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Hello everyone, I'm Tim Moss and the Moss Report!! 


For you eagle eyed fans out there you may have noticed there have been some changes to the EIWF Network. The Network is hosted over three seperate sites. The main site is owned by the Prez. Interlinked with that is the archive section, this is on the same platform so looks the same for viewers but is owned by myself. One of the agreements for me to return was I would have my own voice, the Fansite is independent of the EIWF, of course the two work closely but our views are our own, not only are we independent but we are also impartial. The third part of the network is on the "google network". You may have noticed we recently moved shows to this provider and all previous Moss Reports are also stored there. It has a cleaner look as I know some had issues when viewing EIWF programming, hence why we chose to make the move.


The big talking poing has been the pay per view, Life Support. I thought this was an excellent show which was made by the main event. A special congratulations to Suicide and Davie J who made it what it was. The build up to the match between them two was very interesting and helped pull in the viewers. Those two have both been in the main event of the last two pay per views, both have a win each....I hope there will be more to come from them in the future. The other main talking point from the show was the unification match between Hollywood Hogan and L double E. Despite L double E winning and becoming the EIWF's first unified champion....the talk wasn't about him. It was all about Hollywood Hogan and Revolution. The feud between the two of them has started to really heat up. It all stems back to Revolution being put in charge. It meant a loss of power for the former commissioner Jeff Jarrett who Hogan could easily influence. Revolution has been pushing the EIWF in a new direction and looking for younger stars, this obviously didnt sit well with Hogan. Last year at the Gang Warfare PPV Revolution was seriously injured by Hogan when Hogan smashed the cage door on the back of Revolution's head. Revolution returned some months later and challenged Hogan to a match, which Hogan dismissed. So Revolution has enraged Hogan by costing him the Unified championship, or the two era championship to give it it's correct name.


Since then, Hogan has challenged Revolution to a match....we await his answer. But I have heard from sources backstage that Davie J and others have spoken to Revolution and warned him against this. Revolution has not been an active wrestler for years, in fact when the EIWF returned he was a backstage interviewer. I'm not saying he doesn't have the credentials because he does, a former two time ICW World champion, a former WWO World champion. But he has spent time learning to have to walk again because of neck injuries....we await to see what will become of this situation.


With the competitive edge between Davie and Suicide it saw them occupy the top two places in the latest wrestler rankings which you can check out here. Two recent additions to the roster from the power plant saw Bushi and Cort Jester make there way into the top ten but there was disappointment as our FTE champion and Legends champion, L double E and Hollywood Hogan failed to make the list after the two of them went lackluster as our champions. In our industry we call that "doing  a Metyl". We hope that the Anti Hero will be more focused as the Unified champion, he demands respect....well he's got to earn it.


Our top selling is the EIWF Prime membership. You can pay monthly or yearly, have access to all up coming shows plus all previous pay per views and shows from competitors. Recently the EWF section went live. The Extreme Wrestling Frontline was run by Tormentor and we have some episodes of it's premier show called EWF Justice now up. Check them out here. Second on the merchandise list was an Ellis Black item, and interestingly our last poll related to him being stripped of the Genesis title. The Poll asked should Ellis have been stripped of the belt, a whopping 82% said yes. I'm sorry but I don't agree with that at all. It was a political move not a wrestling move. Sure it's arguable that Ellis had outgrown the championship, he has moved on to main event a PPV. But you should never lose your championship belt out of the ring, he wasn't even injured! Despite me not agreeing with the decision, it has lead to the mouth watering prospect of a Davie J versus Ellis Black a cage! Just the two of them. But I question why this is going to be at Evolution and not on pay per view? Seem's odd to me.


There is a new poll up, please vote in it and let us know what you thought of the Life Support show. It saw the return of Gary A after Revolution let Mark Madden leave. I have heard that Revolution felt that Mark was too biased in his opinion when it came the CREW members and Revolution beloieves anything relating to the CREW is bad for the company.


Before I round up with the rumors lets take a quick look at the TV ratings, there was a 27% increase in views over the two month period previously....smiles all around. As long as that happenes Revolution and perhaps his right hand man Davie can do what they want....even if it is stripping titles from champions.


I have been asked a few questions by fans relating to internet rumour's. The heat between the Prez and Eddie D is very real. Yes I can mention his name because the Fansit e s independent! Let me explain on this a bit further. When the EIWf returned in 2017 the Prez was looking for a platform to broadcast on. Eddie had created the basis for a CREW site but it never progressed far. The Prez contacted Eddie and asked for the keys to the mansion so to speak. Eddie agreed......but it is believed there was some gentlemens agreement. Eddie was under the impression he would be pushed and looked after, the prez deny's ever making this promise. The relationship between the two started to sour. Eddie asked for the keys back, but it didnt matter....the Prez had changed all the locks if you get my drift? There was no way for Eddie to get back in. The Prez argued it was now his because of all the work that had gone into the site. There was some angry words and Eddie left on bad terms. 


What is true is that Davie J has been asking for a return of Eddie, he has been constantly been trying to persuade Revolution...who is not against the idea. But thats the problem, Revolution shall we say rents the mansion....he doesnt own it. The Prez still has the keys even if Revolution does look after it.


I was aksed about Todd Williams, I have no idea who he is or why he has been mentioned within the EIWF. I was also asked about the ICW reunion show, its gone a bit quiet on that but I believe Revolution is keen on it, being a former two time ICW world champion.....not sure how the show would look as I know the Prez originally hated the ICW to it's core....but his approach over the last year has softened


That's all the time we have for this edition of the Moss report, I will see you again live from the control centre next time.


Previous editions of the Moss report can be viewed here.








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