-Factor and ST-Bomb II!!!!!!!!........thats a double pump handle into powerbomb!!!.........Suicide pulls X-Factor up………..tosses him over the top rope!!! X-Factor is eliminated!!!!
MM: This is not good Timmy, X-Factor always stayed true and that fake, that Davie J wannabe has eliminated him!! Suicide doesn’t even deserve to be in the same ring as X-Factor!
TM: Suicide grabs Darklight and pulls him out of the corner…Big Poppa and Firestrom are exchanging blows once again………Suicide hits a Russian legsweep on Darklight………..Suicide off the ropes………LEGDROP!!!........look at Suicide…
MM: Dear God no……..
TM: He is poses like Hollywood Hogan!! He is mocking the CREW it appears!
MM: That fool has just signed his death certificate!
TM: Suicide walks over to Firestorm and Big Poppa…………Big Poppa has been in there a long time now!......Big Poppa hits a belly to belly suplex on Firestorm……..Big Poppa is posing and flexing his muscles………he turns round…….SUPERKICK!!!!........Suicide just delivered Davie J’s finisher on CREW member Big Poppa!!!
MM:…….(sits there with his mouth wide open in shock)
TM: He is definitely mocking the CREW here………he walks over to Firestorm……….pulls him up….kick to the gut…STUNNER!!!!...That's Eddie D’s finisher! Suicide has taken everyone out in the ring…..Firestorm is down, Big Poppa is down and Darklight is down!!!......fans I’m hearing we have a camera backstage!
(Camera cuts backstage with Davie J and Eddie D watching a monitor of Suicide in the ring)
ED: God damn it! That jabroni is going to get payback, if he wants me to bring it………I will bring it on!! (Davie just shakes his head while watching the screen as Eddie starts to smash some furniture in the background)
MM: Well if Suicide wanted to make the Good Guys angry he has, and he will soon wish he hadn’t Timmy!
TM: Suicide has clearly sent out a message here to the CREW………10………….9………………8……………..only three entrants left to go…………………7…………………..6…………..and Suicide is waiting……………5…………………….4……………….3……………………2…………………..1…………..(Freak on a leash by Korn plays and fans cheer as Karnage walks out)
TM: Former United States Champion Karnage is here, his first feud in the EIWF was with Davie J over the US title…….Karnage in the ring........runs at Suicide......Suicide goes for a clothesline........Karnage ducks...............off the ropes..........Suicide goes to backdrop Karnage but Karnage leap frogs over him.......off the ropes......Karnage back to Suicide.............Suicide hits a powerslam!...........Suicide gets up.........turns round....gets hit with a clothesline from Big Poppa...........the other wrestler are getting to there feet..........Darklight has grabbed Karnage and applies a headlock..........Firestorm uses the ropes to get up....he can hardly stand..........Big Poppa is stomping on Suicide..........Big Poppa has seen Firestorm leaning on the ropes........Big Poppa goes over and hits Firestorm with a hard right........he turns Firestorm round and applies a full nelson..........Suicide has rolled to the side to recover...............Big Poppa turns the hold into a belly to back suplex...........he pulls up Firestorm...........throws him into the ropes and follows in with an elbow.............Firestorm stumbles back on the ropes..............Big Poppa follows in with a clothesline and sends Firestorm over the top rope.......Firestorm is eliminated!!............Big Poppa leans over the ropes and mouths Firestorm as Firestorm leaves…………Big Poppa turns round………dropkick from Darklight and Big Poppa goes over the top rope!!.......Big Poppa is eliminated!!!.........Darklight, Suicide and Karnage in the ring now and we have three more participants left! 10………………9…………….8………………7……………….6…………………5……………….4………………….3……………..2…………………1………………(Pretty Good at Drinking Beer by Billy Currington plays Keg walks out onto the ramp)
TM: Keg is here!! (Keg enters the ring)…..Darklight walks over and kicks Keg to the gut and unloads a flurry of punches…………Karnage is in the corner with Suicide………….
MM: Ah the two Davie J wannabe’s fighting it out…….
TM: Karnage lifts Suicide up onto the top rope…………..Karnage climbs up and hits a suplex from the top rope!!!......Keg has the upper hand on Darklight…..Keg has an ankle lock applied……….Darklight has reached the ropes but Darklight doesn’t need to break the hold!.......Darklight kicks Keg in the head with the other foot and Keg drops the hold……..Darklight throws Keg into the ropes and knees Keg in the gut as he comes back……….Darklight drops a knee onto Keg…………..Karnage has a reverse chin lock applied on Suicide as he looks to wear him down……..Darklight pulls Keg up and throws him into the corner……..Darklight follows in with a jumping splash!!......Karnage pulls Suicide up….Suicide grabs Karnage and hits a neckbreaker………Suicide gets up and grabs Karnage by his hair and lifts him up………Suicide takes Karnage over to the ropes and lifts him up and tried to throw him over the top rope………….Karnaage is holding on to the ropes…..Suicide keeps trying to lift him over……….Darklight still has the upper hand on Keg………Darklight hits a DDT on Keg……………Keg is flat out on the mat………….Darklight climbs to the top rope……Moonsault by Darklight (fans cheer)……..10……….9…………..here we go fans………..8………..7…………we are about to see our next entrant and find out who will be last!..............6……………….5…………………….4…………………3……………….2……………….1………..(Sad but True plays and Slash walks out as the fans cheer)
TM: Slash the former EIWF United States and TV Champion is here!
MM: Let’s not forget Timmy he is also a former ICW World Champion!!
TM: ICW? The EIWF chewed them up and spat them out!
MM: Ouch! Should I even mention the IWA?
TM: If you want, I can point out the EIWF chewed them up………….and shat them out!
MM:……………..I’m lost for words……..
TM: Back to the action fans and Slash is in the ring and is getting involved with Keg and Darklight……Slash knocks Keg down with a clothesline......he throws Darklight into the corner…………..Slash hits a knee drop on onto Keg………Slash pulls Keg up…………..INTO THE VOID!!!!.....INTO THE VOID!!!!.......Slash gets up and Darklight runs at him…..Slash with a back drop……..Darklight and Keg are both down!.........Slash goes over to Suicide and Karnage….Slash grabs Karnage and tells Suicide to hit him!......looks like they are teaming up here.
MM: Smart move
TM: Slash holding Karnage as Suicide delivers some hard blows to the head…….Suicide goes off the ropes and goes for a clothesline……Karnage breaks the hold and moves…..Suicide takes Slash down with the move!....Suicide is trying to apologise here to Slash…………..Slash is groggy……Suicide bends down to try and talk with Slash….Karnage off the ropes and hits a bulldog on Suicide……..Darklight has Keg in a head scissors armbar……….
MM: Is that what it is?
TM: Yep…
MM: Looks like some move the waitress had me in at the hotel last night…
TM: Darklight breaks the hold………Darklight with a facebreaker knee smash…..Keg is stumbling around……running clothesline by Darklight but Keg moves out of the way..........he grabs Darklight..........KEGBOMB !!!! KEGBOMB !!! KEGBOMB !!!!!............Keg pulls Darklight up......sets him up....KegDriver!!!!.......Keg is going to work here on Darklight!.....Keg slides out under the bottom rope.............looks under the ring and pulls out a beer!...he gets in the ring...opens the beer....takes a mouthfull and spits it in the face of Karnage!!
MM: Thats called the Kegmist!
TM: Keg turns round and is hit with a dropkick by Darklight..........Darklight picks up the beer......Keg is back up and asks for the beer......Darklight throws it out the ring......Keg goes after it and over the tope rope, he picks up his beer and holds it in the air.................Keg is eliminiated!!!!.........Darklight goes over and grabes Suicide…….German Suplex!!!.........Slash has Suicide set up…..brainbuster!!!!!....10………….9…………….8………………7………..here we go!.............6……………….the last entrant………….5…………….
MM: I wonder who it can be?
TM: Will you stop it, we only have Eddie D left.
MM: Wow…..what a great draw he got!
TM: Yeah I wonder how??............4………………….3……………..2………………….1………………(Crush ‘em by Megadeath plays as Eddie D walks out accompanied by Davie J)
MM: Davie J and Eddie D! The Good Guys who won the tag team tournament are gracing us with there presence here!
TM: What is Davie J doing here, hes not scheduled to be in this.
(Eddie gets in the ring and Davie J joins Tim Moss and Mark Madden at the announce table)
MM: Davie J, the ICON can I just say what an honor it is to have you sitting with us and a privilege.
DJ: (laughs) Mark you did always stay true and the ICON thinks its just 2 sweeeet to having you on commentary for CREW members!
TM: Excuse me, sorry to interrupt you two, but what are you doing here, Eddie is in the match not you.
DJ: Hey little man, show a little respect or I will be showing you the back of my hand! (Mark Madden laughs). The fans here and the fans at home have paid good money to see the best the EIWF has to offer so I’m here to ensure they get what they want.
TM: Which is what exactly?
MM: An Eddie D win?
DJ: Exactly!!
TM: I smell a rat!
DJ: Yahoo MrRat?
MM: Did you just say that? (Mark and Davie laugh)
TM: Well that must be an inside joke, cuz I don’t get it…………..Eddie D is in the ring and has gone straight after Suicide…Eddie grabs Suicide…….spinebuster!!!......Karnage hits Eddie on the back……Eddie turns round hits a headbutt on Karnage who stumbles back……Eddie hits an atomic drop…..Karnage bounces up and onto the ropes…hes gonna go.hes gonna go!.............no.he just managed to hold on………Eddie D big clothesline……..Karnage over the top rope.
Karnage has been eliminated!!
TM: We are down to our last four!.......Eddie D is heading for Suicide again….Daklight hits Eddie from the side……..Darklight kicks Eddie in the gut…….INTO THE VOID!!!!!......Darklight pulls Eddie up………..goes to throw him over the tope rope……….Eddie grabs the rope……….Darklight keeps trying! (Davie leaves the commentary position and walks round the ring) Davie grabs Darklights leg and pulls him under the bottom rope………Davie hits Darklight with a ahrd right…and throws him back in the ring…..Eddie.stomps on Darklight……….Slash throws Suicide into the ropes….Slash with a dropkick….Slash goes up to the top rope and hits frog slapsh!!!
(Davie J has returned to the commentary table)
TM: What was you doing out there?
DJ: Giving the fans what they want!....Keeping Eddie in the match.
MM: Amen brother!
TM: Davie what was you saying to L double E earlier, something that you knew who he was?
DJ: Look little man, that’s a story for another time, there are more important things at hand which is this match that Eddie D is involved with!
TM: Eddie D now has Darklight up……..sets him up….belly to belly suplex!!!! Eddie in control here……..Eddie lifts Darklight up……kick to the gut……..STUNNER!!!! STUNNER!!!!...STUNNER!!!!.......
DJ: (shouts over to Eddie) Time to take out the trash big man!
TM: Eddie D making a 4-life gesture to Davie J here after wiping out Darklight………Eddie pulls Darklight up…..and tosses him over the top rope!!! Darklight has been eliminated!!.Eddie walks over to Slash and Suicide……he hits Slash with an elbow……….Eddie pulls up Suicide and hits a DDT!!!....Eddie turns round and Slash hits Eddie with a chop……and another!!!.......Slash grabs Eddie and hits a Russian legsweep………..Slash in control here!..Slash goes up to the middle rope and hits a driving Elbow onto Eddie…………Suicide is getting up………Slash grabs Suicide………INTO THE VOID!!!!!.........Both Eddie and Suicide are down…..(Davie J leaves the announcers table, he walks to the side of the ring and gets the attention of Slash……….Slash leans over the ropes and tells Davie to bring it and the fans cheer)
MM: These two right here traded the ICW World title and had a feud in the ICW.
TM: (Davie J looks at the fans who want him to get in the ring)………Davie J gets up on the ring apron and Slash hits him with a hard right and Davie falls to the floor………Slash turns round……..Eddie is waiting……Spine Buster!!!!.....Eddie runs off the ropes..450 Splash!!!!........Eddie pulls Slash up…tries to throw him over the ropes…………..Slash is trying to hold on……Davie grabs the arm of Slash and pulls over the top rope!!!!!! Slash is eliminated!!!!......
TM:.......Davie J has entered the ring!!!.........Davie grabs Suicide and holds him……Eddie D kicks Suicide to the gut……….and again………….Davie lets go and Suicide staggers around the ………………..SUPERKICK!!!! SUPERKICK!!!!.....
MM: Man this is sweeeeeet!
TM: This is two on one! This is not fair!
MM: Life isn’t fair Timmy, get used to it!
TM: Get security out here!!!.......Davie pulls Suicide up…………..Eddie D…..kick to the gut………..STUNNER!!!!...STUNNER!!!.......Stop the damn match!!!......Eddie pulls Suicide up..grabs him by the throat……….throws him over the top rope!!!!
MM: YES YES YES!!!!Suicide is out!!! Eddie D wins
TM: Wait a minute.
MM: Ladies and gentlemen, Eddie D advances to Redemption after winning the main event!!!
TM: Wait a minute!.......(Eddie D and Davie J are celebrating in the ring)….wait……….from under the ring…….it’s Wishmaster!!!!..........Wishmaster gets into the ring…he grabs Davie from behind and hits a reverse DDT!............Eddie D turns round………..Wishmaster kicks him to the gut…..picks him up……………TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!!...........
MM: Get the rest of the CREW out here, get Big Poppa out here, get X-Factor out here!!! Lets kick Wishmaster’s butt!!!
TM: Wishmaster has tossed Davie to the outside and followed him…..Wishmaster throws Davie into the crowd barrier…………Davie J runs and spears Wishmaster to the ground……….Davie on top and hits Wishmaster with some punches……..Wishmaster throws Davie off…..both men up……..they lock up……Wishmaster throws Davie into the steel steps!
MM: My God………..stop the match! Get security out here!
TM: Oh now you want to stop the match!........(Suicide slides back in the ring)………..
MM: This doesn’t change anything, the match is over…………Eddie D won!
TM: As I tried telling you earlier but you was too busy worshiping the CREW. The final two men is a normal match, not elimination over the top rope!
MM: WHAT!!!!!!!! Who is changing the rules???.This is BS!!!! Everyone is trying to screw the CREW!
TM: No one has changed the rules, it’s always been that!
MM: Everyone is trying to screw the CREW!
TM: Suicide pulls Eddie up…….slowly puts him on the ropes….he throws Eddie off the ropes……Suicide hits a clothesline………..Suicide covers……..(a ref comes running down the ramp…)
MM: Where is Davie??...
TM: the ref slides into the ring………….1…………………………2…………………………..3!!!!! ……….Eddie D is eliminated!
Suicide wins the main event and advances to the knockout stage at Redemption!!!
(Last Resort plays as the ref holds Suicides arm in the air…….Suicide leaves the ring and walks up the ramp and out)
MM: Noooooooooooooooooooooo!
TM: Suicide is the winner after last eliminating Eddie D!!!.....but it seems we have not finished out here…(Wishmaster asks for a mic)
WM: Davie J, I warned you……you play with fire, you get burned!! I’m fed up of you and the CREW’s cheating ways, I told you I would make sure no one would be screwed by the CREW!......(he throws down the mic)
TM: Eddie D is out the ring…hits Wishmaster on the back with a double axe handle!....Eddie D throws Wishmaster into the guardrail…..Eddie grabs Wishmaster…sets him up for a suplex…..Wishmaster blocks……Eddie tries again but Wioshmaster blocks………Wishmaster hits an atomic drop on Eddie………Wishmaster turns round and Davie goes for a clothesline but Whishmaster ducks……… but Eddie hits Wishmaster with a latiat!!!....Davie walks over and grabs the headset from Mark Madden….
DJ: SUICIDE!!!!! WISHMASTER!!!!......SUICIDE!!!!,,,,,,THIS ISNT OVER!! MARK MY WORDS!!........Eddie lets bring the backup plan to Redemption!!!...(Davie takes off the headset)…(Eddie walks over and takes the headset)
ED: SUICIDE!!!!!.............There’s a storm coming!!! (He throws down the headset and walks back over to Wishmaster)
TM: Eddie picks up Wishmaster and holds him from behind……….Davie gets ready……….SUPERKICK!!!.......on Eddie D!! Wishmaster moved out the way!!......Eddie D is out………..Davie looks stunned…..Wishmaster kicks Davie to the gut……..POWERBOMB!!!!! through the announce table!!!......(Wishmaster raises his arms in the fans boo)……….Wishmaster pulls Eddie up and throws him head first into the steel steps and busts him open………..Wishmaster pulls Davie up and suplexes him on the outside!!!........Wishmaster is pulling up the padded mats from around the ring……Wishmaster pulls Davie up and throws him head first into the ring post……….Wishmaster walks over and stomps on Davie..he then pulls him up…………..walks over to where he has pulled the padding up……sets him up for a piledriver…………..there seems to be some commotions from the fans………….someone is coming through the crowd!...Wishmaster lifts Davie up for the piledrive………BANG!!!......from behind!!! Wishmaster is taken out with a steel chair shot to the head!!! The fans are going wild……..IT’S BADD DOGG!!!!..........
MM: But whose side is he on?
TM: What?
MM: Whose side is he on?
TM: Ok ‘Brain’ we will edit that out of future broadcasts!.........Badd Dogg throws the chair down and spits on Wishmaster!......he walks over and helps Davie J up!
MM: it’s chaos out here, everyone needs to stay calm!!!
TM: Davie can barely stand!...(Badd Dogg puts his hand out for Davie……….Davie shakes it and the fans cheer)……..(Eddie is also up and he takes Davie from Badd Dogg and slowly start to walk to the entrance way…Badd Dogg gets in the ring and climbs a turnbuckle and raises his arms as the fans chant his name)
TM: Wishmaster gets up and slides in the ring, he starts brawling with Badd Dogg……
MM: We need calm, can everyone stay calm!! (Security come running out and break up Wishmaster and Badd Dogg)…….finally!!!
TM: It seems that order has been restored and everyone is calm!
MM: Yeah…………..calm like a bomb!!
TM: Fans we are out of time……………
(The arena lights go out and a video plays on the EIWF-Tron…………..)

Redemption 2018