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Badd Dogg joined the EIWF back in September 1999 and was one of its first members. He captured the EIWF tag team titles with Diamond Dog and later his tag partner was changed to Madd Catt. He won the Tag titles on the 5th October 19999 and was one half of the the first ever EIWF Tag team champions. He lost the tag titles on the 23rd October 1999 to the Hero and Zero Connection better known as L double E and Rage.

Badd Dogg then moved onto the World title and captured the title on the 6th November 1999. He entered a feud with L double E which resulted into a Bronx Street fight. Badd Dogg was accompanied to the ring by the lovely Sunny and he lost the World title to Davie J on the 12th December 1999. He enterd the Fortress of Fear as number 1 and finished as runner up to Goldberg. He was in a stage of being screwed over by the Prez as well as fighting the CREW who was being led by Hollywood Hogan.

Badd Dogg recaptured the EIWF World title on January 18th 2000 by beating Hollywood Hogan. He then formed a strong alliance with the returning Davie J. They joined forces to fight Hollywood Hogan and his New Blood CREW and the Prez. Goldberg and Eddie D also joined forces with Badd Dogg and Davie J.But the Prez then booked Davie J versus Badd Doggt to fight eachother at Doomsday for the World title. Badd Dogg lost the World title for a second time to Davie J on February 8th 2000.

It was then Badd Dogg realised he had been screwed again. Badd Dogg had been booked to fight Hollywood Hogan at the February PPV Evil Intensions but his place was taken by Davie J after winning the World title. Davie J laid down for Hollywood Hogan and the CREW had screwed everyone. The partnership between Badd Dogg and Davie J had been a screw job as well as Eddie D as he rejoined the CREW.

Badd Dogg was on his own fighting the CREW once again. He later joined the Four Horsemen with Ric Flair, Ken Shamrock and Rage but the four failed to make the impact they had hoped and once again on his own.

The CREW split up in May 2000 and Davie J once again joined forces with Badd Dogg and they continued there fight against Hollywood Hogan. Badd Dogg has had many memorable matches against Hollywood Hogan and Davie J as well as HHH, Eddie D, L double E and many more.

Then the next challenge was the NMWO as Badd Dogg and Davie J fought the newest force in the EIWF.

Badd Dogg left the EIWF in late 2000 and returned again in the summer of 2001. Badd Dogg shocked everyone including his own fans when he turned his back on them and defected to the WWO. It was at Hoter than Hell when it happened, everyone thought Badd Dogg was part of Team EIWF but it was Team WWO and he screwed everyone to make sure it was the WWO that won war games.

Badd Dogg never captured the World title again but remained an important part of the EIWF success and helped make it what it is today.

Badd Dogg.....welcome to the EIWF's Hall of Fame.

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