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EIWF World Title
Wishmaster= jan 27th 02 to *EIWF closure**won Fortress of Fear
Super Fire Jr= nov 18th 2001 to jan 6th 2002
Metyl= july 15th 2001 to nov 18th 2001 *won Battlefield tournament
Super fire Jr- may 4th 2001 to june 30th 2001
Davie J= mar 30th 2001 to may 4th 2001
Kurt Angle= mar 30th 2001 to mar 30th 2001
Davie J= dec 31st 2000 to mar 30th 2001
Super Fire Jr= nov 19th 2000 to dec 31st 2000
Hollywood Hogan= july 27th 2000 to nov 19th 2000
Rock= may 25th 2000 to july 27th 2000
Davie J= apr 25th 2000 to may 25th 2000 *won triple threat match
Firestorm= apr 11th 2000 to apr 23rd 2000 *won tournament
Hollywood Hogan=feb 13th 2000 to apr 11th 2000
Davie J=feb 8th 2000 to feb 13th 2000
Badd Dogg= jan 18th 2000 to feb 8th 2000
Hollywood Hogan= dec 30th 1999 to jan 18th 2000
Davie J= dec 12th 1999 to dec 30th 1999
Badd Dogg= nov 6th 1999 to dec 12th 1999
Rebel Enforcer= oct 5th 1999 to nov 6th 1999

EIWF Tag Title

Big Poppa & Icon

Wishmaster & Super Fire Jr= feb 8th 02 to present
Davie J & Eddie D= Oct 11th 2001 to feb 8th 02
Scott Douglass & Cactus Jack= Aug 17th 2001 to Oct 11th 2001
Davie J & Eddie D= Mar 23rd 2001 to Oct 11th 2001 *won tournament
Lance Storm & Vince= Feb 18th 2001 to Mar 21st 2001
Edge & Christian= dec 31st 2000 to feb 16th 2001
K-Kwik & Road Dogg= dec 22nd 2000 to dec 31st 2000
Edge & Christian= oct 28th 2000 to dec 22nd 2000 *won vacant title
The Real Deal= aug 25th 2000 to sept 24th 2000
Davie J & L double E= jun 29th 2000 to aug 25th 2000
X-Pac & Kevin Nash= may 13th 2000 to jun 29th 2000
Big Poppa & Eron Xtreme= apr 23rd 2000 to may 13th 2000
Davie J & Eddie D= feb 13th 2000 to apr 23rd 2000 *won tournament
X-Factor & Big Poppa= jan 8th 2000 to feb 5th 2000
Scott Hall & Kevin Nash= jan 4th 2000 to jan 8th 2000
New Age Outlaws= dec 4th 1999 to jan 4th 2000
L double E & Rage= oct 23rd 1999 to dec 4th 1999
Badd Dogg & Mad Catt= oct 5th 1999 to oct 23rd 1999

EIWF U.S Title

Scott Douglass= sept 6th 2002 to present
Kurt Angle= aug 2nd 2002 to sept 6th 2002
Super Fire Jr= may 24th 2002 to aug 2nd 2002
Steve Austin= mar 8th 2002 to may 24th 2002
Jeff Jarrett= Oct 28th 2001 to mar 8th 2002
Kurt Angle= may 4th 2001 to Oct 28th 2001 *won tournament
Revolution-= apr 8th 2001 to apr 30th 2001
Slash= dec 31st 2000 to apr 8th 2001
Chris Benoit= nov 19th 2000 to dec 31st 2000
Metyl= sept 14th 2000 to nov 19th 2000
Jeff Jarrett= may 16th 2000 to sept 14th 2000
Hollywood Hogan= apr 25th 2000 to may 16th 2000
Joe Green= apr 23rd 2000 to apr 25th 2000
Big Poppa= mar 19th 200 to apr 23rd 2000
Jeff Jarrett= feb 1st 2000 to mar 19th 2000
Karnage= dec 30th 1999 to feb 1st 2000 *won tournament
Davie J= oct 5th 1999 to dec 14th

EIWF T.V Title

Dynamite Darren


Steven Regal= june 16th 2002 to present
Blackwolf= mar 8th 2002 to june 16th 2002 *won tournament
Darklight= nov 18th 2001 to january 26th 2002
L double E= Aug 10th 2001 to nov 18th 2001
Teck= july 21st 2001 to Aug 10th 2001
Hunty Boy= jun 15th 2001 to july 21st 2001
Triple H= may 27th 2001 to jun 15th 2001
Hunty Boy= apr 27th 2001 to may 27th 2001
Steven Regal= feb 16th 2001 to apr 27th 2001
Firestorm= Jan 21st 2001 to feb 16th 2001 *won tournament
Kurt Angle= nov 19th 2000 to jan 12th 2001 *vacated Title
Slash= sept 24th 2000 to nov 19th 2000
Eclipse= sept 7th 2000 to sept 24th 2000 *won triple threat match
ATV= july 27th 2000 to sept 6th 2000 *won triple theat match
Super Fire Jr= jun 29th 2000 to july 24th 2000 *vacated Title
Metyl= may 22nd 2000 to jun 29th 2000
Steven Regal= apr 15th 2000 to may 22nd 2000
Daddy Mack= feb 26th 2000 to apr 15th 2000
L double E= jan 25th 2000 to feb 26th 2000
Rage=dec 30th 1999 to jan 25th 2000
Eddie D= oct 12th 1999 to dec 30th 1999

EIWF Hardcore Title
Super Fire Jr= aug 19th 2002 to present *won vacant title
Vicious= feb 22nd 02 to july 12th 2002
Greg Roberts= jan 25th 2002 to feb 22nd 02
Rob Van Dam= jan 6th 2002 to jan 25th 2002
Supernova= nov 18th 2001 to jan 6th 2002
Rob Van Dam= nov 1st 2001 to nov 18th 2001
Big Poppa= july 28th 2001 to nov 1st 2001
Dymentsia= jun 15th 2001 to july 28th 2001
Ice= april 22nd 2001 to jun 15th 2001
Justin Sane= Mar 16th 2001 to april 22nd 2001
Bossman= jan 7th 2001 to Mar 16th 2001
ATV=nov 17th 2000 to jan 7th 2001
Kurt Angle=oct 27th 2000 to nov 17th 2000 *won 4 way match
Sting= aug 31st 2000 to oct 21st 2000 *won vacant title
Steve Blackman= aug 24th 2000 to aug 30th *won triple threat match
Edge= july 6th 2000 to aug 10th 2000
Bossman= may 13th 2000 to july 6th 2000
Tazz= may 6th 2000 to may 13th 2000
Undertaker= apr 23rd 2000 to may 6th 2000
X-Factor= mar 25th 2000 to apr 23rd 2000
Torrie Wilson= feb 22nd 2000 to mar 25th 2000
Rodzilla= feb 13th 2000 to feb 22nd 2000
Revolution= jan 18th 2000 to feb 13th 2000
X-Factor=dec 30th to jan 18th 2000


ICW Title Histories

World Title
Revolution      14/02/2001 - ICW Closed
Davie J           28/01/2001 - 10/02/2001 *Vacates title
Slash              26/11/2000 - 28/01/2001
Davie J           31/10/2000 - 26/11/2000
Bret Hart        09/10/2000 - 31/10/2000
Poison            25/09/2000 - 09/10/2000


Tag Team

New Japan                          14/02/2001 - * *won tournament
Davie J & Eddie D                30/12/2000 - 10/02/2001*Stripped of titles
Davie J & Sadistic Tyler Deboard        08/12/2000 - 30/12/2000
The Fear Effect (Revolution & Paul Doom)   18/11/2000 - 08/12/2000
Kane & Undertaker                        31/10/2000 - 18/11/2000
Steve Austin & MW White              25/09/2000 - 31/10/2000


Revolution     26/11/2000 - 14/02/2001*Vacates (won World title)
Slash             09/10/2000 - 26/11/2000


TV Title
Eddie D                             14/02/2001 - ********
Chris Rosso                      05/02/2001 - 14/02/2001
Sadistic Tyler Deboard    30/12/2000 - 05/02/2001
Martin Weeks                   11/12/2000 - 30/12/2000
Undertaker                        26/11/2000 - 11/12/2000
Silencer                             20/11/2000 - 26/12/2000
L double E                          23/10/2000 - 20/11/2000
Slash                                  06/10/2000 - 23/10/2000
Sadistic Tyler Deboard

IWA Title History

World Title
HHH 1st October 2002
Eddie D 26th August - 1st October 2002
Davie J 28th July -26th August 2002
Scott Douglass 8th July - 28th July 2002
Undertaker 23rd June - 8th July 2002
Scott Douglass 28th April - 23rd June 2002

TV Title
Snake 28th July 2002 -
Kurt Angle 23rd June - 28th July 2002
Scott Hall 18th May - 23rd June 2002

Tag Titles
Justin Sane & Scott Douglass 15th September 2002
Law & Order(Jarrett & Boss Man) 26th August - 15th Sep 2002
Davie J & Eddie D 28th July - 26th August 2002
The Outsiders(Nash & Hall) 14th July - 28th July 2002
Jeff Jarrett & Big Boss Man 23rd June - 14th July 2002
HHH & Big Boss Man 25th May - 23rd June 2002




EWA Title History


World Title

The Brock
Tormentor - 28th July 2002-


Lawrnz - 8th September - 28th September 2002 - *vacated title (20 days)
O.g.K - 11th August - 19th August 2002 *vacated title (8 days)
Robyn - 28th July - 11th August 2002 (14 days)


Fuba - 13th October 2002 -
Christian Jakk - 6th October - 13th October 2002(7 days)
Smash - 11th August - 6th October 2002(57 days)



WWO Title History

World Title

Wishmaster Aug 18th 2001

Kevin Nash April 27th - Aug 18th 2001

Revolution *2001 - April 27th 2001

TV Title

Darklight Aug 31st 2001 -

Eightball July 7th 2001 - Aug 31st 2001


Tag Team Title

The Good Guys (Davie J & Eddie D) *2001


Hardcore Title

Y2J Aug 31st - 

Scott Hall 2001* - Aug 31st 2001



*Exact dates not currently known.



EWF Title History

Not yet known..





NWL Title History

World Title

John Simmer 17th Dec 2001 - closure
Karnage 10th Dec 2001 - 17th Dec 2001


United States Title
Crow Walker 14th Jan 2002 - closure
Young Gunn 10th Dec 2001 - 14th Jan 2002


NWL Hardcore Champion
Ickeez 14th Jan 2002 - closure
Crucifix 23rd Dec 2001 - 14th Jan 2002
Supernova 10th Dec 2001 - 23rd Dec 2001
Johny Bravo 4th Dec 2001 - 10th Dec 2001

NWL Crusierweight Champion

Crucifix 2nd Jan 2002 - closure


Tag Team Title
The Good Guys (Davie J & Eddie D)  04/02/2002 - closure

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