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EIWF's Final Stand

(2nd Night)

Live from

Madison Square Garden,

New York

with an attendance of 20,789

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To get the most out of this show, please take the time to read it fully. Also if you are viewing on a desktop there are pictures, videos and music. These have mostly been removed on the mobile version.

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(The scene opens with Davie J sitting in a chair opposite the Prez in his office)

EP: What did I tell you? Eh? What did I say?? You want to associate yourself with the EX3 it only dilutes the aurora of Davie J. I told you if you went with Badd Dogg, Revolution and Kurt Angle you was on your own. I can't protect you if you go off doing your own things.

DJ: But….

EP: No buts. No ifs!! What has being in the EX3 got you?

DJ: Well someone had to stop the CREW….

EP: Let me tell you what happened, you got your ass kicked and lost the Legends belt. Here’s what I’m going to do, I’m giving you one last chance. The EIWF does not recognize the title win by Hollywood Hogan over Davie J, your still the champion!

DJ: How are you going to justify that?

EP: I don't have too, I’m the Prez. But if you want it on a technicality then Eddie D was the official Ref, he didn't make the count, Jarrett did. Go away and think about what Ive said and you let me know if your on board the success express! Now get out of here before I change my mind…..


(The ending of the Final Stand part 1 is shown on the broadcast before the start of the PPV)


.........Angle pulls Hogan off his feet…….Angle still has Hogans foot…...Angle is up on one knee……...ANKLE LOCK!!!....ANKLE LOCK!!!!....ANKLE LOCK!!!! (fans pop)

MM: This could be it!!!

TM: Hogan is trying to reach for the ropes..he's slowly getting closer…….he's almost there….but Angle pulls Hogan back to the centre of the ring!....The Ref gets down to check if Hogan submits…

MM: I fear…….the end is near for Hogan….(fans stand up….Eddie D and Big Poppa walk out)

TM: What’s this? Eddie D and Big Poppa are making there way down to the ring. I thought Hogan had changed, he came out here wearing red and yellow…..he's been playing the fans…..they have been cheering him…..(Big Poppa and Eddie D are standing at the side of the ring and the Ref goes over to them).....It appears the Ref is telling them to go to the back and if they interfere Hogan will be disqualified….look at Hogan….he's nodding his head! Hes submitting but the Ref still with Eddie and Hogan…………...WAIT A MINUTE!!!.....(Rodzilla comes out from under the ring with a baseball bat).......Rodzilla is in the ring….from behind on Kurt Angle….(BANG!).....takes Kurt Angle out with a baseball bat!!!....(Rodzilla slides back out the ring and under the ring)........Hogan climbs on top of Angle and starts banging the mat…...the Ref turns round…..he sees Hogan covering Kurt Angle and gets down and counts………...1…………….2…………….3!!!!!..........Eddie D and Big Poppa get in the ring…...they stomp on Kurt Angle ….(fans boo).........Hogan looks at the fans(they cheer).....he goes over and Big Poppa and Eddie D back off….Hogan flexes his muscles…(fans cheer)...

MM: What is Hogan doing??

TM: It appears he has changed his ways and is leaving the CREW behind.

MM: Not another one, first Davie….now Hogan??

TM:.....Rodzilla is back in the ring…..he's standing by Hogan…..Eddie D and Big Poppa go towards Angle again….Hogan grabs the chair off of Rodzilla….He threatens Eddie and Big Poppa with the chair….(Hogan hits Angle with the chair!)...NO!...No way!!......(Eddie throws Hogan a CREW t-shirt)...NO NO NO!.....(He puts on the CREW t shirt).....Eddie and Big Poppa stomp on Kurt Angle and kick him out of the ring………

MM: Yes yes yes! I knew I should've never doubted Hogan. He played you Timmy, and all these fans. You fell for the old red and yellow trick didn't you…..ah ha ha ha ha (Hogan has a mic)


HH: You fans wanted a hero, I gave you a real American hero. I put on the red and yellow and you fans took the bait (fans boo). Kurt Angle brother, I stole your thunder. Not because I wanted too…..but because I could! For the first time in 16 years, Hollywood wrestled in the EIWF, and brother….wasn't it worth the wait! (fans boo and throw trash into the ring). Rodzilla brother, it’s good to have you back. Tonight, we took care of CREW business (fans boo)......we proved once again that we are in control!!!! (drops the mic, the fans boo and Voodoo child by Jimi Hendrix plays)


TM: Fans I cant believe Hogan…has fooled us again.

MM: That's Hollywood Hogan Timmy! He wore the red and yellow just to steal Kurt Angle's Thunder.

TM: Fans Hollywood Hogan has won here in controversial circumstances. He will face Badd Dogg in the final four and Davie J will be taking on L double E.

MM: Timmy, it's shaping up nicely here for an Evil Intentions ‘3’ scenario!

TM: God I hope not…….

MM: If I recall its Hogan 1…..Davie 1….in the two Evil Intentions pay per views they met.

TM: Yes…..and each time they swerved us all…..and laid down to give the other one the win… we have one show left…...the EIWF’s Final Stand…...second night……..are you ready?????


(The arena lights go out leaving it in complete darkness….’BANG’ as pyro’s go off and ‘Are you ready?’ by AC/DC plays. The fans POP and images of the final four in the tournament are shown on the video screen)


TM: Hello everyone…..I’m Tim Moss and this is the EIWF’s Final Stand!!!!

MM: This can't be the end of the EIWF?? Surely not!!

TM: Well fans can you believe we have been back almost a year!

MM: WOW! Time flies when you're having fun…...watching the CREW rule the wrestling world once again!

TM: The reunion tour has taken us from December 2017 to November 2018!

MM: What a ride it's been Timmy!

TM: It sure has. Tonight we are down to the final four in the Final Stand Tournament. We have the immortal Hollywood Hogan versus the peoples champion Badd Dogg and then the Anti-Hero L double faces the ICON Davie J with the two winners facing each other in the final.

MM: Timmy I called it from day one…….Hogan...Davie… the final….a match of epic proportions and a deserving end if it is the end to the EIWF. I can't think of two bigger stars the EIWF has had and it seems only right.

TM: Well Mark I think I can kind of agree with you there…..although Badd Dogg would also be a worthy winner


TM: Take your head out of your own little CREW bubble you live in and be professional for once…….

MM: OK!......Yes……..but this is the only time EVER I will admit this. Badd Dogg would be a worthy champion too. He's been a great competitor and a top top superstar of the EIWF.

TM: Also tonight we will be taking a look back at some of our former competitors.

MM: That's what the EIWF Network is all about Timmy. It's not just the EIWF….but those who tried to compete with the juggernaut but failed. It doesn't mean they didn't have memorable moments either.

TM: Exactly, we will talk throughout the show of the ICW, WWO, IWA, EWA, EWF and F2S….

MM: Fight 2 survive?......seriously?

TM: Well maybe not!

(both laugh)

TM: OK I’m told we got a camera backstage……


(The scene cuts to L double E backstage with the EIWF world title over his shoulder outside a door with ‘Prez’ on it. L double E knocks and a voice is heard ‘come in’......L double E walks in and closes the door behind him. The Prez is sitting behind a desk going through paperwork and L double E approaches and stands there)


EP: (he doesnt look up) Yes………..?

LEE: Boss…….I've got some concerns….

EP: (still looking through his paperwork and then his cell phone)...such as?

LEE: The CREW….Hogan…...Davie…….

EP:...(scrolls through his phone)....OK…...go on….

LEE: Well everyone can see it from a mile off…..

EP: (puts his phone down and goes back to his paperwork).....see what….?

LEE: A screw-job….a swerve! No one actually believes that they have fallen out. There is going to be some screw job where they meet in the final…..and surprise surprise… lays down and lets the other one win.

EP: (looks on his computer screen and starts typing).....well I've been working with Davie closely these last few months and I’m not aware of anything like that….and I run this place.

LEE:.........all along all I've ever wanted is a fair chance………. I've seen it before with them two.

EP:.....(still on his computer)....yeeeh…..and I said I would give you a chance…..

LEE: Yeah…….

EP:............I tell you what I will do……(looks up at L double E).....what the hell are you doing with that belt?

LEE: Oh this thing? (looks at the big gold belt on his shoulder)....I won this.

EP: In a raffle?





LEE: I won it when I beat Wishmaster at the first night of Final Stand. He was the last EIWF world champion, no one had defeated him for fifteen years….until the Anti Hero beat him for the one two three to become the EIWF World champion and fulfill my destiny.

EP:....L double E…..

LEE: Yes?

EP: Have you stopped taking your medication?


EP: Lets get back on topic.

LEE: Indeed!

EP: Your worried about Hogan and Davie screwing you, now I promised you a fair chance. Ive known you a long time L double E and I remember when you first started out in this business as a young lad. You have been a good servant to the EIWF, I appreciate that.

LEE: I remember my early days too, back in the look different to what I remember when I think back Boss, guess everyone changes.

EP: So here is what I’m going to do. For all the matches tonight. The Referee's decision is final!! So the Ref can call it how he wants to ensure everyone gets a fair match. So if Hogan tries to cost you the match the Ref can DQ Davie. That should ease any fears you have.

LEE: Sounds good to me…..I don’t trust them….I don't want to be screwed out of my chance to become the Unified champion!!

EP: The what??

LEE: The Unified Champion…..I’m the EIWF World champion and I will be taking on Davie J the reinstated Legends Champion in a Unification match!! In fact Boss….Perhaps we should be on last, it’s got to be the main event!

EP: You want your Semi final match to be on last…..after the final?

LEE: Yep!………your are something else…

LEE: Thanks Boss.

EP: It wasn’t a compliment!


EP:Let’s get one thing straight. You are not the EIWF World champion. That belt is not active, it was retired when the EIWF closed in January of 2003. It is not recognized by the EIWF. In fact….there will be no titles on the line at the Final Stand! Tonight is about the legacy of the EIWF, not title belts…...Now get out of here!


(L double E walks out of the room and closes the door. He turns around and Davie J is standing there (fans cheer)

DJ: What were you doing in the Prez’s office?

LEE: Well big boy...its official. Our match tonight is a unification match between my EIWF World title and your Legends title. The Prez just confirmed it…..and…..AND!!!....I got your number!

DJ: My number?

LEE: You think you and Hogan can play us all, your not going to swerve me!

DJ: If I wouldn't seeing it coming!

LEE: No no no.. your wrong because Ive been to the opticians and have 20/20 vision so I will see everything!! There will be no screw job from you because the Referee’s decision is final tonight...for all matches.

DJ: I don't need help to beat you Mr TV Title! I can beat you fair and square.

LEE: We will see chump!........Champ out!

(L double E walks away as Davie shakes his head and walks into the Prez’s office. The scene cuts back to Tim Moss and Mark Madden)


MM:.....(sitting with his mouth wide open)

TM: L double E there raising concerns about the CREW and Davie and if this is one big swerve by them. Well one thing is for the end of the night….we will know!

MM: L double E is away with the fairies tonight!

TM: I don't know what L double E is on….but if we can get some of whatever he's been taking for the after show party tonight??

MM: I’m on it! (Dials on his cell phone and starts talking in the background)

TM: Fans Im being told we have a vehicle arriving backstage….


(Scene cuts to the backstage area and a hummer pulls up. It revs the engine and then the doors open…...the fans in the arena boo as Big Poppa gets out….then Eddie D and then Hollywood Hogan)


ED: Its party time!

BP: This is it...this is the place…..

ED: The place that Hollywood Built!

(all three laugh)

HH: Thats right brother!.....CREW are in the house!

(They walk into the building and are met by the Prez)

HH: Well look who it is, the puppet master pulling the strings on our old friend Davie ha ha.

EP: I'm going to ask you to hand that title back, you may have had fun with your edition of Hollywood Havoc but Eddie D was the official Referee and he didn't make the count...

(Hogan hands the belt to the Prez)

BP: What are you doing?

HH: Don't worry dude, the only way Davie J can get this belt is by having the Prez hand it to him. I'm the only Legends champion to have won the belt via pinfall. Tell Davie to keep it warm, I will be back for it!


(The CREW walk off as the Prez holds the Legends title belt, the scene cuts back to the announcers)


TM: We have seen the arrival of Hollywood Hogan who will be in our first match tonight when he takes on Badd Dogg.

MM: I cant believe the Prez has taken the Legends title off of Hogan!

TM: Well the Prez has a point and the way the title was won.......

MM: The Immortal one looks in great shape Timmy. His wing-men either side….I can tell it’s going to be another memorable night for the CREW even without the Legends title belt around Hogan's waist!!!

TM: Now fans as we mentioned earlier we are going to take a look back at the past and while digging through the archives we found some rare video footage regarding the IWA.

MM: Hey Timmy all of there footage is rare because no one ever watched it!

TM: Now now Mark, let's give them some credit, back in the day they did at one point manage to lead the TV ratings against the EIWF and the EWA.

MM: Your shitting me?

TM: Now when a fed closes down there are still all of its assets, now some of you will be aware of the museum at EIWF HQ were some of the old props can be seen.

MM: Yeah I remember Davie J shooting a promo there. We saw the original EIWF tag team titles…….a God of Thunder figure? No idea what that was about.

TM: Thats correct, plus we know that Revolution has the original WWO World title belt and the original ICW World title belt that he had on display on the set of the RDD show.

MM: Plus the original EIWF World title belt, that the clown is currently walking around with….

TM: Exactly….all of those things. Now no one knew what happened to the IWA World title belt….

MM: Triple H has it maybe? He was the last IWA champion? Or it was given to Scott Douglass as he was the only two time IWA champion?

TM: Well let's find out….here's the video….




















TM: Oh my…..

MM: Ha ha ha ha ha. ……...and the IWA champion is…...the trash can! Ha ha ha ha

TM: Well let's talk about the high points of the IWA.

MM: Ok….like when it closed down?

TM: As much as we love to bash the IWA around here there is no need to be bitter….we won the war! For a brief period of time the IWA was winning the TV ratings on the ‘Wrestling Fans Fansite’ as it was known then. The three competing feds at the time were the EIWF, IWA and EWA. It was an up and down year for all three back in 2002. Back when the IWA started they teased that the EIWF’s former star Davie J was joining. There was a masked man who superkicked someone at their debut PPV entitled Caged Madness. But in fact it turned out to be Jeff Jarrett. But many EIWF stars would appear in the IWA such as Jarrett, Scott Douglass, Davie J and Eddie D. The IWA wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea as Regal would say, but it had its place in the grand scheme of things.

MM: Your right Timmy, it was no EIWF or ICW but it did have its own fans, I guess the good thing about the EIWF Network is that we can look back at it.

TM: Exactly

MM: To when the EIWF crushed it!


(The scene cuts backstage with a white limo pulling up. Revolution walks into shot and the fans POP. He opens the door on the limo and Ellis Black steps out with the Genesis title belt. The door on the far side opens and Suicide and Jimmy Brandon get out with the Genesis tag team titles. Revolution hugs Ellis and then looks into the camera)

Rev: The New Era Icons are here at Final Stand for a very special RDD show!!!

(The scene cuts back to Tim Moss and Mark Madden)


TM: Wow, fans we was not aware that Revolution would be here tonight hosting the RDD show and it seems his guests will be the New Era Icons!

MM: The New Era Icons, the holders of all the mid card titles!

TM: What are you talking about? Everyone of those titles was won in the ring and well earned!

MM: Yeah…whatever.

TM: We do need some clarification because the Prez stated that no titles will be defended tonight but Ellis Black and Regal have been pushing for a Genesis title match.


(Bawitdaba by Kid Rock hits and the fans POP!)


TM: What a reaction from the's deafening in here!

MM: Wait until Hollywood Hogan comes out!


(Badd Dogg walks out wearing an EX3 t-shirt and the fans POP again. He walks to the ring slapping the hands of fans on the way)


TM: One of if not the most popular superstar in the history of the EIWF. a two time EIWF world champion and can you believe it was 19 years ago that Badd Dogg won his first EIWF World title when he beat Rebel Enforcer?

MM: 19 years ago? Surely it's not that long ago? Where has the time gone?? I will give Badd Dogg his dues, the fans love him I know but he was a great competitor and a worth EIWF champion and his role in the reunion tour of the EIWF has been very important…..but his contribution ends here, he's no match for Hollywood Hogan.

TM: Well I disagree, I think Badd Dogg will win the match against Hogan

(Badd Dogg is in the center of the ring and climbs a turnbuckle, he opens a beer spraying it over the fans in the front row to another enormous crowd reaction. He steps down as his music stops)


MM: Wait for it Timmy………….wait for it……


(Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix plays and the fans boo….images of Hogan and the CREW flash over the video screen and smoke fills the entrance way. Hogan steps out playing air guitar and the fans continue to boo and jeer)


TM: Well Mark...…..what a reaction……

MM:(Mark Madden has his eyes shut and is playing air guitar while imitating the guitar riff ….and breaking into song)....Well, I stand up next to a mountain…...And I chop it down with the edge of my hand!!!!


(Hogan walks to the ring and points at Badd Dogg in the ring and then looks into the camera following him down the aisle)


HH: I’m gonna kick Badd Dogg’s ass! That meatball don't deserve to be in the same ring with Hollywood brother!


(Hogan reaches the steps and slowly walks up them nodding his head to the music….he steps in through the tropes and plays more air guitar)


TM: This is it fans, Hollywood Hogan versus Badd Dogg for a place in the final.

MM: Who would have ever thought Timmy….Hollywood Hogan versus Badd Dogg…… an opening bout!


Hollywood Hogan vs Badd Dogg


TM: Both men are in the ring…..(Ref calls for the bell.......ding ding)....both have given so much to the EIWF and shaped its past and are a part of its legacy…….Hogan and Badd Dogg slowly walk towards each other……….they are now face to face fans…….it appears Hogan is trash talking Badd Dogg… reaction from Badd Dogg as he stares into the eye of Hogan.

MM: Look at the intensity in Badd Dogg’s eyes…..he looks jakked!!

TM: Hogan still trying to get a reaction…………..Hogan pushes Badd Dogg………...Badd Dogg stumbles back a step or two and then walks back to Hogan…………...Hogan is still trash talking here……..(Hogan lifts his arm in the air and points to it).....Hollywood Hogan is asking Badd Dogg for a test of strength here (fans cheer).....will Badd Dogg take the bait??......(Badd Dogg looks out at the fans and they cheer).......Hogan is still pointing to his hand for Badd Dogg…...Badd Dogg raises his hand……

MM: Take the bait you dirty Dogg and Hogan will take advantage.

TM: That's what I’m afraid off….this could be a set up to a cheap shot by Hogan.

MM: I never said anything about a cheap shot Timmy.

TM: Badd Dogg’s fingers touch Hogans…….(Hogan pulls his hand away and the fans boo)......What is Hogan doing? He backs off and walks around the ring, he's continuing to trash talk Badd Dogg who is standing in the middle of the ring and now he's calling Hogan back for the test of strength and Badd Dogg waits with his arm in the air. Hogan slowly walks back over, he stops and looks at a fan holding up a Badd Dogg sign (Hogan gives a 4-life gesture)....Hogan now...back in front of Badd Dogg….Hogan lifts his hand up….his fingers interlock with Badd Dogg’s…..Badd Dogg raises his other hand up….

MM: Now Hollywood...NOW...Kick him in the groin!

TM: Will you stop it!....Hogan lifts his hand up…...the fingers of the two superstars touch and they lock in!....Hogan and Badd Dogg clash as they thrust their chests into each other both looking for an advantage….

MM: Timmy I’m surprised that this test of strength actually is happening……

TM: Both men pushes against each other…...their arms slowly start to rise up at the sides…..both sets of arms are in the air…..

MM: Whoever gets there hands turned over forward will have the advantage.

TM: It appears….yes Hollywood Hogan with his extra height has managed to get his hands over and he's forcing Badd Dogg down!.....Badd Dogg drops down to one knee…...and now both knees….

MM: That's right Badd Dogg….you kneel at the feet of Hollywood!

TM: Hogan has this locked in…..the Ref is checking to see if Badd Dogg quits….Hogan applying more pressure….(fans start a Badd Dogg chant)......the fans here getting behind their hero….(Badd Dogg looks out to the fans and starts to shakes his arms and lifts one leg up) appears to be working as Badd Dogg gets back to one knee…….he continues to shake his arms and Hogan can't believe it…..Badd Dogg gets onto two knees and then stands to his feet……….(fans POP)......Badd Dogg stands up and lifts his arms to gain the advantage and starts to push Hogan down…….Hogan drops down to one knee (can be heard saying woah woah woah).....Hogan is in trouble here…….the Ref checks of Hogan quits…...Hogan shuffles to the side and puts a leg on the rope (fans boo)....the Ref tells Badd Dogg to break the hold but he keeps it applied…..the Ref tells him again….

MM: DQ that rule-breaker Ref!!!

TM: Badd Dogg let's go and Hogan is shaking his hands……….Badd Dogg walks over and grabs Hogans head…..Hogan hits Badd Dogg with a low blow……..

MM: The great equalizer!

TM: Oh you don't think Hogan should be disqualified for that?

MM: Nope, if Badd Dogg wants to play dirty then so be it, just remember it wasn’t Hogan who started it!

TM: Give me a break…………...Hogan is back to his feet……..Badd Dogg is trying to get to his feet but is clearly in pain…..Hogan hits him with a hard right………..Hogan puts Badd Dogg in a  headlock……...Hogan hits Badd Dogg with a punch while keeping the headlock on….and another….and again…..and again!..........Hogan drops the hold (Hogan leans on the ropes and puts his hand to his ear to the fans who boo)......Hogan laughing in the faces of the fans!! Hogan goes back over to Badd Dogg…..he pulls Badd Dogg up…...he whips Badd Dogg into the corner…….Hogan follows in with a clothesline!!!

MM: Woah! Hogan is dominating Badd Dogg! This is 2 sweeeeet!

TM: Hogan is in control…...he slaps Badd Dogg in the face…...Hogan climbs to the middle turnbuckle and hits Badd Dogg with a punch (the crowd chant one)....Hogan continues to hit Badd Dogg….(crowd count…..two, three four, five six……) Hogan stops and bites Badd Dogg’s head…………(The Ref has a word with Hogan)......Hogan grabs Badd Dogg’s arm and whips him into the opposite corner….Hogan follows in….Badd Dogg lifts his foot up and catches Hogan in the face!! (fans cheer)....Hogan is stumbling around in the middle of the ring……….Badd Dogg looks shaking on his feet too!..Badd Dogg walks towards Hogan...Badd Dogg throws Hogan into the ropes….he comes back...clothesline by Badd Dogg!.....Hogan is down…….Badd Dogg walks to the corner…climbs to the middle rope….diving elbow drop from Badd Dogg….he covers!! (The Ref gets down and counts)…….1…………..2…….kick out by Hogan! Badd Dogg gets to his feet.he pulls Hogan up….ouch...poke to the eye by Hogan!!! (Badd Dogg is holding his eye).....Badd Dogg stumbling around the ring…..Hogan from behind….rakes his back!......Hogan grans the top of Badd Dogg’s EX3 t-shirt and rips it off and throws it to the outside (fans boo and start a Hogan sucks chant)

MM: Timmy we are meant to be in New York, why is this place full of rednecks booing Hogan??

TM: Hogan throws Badd Dogg into the ropes….he comes back….Big Boot! By Hollywood Hogan!!!! Badd Dogg is down…..Hogan goes off the ropes….LEGDROP!!!!!....But Badd Dogg rolled out of the way!!!....Hogan is holding the back of his leg…….the two men lock up…..Hogan goes to slam Badd Dogg….but Badd Dogg blocks it…...DOG POUND!!!! DOG POUND!!!! DOG POUND!!!!...(fans POP) no no no no

TM: Badd Dogg covers….(the Ref gets down and counts).....1……………..2………..kick out by Hogan! I don't believe it!!

MM:......yes yes yes yes yes!!!

TM:....Badd Dogg hitting Hogan with some hard rights…...Badd Dogg pulls Hogan up and bends him down….piledriver by Badd Dogg!..........He covers for the pin again………(the Ref gets down and counts).............1…………….2……...kick out by Hogan! Badd Dogg is in control here but credit to Hogan, I don't know how he kicked out. Hogan is still on the mat….Badd Dogg is up….off the ropes….knee drop by Badd Dogg………..Badd Dogg grabs Hogan's leg...turns him over and applies a Texas cloverleaf!! (fans cheer).....The Ref is checking to see if Hogan quits, he's shaking his head……(fans stand up and boo as Big Poppa runs down the ramp)

MM: Yes Timmy!

TM: Well I think we all expected this sooner or later!......(Badd Dogg sees Big Poppa who is standing on the apron and he drops the hold) Badd Dogg is walking over to Big Poppa who is trash talking Badd Dogg but what he’s really doing is buying more time for Hogan…..Badd Dogg grabs Big Poppa….the Ref is there trying to break it up…..(Hogan sees what's happening and rolls over towards them)......Badd Dogg hits Big Poppa with a hard right and Poppa falls to the floor….(Hogan hits Badd Dogg with a low blow)...oh no!!!! Badd Dogg was distracted!! Hollywood Hogan rolls Badd Dogg up into a pin! (The Ref gets down and counts)......1………..2……...kick out by Badd Dogg!........both men are on their feet…..they lock up……...suplex by Badd Dogg!!!.....Badd Dogg gets up….Hogan is still down…..Badd Dogg goes off the ropes….(Big Poppa hits Badd Dogg with a double axe handle to the back) shot by Big Poppa!.....Badd Dogg stumbles forward and down onto one knee…..(fans POP as Davie J walks out wearing an EX3 t shirt and runs towards the ring)....the ICON Davie J has seen enough fans!

MM: Watch out Big Poppa, that turncoat is here!

TM: Big Poppa turns round…..Davie kicks Big Poppa to the gut…..STUNNER!!!!....STUNNER!!!!!....STUNNER!!!!! Davie J just used Badd Doggs finisher on Big Poppa…..and look at Badd Dogg! (Badd Dogg has seen the move in the ring and gives a thumbs up to Davie and he salutes Badd Dogg).....

MM: Davie J should be hung for treason!

TM: Wait a minute! (Fans give a mixed reaction as Eddie D comes running down the ramp).....the Game Eddie D is here!

MM: The Enforcer Timmy, he's the Enforcer!!! the ring Badd Dogg throws Hogan into the ropes….Badd Dogg goes off the other rope…..Lou Thesz press by Badd Dogg and a series of punches!!......on the outside Eddie and Davie are in a heated argument!......Davie walks round the other side of the ring…...Eddie walks over to Big Poppa and helps him up…….back in the ring and Badd Dogg has a headlock applied on Hogan but he's watching the outside also…..needs to be careful…..the Ref checks that the hold is legal…..Hogan is trying to break the hold……….Big Poppa on the outside grabs Badd Doggs legs and drags him out of the ring….the two exchange blows…..davie runs round and clotheslines Big Poppa…...Eddie comes round and Davie backs off…..Badd Dogg gets back in the ring…..Hogan is waiting for him and stomps him as he comes under the ropes…….Hogan pulls Badd Dogg up to his feet…….(Big Poppa gets up on the apron and calls the Ref over).....Big Poppa appears to be complaining about Davie J but the Ref is telling him that nor Big Poppa or Davie are in the match and he can disqualify both men if he wants…...Big Poppa is still arguing back though……..Hogan throws Badd Dogg into the ropes…..BIG BOOT BY HOGAN! ….NO!....Badd Dogg ducked out of the way……..Hogan turns around…...Badd Dogg kicks Hogan to the gut…..DOG POUND!!!! (PEDIGREE)....DOG POUND!!!!!....DOG POUND!!!!.....(Big Poppa grabs the Ref so he cant count).......Davie slides in under the bottom rope……

MM: Get him out of the ring!!!

TM: The EX3 won't let the CREW win this one!!!!......Eddie is trying to get in the  ring but the Ref tells him to get out…..Big Poppa still has hold of the Ref and the Ref is telling him to let go…..Badd Dogg gets up to see why there's no count from the Ref….he sees Big Poppa holding the Ref….he turns to ask Davie to help take on the CREW….SUPERKICK!!!!!....SUPERKICK!!!!....SUPERKICK!!!!!........WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? Badd Dogg is down…….Davie Pulls Hogan on top of Badd Dogg……..Eddie D looks stunned…..Big Poppa looks stunned……...Mark you look stunned…...the fans are stunned……..Big Poppa lets go of the Ref….he sees Hogan covering….he counts…..1……………...2…………………..3!!!!! Hollywood Hogan wins!!! (Revolution comes out down the ramp)

TM: Here comes Revolution!!!

MM: It’s too late Timmy, the Ref’s decision is final! Hollywood is in the final!!!!


(Voodoo Child plays and the fans boo and start to throw trash into the ring....Hogan sits up…..he looks at Davie and nods in approval and laughs…)


TM: I don't understand what happened, because Davie doesn't look happy at all… fact hes in the ring helping Badd Dogg to his feet………...Revolution is in there….he's got a mic…..(Hogan, Eddie and Big Poppa exit the ring and try to do 2-sweet signs with Davie but he walks away from them)


Rev: Davie….I think you got some explaining to do!!

DJ: Revo, Badd Dogg…..let me apologize….(Badd Dogg is back on his feet and shoves Davie).....

Rev: All along you told us you wouldn't screw us, you told us you were done with the CREW and you wanted to get rid of them from the EIWF.

DJ: That is true, and it still is!! Let me explain. There's only one way to get rid of the CREW, and that's to get rid of Hogan. I have to beat Hogan on the biggest stage to crush his ego, if this PPV is the last in the history of the EIWF I couldn't take the chance of missing the opportunity to beat Hogan. I had to make sure he was in the Final tonight...…..Badd Dogg….I know you are pissed and  you know your like a brother to me. You have every right to be pissed with me….but I promise you, this wasn't anything personal.


(Badd Dogg rips the EX3 t shirt off Davie is wearing and throws it down, he walks off in anger leaving Davie and Revolution having a heated conversation)


TM: Well fans Revolution is not happy, we know Badd Dogg is not either and Davie is trying to apologize but I think his actions were wrong, even if he thinks it was for the right reason. Badd Dogg could have been the savior of the EIWF, it doesn't always have to be about Davie J!

MM: Timmy, this was not expected at all. I understand what Davie is saying, and I think he's right. There is no bigger match then Hogan versus Davie J, and it looked like Badd Dogg was going to win the match so Davie stepped in. Made sure we have the dream match everyone wants and deserves.

(Scene cuts backstage with the New Era Icons watching the PPV on a monitor in a room)


EB: Damn, Davie J has more balls then I gave him credit for.

Sui: Don’t be fooled, hes a nasty SOB if he needs to be, and I’m still not convinced that he's really changed. That bullshit story he's pulling there about wanting to face Hogan for the good of the EIWF? Heard it all before. There trying to swerve everyone…again! I thought he had changed, but every now and then….the Davie J I know and remember…resurfaces. Now I’m not so convinced he’s changed his ways.

(The door opens and its L double E)

LEE: ….Oh sorry….wrong room…...didn't realize they had a disabled toilet here in the building.

EB: Hey freak, get out of here. I've got a real title match to get ready for.

LEE: Really? Well I’m on my way to see the Prez and I suggest you come too because he said there are no title on the line tonight.

EB: What???

(Ellis leaves the room with L double E and the scene cuts back to Tim Moss and Mark Madden)


TM: Fans tonight is about reflection, a look back and a show of appreciation and next up we are going to talk about the genius….that is the Prez!

MM: What a man.

TM: He took over the EIWF from Prez Rod in September 1999 and run the fed until January 2003. Many late nights were had as he devised storylines and produced shows. There was Doomsday, Revolution, Fight Night, Havoc and more. Plus the Pay Per views each month. At its peak there was three shows a week and a monthly PPV. In total the Prez was in charge for 41 months….that's approximately 177 weeks….that's approx 354 shows and around 35 PPV.


TM: Over the years many have claimed Hogan to be the most powerful man in the EIWF…..some have said Davie J was. When I asked the Prez who was the most powerful man in the fed, do you know what he said?

MM: What was it Timmy?

TM: He said the most powerful man in the fed is whoever holds the most powerful weapon there is for wrestling…..

MM: What is that Timmy? The World title? Hogan and Davie’s contact numbers?

TM: Nope…….the pen that writes the shows! He said whoever holds that is the most powerful man in the EIWF. That's why he was dubbed Mr Writer by the wrestling critics. Now I caught up with him recently and had a quick game of word association with him.

MM: This should be fun.

TM: This is what I asked him……


(The video screen shows Tim Moss sitting with the EIWF Prez)

TM: Biggest PPV?

EP: Stay True 1999

TM: Favorite year?


TM: Reunion……

EP: Nostalgic


EP: Interesting…..




EP: Forgettable


EP: no comment

TM: EIWF in 2019?

EP: 20 years in the making!

TM: Regrets?

EP: That it faded out and didn't burn out!

TM: EIWF Network?

EP: Endless possibilities!

(Video fades and we are cut back to the announcers table)


MM: Interesting answers there Timmy. I’m surprised that the Prez chose Stay True 1999 as the biggest PPV, I would have said Evil Intentions 2000 but it was linked to Stay True 1999.

TM: I think because Stay True was the beginning of that story arc and it was the most successful in the EIWF’s history creative wise.

MM: It’s always great to get in the mind of the Prez, see what makes him tick and get a little insight of how he works!

TM: OK fans I’m told the man we have just been talking about is backstage in his office with L double E and Ellis Black….


(The scene shows L double E and Ellis Black in the Prez office)

EP: Guys I’m very busy what is it?

EB: Tonight I’m meant to be defending the Genesis title against Regal, and this clown next to me said there's no title matches?

EP: Well the clown would be right. Tonight is about the Legacy of the EIWF, not about the future.

EB: SO basically its a pay per view for old farts past their best by date!

EP: OK smart ass, you got your match with Regal, simply because he's old school and deserves a bit more of the limelight. As for the old farts, its because of those guys that your even here, involved in an EIWF almost twenty years later. Without them there would be no Ellis ‘Showtime’ Black as Genesis champion! So go and have your match but the title is not on the line, I don't want it over shadowing anything else, now get out of here. (Ellis Black Leaves)....Haven’t I already spoken to you?

LEE: Yes Boss. Did you see the Hogan Badd Dogg match? (The Prez nods).....Well it appears what I suspected is true!

EP: Look, everyone knew from the beginning that Eddie D was the Thunder gimmick and that's why it fell flat on its ass.

LEE:…..errr….no I mean about Hogan and Davie?

EP: Ah sorry...continue….

LEE: It's obvious now that Davie and Hogan are working together. I don't care what Davie is claiming, he went into that match and helped Hogan win it.

EP:.....hmmmmmm…...tell you what I will do. For your match with Davie, I will make it a stipulation that Hogan can not interfere. He's not even allowed ringside, if he does your in the final! So if you lose to Davie that's your own fault, but it won't be because of interference from Hogan.

LEE: I’m happy with that boss…….

EP: It appears I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on tonight's show and be more hands on.

(Scene cuts back to the announcers table)


TM: The Prez has made the stipulation that Hollywood Hogan can not be at ring side for our next match. The ICON Davie J versus the Anti-Hero L double E. This is to ensure that there is not some screwjob being created by the CREW and to ease the concerns of L double E.

MM: Timmy, let's be honest. L double E needs all the help he can get to beat Davie J. Now I've said before that I’m not too impressed with Davie’s actions recently, leaving the CREW, pandering to the fans. Makes me sick! But I do acknowledge that he's in the top two of EIWF wrestlers of all time…..with Hollywood Hogan. Do you see L double E winning here Timmy?

TM: To be honest no I don't Mark. Davie J is a former five time EIWF World champion, a former four time EIWF Tag team champion, a former EIWF United States Champion…..the current EIWF Legends champion. L double E, he's a former EIWF TV champion and a former two time EIWF Tag team champion. L double E is out of his depth here and he should be content with getting this far.

MM: Exactly!


(Steal my shine by Marz plays as the words ‘Anti-Hero’ are shown on the big screen, followed by images of L double E. There is a mixed reaction from the fans. L double E walks out with the original EIWF World title over his shoulder. He holds it up and there is a small cheer from the fans before being drowned out by some jeers. L double E starts to walk down the ramp and then stops….he looks back and points to the entrance way, signalling for someone to come out….)


TM: The Anti Hero L double E getting a bit of a mixed reaction from the fans and even a few cheers when he held the title belt up. May I add that the EIWF does not officially recognize him as the world champion.

MM: Who is he beckoning to come out?


(L double E shakes his head and walks back into the smoke……..there is a loud POP from the fans as L double E walks back out with a cardboard cutout of Rage)


TM: Well….I guess it's the Hero and Zero connection.

MM: Note to L double E, the fans are laughing at you….not with you.


(L double E carries the cutout to the ring and places it in the middle of the ring. He holds the world title up again and gets a mixed reaction from the fans…..the lights in the arena go out)


TM: The roof will come off this place any second now….


(Wake Up by Rage against the Machine plays and the fans POP. Images of Davie J are shown on the big screen as spotlights shine on the entrance way. Smoke fills the ramp and entrance area……….the fans POP again as Davie J walks out wearing a ‘Good Guys’ t-shirt and has the Legends title over his shoulder. Davie walks down the ramp and stops. He points towards the entrance way and signals for someone to come out……….the fans POP as Kurt Angle walks out)


TM: For a brief second I thought Eddie D was going to walk out.

MM: No Timmy, Eddie is CREW 4-Life. He wouldn't lower his standards to be associated with the EX3, despite the cheap desperation tactic of Davie J wearing a Good Guys t shirt!


(Kurt Angle and Davie J walks to the ring, Davie climbs the steps and hands the Legends title belt to Kurt Angle and Kurt walks back down the aisle)


Davie J vs L double E


TM: This is it fans, our second semi final. Who will face Hollywood Hogan in the final? The Ref is telling L double E to remove the cardboard cutout….L double E is ignoring the Ref….(the Ref picks up the cardboard cutout and places it on the outside of the ring)....The Ref is checking the footwear of both wrestlers here as they stand face to face…...Davie J appears confident, he has a big grin on his face. L double E looks focused though.

MM: You have to remember that these two know each other a lot better than people realize. They were actually EIWF tag team champions together.

TM: The Ref is happy to get this one started…(bell rings ding ding).......the two are still face to face here………..L double E slaps Davie J in the face!....Davie slowly turns his head back to face L double E and just smiles…….L double E backs off and slides out of the ring.

MM: L double E, you're either very brave, or very stupid!

TM: The Ref is trying to get L double E back in the ring…..he doesn't seem to keen…….the Ref is going to count here………..1……………………….2……………………..3………………….(L double E walks around the ring to the announce table and takes a headset from Mark Madden)..........4……..

LEE: Fans your real champion here, the Anti Hero. Remember I beat Wishmaster the last EIWF World champion. That fake in the ring was handed his title by his best friend the Prez...TWICE!!!! Tonight will be the night I reach my destiny… the winner of the Final Stand Tournament!

TM: Not if you get counted out!..................5………………...6…………………….7…………….(L double E takes off the headset and slides under the bottom rope)........L double E walking round the ring here…..he walks towards Davie J…..a slap to the face from Davie J on L double E!

MM: Just returning the favor!

TM: L double E pokes Davie in the eye…dropkick to the knee by L double E!....Davie drops down to one knee….L double E grabs Davie and puts him in a headlock…….Davie stands up….back suplex by Davie J (fans cheer).......both men get to there feet…..Davie hits L double E with a knife edge chop….and another...L double E stumbles back….Davie J clotheslines L double E over the top rope to the outside…….Davie J climbs the turnbuckle…..L double E gets up….flying high xross body by Davie J (fans cheer)....both men are down on the outside….(Ref begins to count).................1………………….2………………..3………………...Davie pulls himself up as he holds his stomach…………...4………………..he walks over and pulls L double E Up………………….5…………………….6…...he throws L double E’s face into the ring apron and then rolls him under the bottom rope…………….7…………….Davie J rolls in…….Davie covers for the pin….(the Ref gets down and counts)...............1………………..2……….kick out by L double E! Davie gets up…...he pulls L double E up…..Davie throws L double E into the ropes…. L double E comes back….SpineBuster by Davie J!!!

MM: Davie is in total control here.

TM: Davie covers for the pin…..(The Ref gets down and counts)............1……...…….2……..kick out by L double E!.....Davie gets up and pulls L double E to his feet….Davie hits L double E with a hard right….Russian Legsweep by Davie J…...Davie gets up….he grabs the feet of L double E…...looks like he's going for the sharpshooter!

MM: The Icon Leg Lock Timmy!!!

TM: L double E kicks Davie in the face to stop him putting the hold on! L double E gets up…..Davie runs at him….L double E kicks Davie in the gut….DDT by L double E!!! Davie J is down holding his head……….L double E rolls Davie over and goes for a pin….(The Ref gets down to count)....Davie kicks out before the Ref can count to one! Davie gets up but looks dazed….L double E is up...he throws Davie into the ropes…...Davie comes back….Spinning Heel Kick by L double E knocks Davie down. L double gets up and climbs the turnbuckle…..L double E off the top rope with a frog splash! No Davie lifted his knees! L double E is rolling around in pain, Davie is trying to use the ropes to pull himself up. Davie is back on his feet….he walks over to L double E….he pulls L double E up….Davie hits L double E with a knee lift to the face…...L double E stumbles but stays on his feet….Davie takes a couple of steps back….SUPERKICK!!!!....SUPERKICK!!!!!....SUPERKICK!!! L double E is down on the mat! (fans POP)

MM: Goodnight!

TM: Davie walks over and gets down and covers….(the Ref gets in position and counts)...................1………………...2……………..foot on the rope!!!

MM: I thought it was all over! L double E gets a foot on the rope!

TM: Davie looks surprised! Davie gets up and stomps on L double E…...Davie J gets down and applies a rear chin-lock, the Ref checks the move is legal and is talking to L double E to see if he quits.

MM: This is where the experience tells Timmy. Earlier L double E had the advantage but instead of trying to wear his opponent down he want to the top rope and got caught. The ICON however has seen he needs to wear his opponent down and is now working on that.

TM: The ICON Davie J then with this chinlock hold on the Anti Hero L double in our second semi final match of the night. The winner will face Hollywood Hogan in the final. The Ref again checks with L double E but he's not quitting…….Davie lets go of the hold….he pulls L double E up… whip by Davie J sends L double E into the corner hard...L double E comes stumbling out…..Davie hits L double E with a running clothesline……..Davie drops an elbow on L double E and then pulls L double E up and applies a side headlock……….L double E tries to get out of the hold…..he's pulling Davies Hair but the Ref yanks L double E’s hand away! L double E pushes Davie off and into the ropes…..Davie comes back…..double clothesline!!!!! Both men are down! The Ref starts a double count…………..1……………….2……………...3…………………..4……….Davie sits up (fans cheer)....................5………………..Davie gets up to one knee…………...6………………..Davie is on his feet………...he walks over to L double E…..L double E grabs Davie J and into a small package…..(the Ref gets down and counts)...........1…………...2…….kick out by Davie J!.....Both men get back to there fett….they lock up………..L double E hits Davie J with a European uppercut…..Davie grabs L double E and turns him around….Sleeper hold by Davie J!!! The Ref is checking the move is legal….L double E appears to me fading here…..

MM: I cant believe L double E is still in this match, he has surprised me.

TM: The Anti Hero looks like he's out cold….the Ref lifts his drops!!!!......The Ref lifts his arm again….it drops for a second time!!! This could be it fans….the Ref lifts L double E's arm for a third time….it stays up!......L double E drops down to the floor giving Davie J a jawbreaker!!!....Davie falls back and is held up by the ropes….L double E walks over to Davie J….scoops him up….Fall-away Slam!!!.....L double E walks over to the corner and grabs the Rage cardboard cutout and holds it in the air (fans cheer)....He stands it in the ring…..L double E lifts Davie J up…..puts Davies head between his legs and lifts Davie onto his shoulders…...HERO DROP!!!! (OUTSIDERS EDGE)....HERO DROP!!!!....HERO DROP!!!!......L double E grabs the cardboard cut out of Rage and lays it over Davie J and then L double E covers as well….(the Ref gets down and counts).............1…………………..2…………….foot on the rope!!! Davie J got his foot on the rope!!!

MM: That was close, I thought we had a major upset on our hands then!

TM: What a match this is!!!

MM: L double E has more than held his own, and it’s not because the ICON is past his best or having a bad night, he's looked top of his game. But L double E is having the match of his life tonight, the one night he needed to be at his best, and he's producing it!

TM: L double E is complaining of a slow count to the Ref, but it looked fine to me. L double E grabs Davies foot and drags him into the middle of the ring…..L double E grabs the other leg and places his own between them and to the side….

MM: Oh no…..

TM: L double E cross the legs and turns Davie J over….SHARPSHOOTER!!!!!...(fans boo).....L double E has applied Davie’s finisher on him! (The Ref drops down to the face of Davie J to see if he quits) Davie will not want the match to end this way…..he's pushing himself up to relieve the pressure….but L double E has him in the centre of the ring…..L double E leans back and Davie is screaming in pain here…….Davie is stretching for the ropes but he's nowhere near it…...The Ref is asking the ICON again if he quits but he shakes his head…...Davie is reaching out and around for anything he can but he's in the middle of the ring…….(Davie places his hand on the Rage cardboard cutout)......Davie has the cardboard cut out in front of him...he rips the cutout in half and throws it…..(L double E sees the Rage cardboard cutout is ripped in half and drops the hold)....what the hell???

MM: What is L double E doing? He had the match won?

TM: L double E has picked up the cardboard cut out? He looks shocked……(he tries to put it together but it keeps falling apart).......L double E rolls to the outside (he walks to the announcers table and takes a headset from Mark Madden)....The Ref is checking on Davie J who is holding his back….

LEE: We need paramedics out here….EMT’s…..Doctors...plastic surgeons….Don't worry Rage, we will save you, hold on buddy!

(Mark and Tim look at each other)

LEE: One other thing, Davie J you said you know who I am. You tried to play mind games with me at Doomsday, well Mr J I know exactly who you are!! It's Easy isn't it? Easy to play such mind games! I was your tag partner and I know all about you!! I don't need no masquerade!!

(L double E gives the headset back and walks around the ring)

MM: Does anyone ever know what he's on about?

TM: Nope! Well L double E is walking around on the outside as Davie J has just got to his feet….the Ref is coming over and is about to start a delayed count…………..1………………...2……………3……………..(L double E gets down on one knee and looks under the ring apron, a hand is seen passing him something)......did you see that?

MM: There is someone else under the ring!!

TM: Yes and he's handed something to L double E!!.....the Ref is still counting here………….4………………….5……………….L double E gets up on the ring apron and Davie J steps in front of the Ref who is counting and grabs L double E……….(the person under the ring gets out)'s the masked attacker!!!

MM: I don't believe it, what is he or she doing here and who is it???

TM: Everyone looks shocked!....the Masked attacker climbs the ring apron and stands next to L double E…..Davie has let go of L double E…..L double E climbs through the ropes and into the ring…….Davie grabs the masked person and tries to take the mask off….the masked attacker tussles back with Davie J……..the Ref steps in to try and break it up……..the Masked attacker gets free and drops down…...Davie and the Ref (who is behind Davie) turn round……..(L double E throws a substance at Davie J but he ducks and it hits the Ref in the face)....oh no!!!! The Ref has been blinded! (the masked attacker climbs the crowd barrier and leaves through the crowd....Suicide runs out and down the ramp....he jumps the barrier and follows the direction of the masked person)......Davie hits L double E with a hard right…….Davie throws L double E into the ropes….L double E comes back...SPEAR!!! By Davie J (fans POP)......the Ref is still trying to see here and is lost in the ring…..stumbling about…….Davie J pulls L double E up…..Davie takes a couple of steps back….SUPERKICK!!!!...NO...L double E ducked!!.....L double E grabs Davie J...snap suplex by L double E……..L double E gets up...he pulls Davie J up….L double E throws Davie J into the ropes….Davie comes back off the ropes…...CODEBREAKER!!!! By Davie J!!!!....CODEBREAKER!!!! CODEBREAKER!!!!.....Davie J covers L double E…..the Ref is still stumbling….(he hears  Davie calling him to come and count the pin)......The Ref walks over….he feels out and can tell someone is being covered……(he gets down and counts)..........1………………………………..2………………………………….3!!!!! (fans POP) Davie J pins L double E!!!!!

MM: What a match Timmy!! Its Davie J versus Hollywood Hogan in the final, it's what everyone wanted!!

TM: Can someone get some water to the Ref, he still can't see….(fans POP as Badd Dogg jumps out the crowd and over the barrier….he slides in the ring)....what is this????  Davie J is on his feet with his arms in the air…celebrating.......he turns round...kick to the gut...DOG POUND (PEDIGREE)...DOG POUND!!!!....DOG POUND!!!!....Badd Dogg has taken out the ICON!!..(Badd Dogg takes off his Ex3 t shirt and throws it on top of Davie J…….he grabs L double E and drags him on top of Davie J).....

MM: What is he doing?? The match is already over, idiot!

TM: Badd Dogg now is helping the Ref…..(Badd Dogg is thrown a bottle of water and pours it into the eyes of the Ref to clean them)......The Ref wipes his eyes and thanks Badd Dogg……(Badd Dogg points to L double E and Davie J in the ring).........


(Wake Up by Rage against the Machine plays and the fans POP)


TM: The Ref is having a conversation with a couple of EIWF officials outside the ring here…..(Wake Up stops playing.)....Davie J is sitting up and L double E pulls himself up with the ropes….the Ref is walking over to them……(the Ref grabs the arm of L double E and lifts it in the air signaling he won the match)....what??? Davie J looks shocked!! Hes arguing with the Ref now…


(Steal my shine by Marz plays and there is a cheer and a show of appreciation for L double E from the fans)


MM: What's going on here?

TM: Well the Ref knows he made a three count, but he didn't actually see what he counted, when he was able to clean the substance from his eyes all he saw was L double E on top of Davie J and has declared the Anti Hero L double E the winner.

MM: But Badd Dogg took out Davie J and did that, we need to get this result changed.

TM: The Prez agreed tonight that the Ref’s decision would be final. This result will stand!

MM: What?.....WHAT!!!!??? What is going on?? The masked attacker appeared….speaking of that, is it just a coincidence that the Masked attacker left through the crowd, and that Badd Dogg also came to the ring...through the crowd? Eddie said all along it was Badd Dogg!

TM: Normally I would say don't talk rubbish…..but who knows what's going on...and Suicide who was attacked by the masked person came out here trying to catch them.

MM: Well that masked person cost Suicide his place in the tournament!


(L double E leaves the ring and heads to the back. Badd Dogg gets back in the ring and is face to face with Davie J….Revolution and Kurt Angle run out and get in the ring and pushBadd Dogg and Davie apart. Revolution is handed a mic)


Rev: Davie….Badd Dogg…..let's clear this up right now. As far as I’m concerned your both even and this is done!

DJ: Badd Dogg you idiot! I could have stopped Hogan once and for all! Now he's going to win the tournament and the CREW and Hogan will be on top again! How are we meant to stop them after you got me eliminated from the tournament. Let's be honest, I was our best chance at stopping Hogan, as good as you are I’m the superstar around here. know what Davie… coming out here…giving you the Dog Pound and costing you the match….it was nothing personal!!! (the fans cheer and Badd Dogg leaves the ring and walks off. Kurt Angle talks with Davie J as the camera cuts to the announcers)


TM: Mark? Got anything to say?


TM: I was not expecting any of this. What will happen with the EX3? I think Revolution is the calming influence here and needs to bring the group back together, but I think it could be without Badd Dogg.

MM: The more I think about what happened the more depressed I’m getting. I really thought we had an Evil Intentions 3 situation going in, I thought it would be Hollywood Hogan versus Davie J in the final. I’m shocked that L double E is in the final.

TM: Now that he's made it this far, can L double E go on and win it??

MM: Nah.

TM: We have dismissed him the whole time. Hes beaten Jeff Jarrett, Wishmaster and Davie J and deserves his place in the final.

MM: Didn't really beat Davie J did he?

TM: Still to come tonight fans is a special edition of the RDD show with Revolution and he will be speaking to the New era Icons. Then the Genesis champion Ellis Black will be in action as he faces Regal. Then we have the final of the EIWF’s Final Stand. The tournament started in December 2017 and tonight in November 2018 we will have our winner as the Anti Hero L double E takes on Hollywood Hogan. We will be back right after this commercial break…...

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TM: Welcome back fans, we are still in shock here with what we just witnessed. Davie J is out, yes you heard me right, Davie J is out of the Final Stand tournament.

MM: Let me get this straight Timmy, Davie J covers L double E….

TM: Yes….

MM: The Ref counts….1…..2….3…..

TM: Yes…..

MM:...and L double E is declared the winner and faces Hollywood Hogan in the final?

TM: Yes…

MM: and there's nothing that can be done??

TM: That's correct, or so I believe??

MM: Well its not been a good time for the ICON recently, he got his ass beat at Hollywood Havoc, lost the Legends title...briefly…..then tonight he doesn't make the final, has a major falling out with Badd Dogg while the EX3 are on the brink!

TM: A tough couple of weeks for Davie J for sure.

MM: Well Timmy, that's what happens when you don't stay true!

TM: Fans next up is the Genesis champion Ellis Black versus Regal in a non title match. But before we get to the match I believe we have a camera backstage with the Prez…


(The Prez is in his office with Davie J and Davie J is shouting and pacing up and down the room)

DJ: Now don't sit there, don't sit there and tell me there is nothing you can do….

EP: I made it that the referees decision is final….there's nothing I can do…

DJ: Don't tell me that, that's not what I want to hear!....(Davie walks forward and slams his fists on the desk in front of the Prez)...I don't care what you have to do, you get me in the goddamn final of this pay per view……..hell make it a triple threat match...put the Legends title on the line.

EP: Look, I told you you should of stuck with me, this whole Ex3 thing has bitten you in the ass!! I made the stipulation that the Referees decision is final, hell if you and Hogan had not done so many screw jobs over the years then maybe I wouldn't have suspected another one tonight and made that rule. But as it stands there is nothing I can do, its L double E versus Hollywood Hogan in the final!!! (Davie storms out of the room and slams the door)..........(The Prez dials on his cell phone)...hey, tell Hogan and L double E I want to see both of them in my office…right now!

(Scene cuts back to the announcers)


TM: Well the ICON Davie J doesn't look happy…

MM: He looks pissed Timmy….PISSED OFF!

TM: As the Prez has stated the final match stands. With the main event having two of the EIWF’s longest serving stars we switch to perhaps the star of the future of the EIWF as ‘Showtime’ Ellis Black takes on Regal in a non title match.

MM: Timmy, Regal…..Ellis Black. These two should not be fighting on a PPV.

TM: Hang on, Ellis is undefeated since his debut and Regal was dubbed Mr Havoc and has an excellent win loss record in the EIWF.

MM: Fans at home, now is the time for a bathroom break if you need it!


(Land of Hope and Glory plays as images of the Union Jack and Regal are shown on the big video screen above the entrance ramp. There is a chorus of boo’s from the fans and Regal walks out with a Union Jack flag. He waves it around and walks to the ring. He stops and engages in an argument with some of the fans)


TM: There is plenty of heat between Ellis Black and Regal in recent times. Ellis Black believes he is above the standard that Regal is and Regal feels he is being shown a lack of respect by Ellis, meaning the last time they were set to fight Regal refused out of principal, but now they have there rematch and its on PPV


(Regal is in the ring waving the flag when It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger play and there is a mixed reaction from the fans. The New Era Icons symbol is shown on the big screen and Ells Black walks out with the Genesis title belt.)


TM: The Genesis champion and leader of the New era Icons makes his way to the ring.


Ellis Black vs Regal

TM: Both men are in the ring and Ellis hands the Genesis title belt to the Ref who calls for the bell (ding ding).....both men looking for an opening here….Regal grabs Ellis Black…single leg take-down by Regal…..Ellis rolls away and gets back to his feet……

MM: Ellis needs to be careful here, Regal is a very good mat technician and he will want to stay on his feet if possible.

TM: Regal is up...he walks toward Ellis…..Ellis with a standing drop kick and Regal stumbles backwards onto the ropes. Regal runs forward and the two lock up….Regal breaks the hold...turns Ellis Black around…..Regal Plex!!!! (Bridging leg hook Belly-to-Back Suplex)....Regal grabs the leg of Ellis and applies a single leg crab…...The Ref checks on Ellis but he's not going to submit….Ellis kicks Regal with his other foot and it breaks the hold…..Regal walks over to Ellis and grabs his head...Ellis turns it into a small package…..the Ref gets down and counts………….1………...2…….kick out by Regal! Both men get up…they lock up…...European uppercut by Regal…..Ellis kicks Regal to the gut...Regal picks Regal up...Spinebuster!!! Ellis covers….the Ref gets down and counts…..1…….2…...kick out by Regal! Ellis gets to his feet….he pulls Regal up...he throws Regal into the corner….Regal bounces back out and Ellis hits Regal with a clothesline sending him down to the mat. Ellis walks over to the corner and climbs to the top rope…. Diving Headbutt by Ellis Black!!


TM: Will you show some respect?

MM: When is Hogan on again??

TM: I’m going to ignore that! Ellis crawls and covers Regal……..the Ref gets down and counts…………..1………….2……..kick out by Regal!.....both men are down at the moment….Regal rolls over….he's trying to apply the Regal stretch!....Ellis rolls over and under the bottom rope to the outside. Regal's gets back to his feet….Ellis is up on the outside….he's shaking his head…….he's walks around the ring and the Ref has started a count…………..1………………...2……………..3…...Ellis get to the side with the ramp and starts to walk away from the ring…...4…………….5…………...he appears to have had enough.

MM: I’m beginning to like this guy, he knows he can't lose the belt, why risk getting injured.

TM: A true champion doesn't just walk away!...........6…………….Regal slides out the ring and runs up the ramp………..7……...he grabs Ellis Black and whips him back towards the ring with Ellis hitting the ring apron…………..8…...Regal grabs Ellis and throws him under the bottom rope……………...9……...Regal gets in……….the two lock up………..Ellis breaks the hold….kicks Regal to the gut...DDT!! By Ellis Black…….Ellis covers Regal……...the Ref gets down and counts……….1………….2…..kick out by Regal!!....(the fans stand on their feet as Jeff Jarrett walks out. The fans boo and he holds his guitar in the air)......what the hell is he doing here?

MM: The cho-cho-chosen one! Hey Timmy he’s CREW, he does what he wants when he wants! (Jeff walks to the announcers table and does a 2 sweet sign with Mark Madden, the two chat and Mark hands his headset to Jarrett and Jarrett sits down next to the announcers)

JJ: Thank you Mark, that was mighty kind of you.

TM: Excuse me...excuse me! What are you doing here?

JJ: Watch your mouth Timmy or your being eating through a straw for the next month!

TM:...........back to the action in the ring, Ellis and Regal are tussling in the corner…...Regal hits Ellis with a series of blows….Regal hip tosses Ellis out of the corner……

JJ: Ellis Black should be ashamed of himself, he's meant to be a champion and he's being taken to town by Regal the former TV champion.

TM: Regal was and Ellis is a great champion.

JJ: Look slapnut, I know all about being a great champion. I’m the greatest United States champion in the history of the EIWF. That Havoc championship deserves a better caliber champion, someone like the Chosen One!

TM: The Havoc championship? You mean the Genesis title?

JJ: Hey Slappy, I created the Havoc championship remember. You don't tell me what its called. The belt is the Genesis belt, but its actual name is the Havoc championship, all those slapnuts keep calling it the wrong thing!

TM: Regal has an abdominal stretch on Ellis….the Ref is checking on Ellis Black here…..(Regal reaches and grabs the rope, using it for leveredge)....the Ref sees him and tells him to break the hold…..Regal lets go and argues with the Ref. Ellis grabs Regal from behind…..German suplex into a pin….the Ref gets down and counts…...1……………..2………...kick out by Regal!...Regal pokes Ellis Black in the eye….Ellis leans on the ropes rubbing his eyes...regal is up…grabs Ellis and throws him into the ropes…..clothesline by Regal...Ellis is down….Regal gets down….turns Ellis on his front….REGAL STRETCH (Cross-legged STF) REGAL STRTECH!!!!...REGAL STRETCH!!!... this could be it!....the Ref is on the floor at the face of Ellis Black…..check to see if he quits……….(Jarrett takes off the headset and leaves the announcers table)

MM: What an honor that was fans, Jeff Jarrett from the CREW!

TM: The Ref is still checking on Ellis Black…...Ellis reaches for the rope but he can't reach…..Ellis is tapping the mat...he quits!!....(the Ref gets up to signal for the bell….BANG!!!....Jeff Jarrett smashes his guitar of the Referees head).....oh no!...Regal drops the hold...he gets up…..Jarrett grabs Regal….THE STROKE!!!!....THE STROKE!!!!....THE STROKE!!!!!.........Jarrett gets up...he pulls Ellis Black up….THE STROKE!!!! THE STROKE!!!! THE STROKE!!!!!.....

MM: Well the last ten seconds of the match where better than anything before it!

TM: Jeff Jarrett has taken the Ref out, Regal who had the match won and the Genesis champion!!! He's asking for a mic……(Jarrett is handed a mic as the fans boo)


JJ: All you slapnuts in the crowd need to shut the hell up. You see I am….the chooooosen one! (fans boo)....I am…….the great one!!! (fans boo)'s because of me that the EIWF reunion has been a success. I booked Havoc, it's because of the ratings from Havoc that attracted new talent such as Kenny Omega, Jimmy Brandon and Ellis Black. I created the Havoc title and Havoc tag team titles. But as far as I’m concerned we don't have any worthy champions. Suicide and Jimmy Brandon have forgotten they are meant to defend those tag titles. And well….as for you Ellis Showtime Black. Your stinking up my Havoc title by wrestling lower card slapnuts like Regal. Now that I decided to relinquish the role of Commissioner I can give the Havoc title a worthy champion….and your looking at him!

(Jarrett throws the mic down as ‘My World’ plays and the fans boo. The camera cuts back to the announcers)


MM: Never has a more truthful sentence been said. Jarrett is going to bring back meaning to the Havoc title.

TM: We already have a worthy champion, Ellis Black. It appears this contest will be ruled a no contest. Jeff Jarrett has got into the mix with Ellis Black and Regal over the Genesis title. A title which was meant to mark a new beginning for the EIWF, its the title for the new stars and the superstars of tomorrow, surely we don't want Jeff Jarrett with that title?

MM: Jeff Jarrett was a great EIWF US champion. You can't underestimate his contribution into making a great match, like he did tonight just now.

TM: What do you mean?

MM: Well if you ask me, Jarrett made the match a real ‘hit’....


MM: In fact it was a bit of a ‘smash!’

TM: OK that's enough.

MM: Jarrett was hitting all the right notes in that performance.

TM: I said that's enough thank you!

MM: Jarrett showed Ellis and Regal that he's the one with all the stroke.

TM: Next up fans we are going to take a look back at the WWO, EWA and EWF. But before we do, the Prez is backstage in his office with tonight's two finalist.


(The camera cuts to the Prez in his office with Hollywood Hogan and L double E)

EP: First off, congratulations on making it to the final. However, let me remind you that the EIWF’s reputation and name is at stake! I’m fed up with the politics and bullshit backstage. I saw what happened in the two matches and I can't say I’m impressed. Now I've had Davie J in here screaming and demanding to be put into the final and make it a three way contest. However, I know if I did that I would be setting a precedence. I cant have wrestlers demanding for results to be changed in their favor, not even Davie J. It would diminish the good name and reputation that the EIWF. I don't want to be too controlling either…. That said, I don't want anymore screw jobs…..especially from you Hogan!

HH: Woah Boss, I don’t like these accusations! You know that Hollywood and the CREW always stay true brother!

EP….whatever! Here’s the deal. L double E is worried that tonight is going to end in some screw-job, and frankly I don’t blame him because there has been something fishy going on with you Hogan and Davie J. You two can’t be trusted. So what I’m going to do is offer you both one stipulation for the final tonight………….and that's it!.....agreed?

LEE: Yes Mr President!

HH: (Hogan nods)

EP: OK….so L double E, what is your stipulation for the match?

LEE: Easy, under no circumstances can Davie J be involved in the match, or be in the crowd, or an announcer….. nothing! He is not allowed to be involved in the match in any form. That's the only way I can stop them from screwing me.

EP: Fine… got it. Davie J will not be involved in any shape or form…………..Hogan…...what’s your stipulation?

HH: (laughs).....OK brother, my stipulation for the main event brother is nice and simple. The Enforcer Eddie D as the special guest referee to enforce the rules……(laughs).

EP: Done!


EP: Now get out of here….both of you!......(Prez dials on his cell phone)....hello?? Tell Kurt Angle I want to see him in my office...

(Scene cuts back to the announcers)


TM: It appears the Prez wants to make sure that there is no swerve by Hogan and Davie for the final tonight.

MM: It’s a great loss that it’s not Hogan and Davie in the final, but we need to accept it and move on. But thankfully we now have Eddie D in the final which gives us fans some assurances that Hogan won't be screwed over.

TM: Exactly….wait a minute! Hogan screwed over?? Hogan never gets screwed over, he's the one who crosses everyone. And with Eddie D now as the special referee it only looks set to ensure Hogan wins the main event.

MM: Let's hope so Timmy!

TM: OK as we mentioned fans we are now going to look back at the EWA, EWF and WWO. The EWA or the Extreme Wrestling Alliance to give it its full name was a fed that was named fed of the year in 2002 in the Fansite awards and broke the EIWF’s three year winning streak. Their world champion Tormentor was named wrestler of the year in 2002 in the Fansite awards and their pay per view ‘All or Nothing’ was runner up in the Fansite awards. Angle/Feud of the year in the Fansite 2002 awards?

MM: Smarten us up Timmy?

TM: It was Tormentor versus Davie J in the EWA.

MM: Now Timmy you know I’m a fan of the CREW and I follow the boys wherever they go, and that includes Davie J in the EWA. He never won the EWA world title, he came close but his feud with Tormentor was excellent.

TM: Another star of the EWA was Brock who would win the EWA world title and another popular up and comer their was Fuba..

MM: Give me some Fuba Juice! 2002 was a great year for the EWA.

TM: The fed wasn't around that long, but was very good while around. But with the EIWF Network it may be gone…

MM: But not forgotten!

TM: Out of all the feds associated with the Fansite it is perhaps the EWF which the least is known about. Extreme Wrestling Frontline was created by former EWA world champion Tormentor. This was because there was a real lack of quality feds around he stated. The EWF was popular and battled in the TV ratings with the IWA and EIWF but Tormentor stated he quickly grew tired from the lack of competition from other federations and decided to close the EWF.

MM: I have to admit Timmy, I don't recall much of the EWF.

TM: Well your be please to know we have a couple of episodes of EWF Justice for the archive section on the EIWF Network.

MM: That's great news, the EIWF Network is fast becoming the number 1 place for the greatest feds there have been.

TM: Next we are going to talk about the WWO….the World Wrestling Organization. Now the WWO was different to the other feds we have mentioned such as the IWA, EWA and EWF. Its because the WWO accepted a buyout offer from the EIWF, they closed down after being purchased by the EIWF….they didn't just fade away.

MM: Someone made some money out of that!

TM: Yep, the Lagraddi family who ran the WWO and in particular Vince Lagraddi. The EIWF purchased the contracts of their roster also and the two biggest stars of the WWO, two men to hold the WWO World title both made it big in the EIWF.

MM: Revolution and Wishmaster!

TM: Thats correct, and both have been a part of the EIWF reunion and had major roles. Now we have a little surprise for all you diehard WWO fans out there and for you Revolution. We have a clip from an episode of WWO Fury!












Click Here for WWO Fury



TM: Some great action there and a reminder of just how good Revolution was in his prime and when he could wrestle before his injury.

MM: It’s funny to see he was called ‘The’ Revolution in WWO.

TM: Still to come tonight is the RDD show where host Revolution will be talking with the New Era Icons, plus we look back to your former employers Mark, the ICW and of course…...our main event…...Hollywood Hogan versus L double E! Don’t change that channel!!!


(Scene cuts backstage with Davie J walking into a locker room where Eddie D is standing, the fans in the arena can be heard cheering)


ED: I've got nothing to say to you…..

DJ: Eddie, I know we haven't seen eye to eye recently but we've always been tight. You got to take a step back from the fire, your not thinking straight..

ED: You should think about what you have done, walked out on the CREW for your own personal gain. As always it has to be about Davie J.

DJ: No your wrong, it's not like that. That's Hogan, he's using you. Look how he threw Jarrett out, and then when he thought he could use him to book a show he welcomes him back. Remember when it looked like he was going to throw you out of the CREW at Redemption when he got rid of X-Factor and Jarrett, who had your back??? did….

DJ: Exactly!! The CREW comes and goes…we all know that….but the core….the beating heart of the CREW never stops because the lifeline that is the CREW is?

ED:....the Good Guys…..

DJ: That's right….Davie and Eddie! We have stuck together through thick and thin, me and you always have each others back. Don't get confused with me standing up to Hogan and taking some of his limelight as me trying to be in the spotlight for myself. That's not the case.

ED: Hey man…..I’m sorry i snapped at you….I need to think about things….

DJ: I never tell you what to do Eddie, but take a step back and look at things, I’m not telling you what to do in the final, it's your choice…..but remember Hogan uses everyone….he doesn't care about you…..he will just use you to win tonight and claim the glory for all himself!

ED: Right….I've got to get ready for the main event……

DJ: Hey what's that in your bag?

ED:....remember at Doomsday when you said bring a back up plan and you meant some beers…..and I brought this….(Davie laughs)

DJ: I told you I wouldn't wear that, but if the Good Guys never team again….maybe Thunder and Lightning will! .

(They both laugh and Davie J leaves and the camera cuts back to the announcers.)

(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and the fans POP. Images of Revolution from his wrestling days are shown on the big screen above the entrance way. Smoke fills the ramp and the fans stand on their feet in anticipation. Then Revolution walks out with the WWO World title around his waist and the ICW World title over his shoulder, he stops on the ramp and bows to the fans and makes his way to the side where the RDD set is)


TM:Revolution, one of the most popular superstars in the EIWF. Since we returned a year ago he has been our main backstage interviewer but has since got more involved and has his own Podcast show, works at the EIWF Power Plant and has helped mentor Ellis Black and Jimmy Brandon, has even had a match which was against doctors orders, is the king of merchandise sales with his classic line of t-shirts and of course has the Revolution Death Drop show.

MM: Timmy there's no denying that the fans love him. He has been very busy with various projects since the EIWF came back but you can't deny that I’m sure he would trade all what he has achieved this year for one last match but where he could perform to the standard he was once at.

TM: I agree with you Mark, Revolution has spoken of the difficulty of not being able to wrestle any longer due to a serious neck injury but he tries to keep himself busy with all of his other activities in the EIWF.


(Revolution is on the RDD set and he hangs the two World titles on the wall, he waves to the fans and his music cuts)

Rev: Just putting those two back where they belong! (fans cheer)


TM: Fans you may recall on the ‘Hollywood’ Havoc booked by the CREW they destroyed the RDD set and destroyed his two World title belts, but they have been restored and Revolution is proud to have been the World champion of those organizations.


Rev: I've been watching the show in the back and I've been enjoying the look back at the previous feds, especially the ICW and WWO of course! I have to say the video clip from WWO Fury where I retained the WWO title against Y2K…..well…! It brought back so many memories and I just wish I could get back in the ring one more time without risking injury……(fans cheer)......but I’m afraid its just not meant to be! But I have my hands full with trying to hold the Ex3 together and look out for the newest stars of the EIWF. Welcome at this time the hottest property in wrestling today, Ellis Showtime Black, Jimmy Truth Brandon and the Personification of Extreme Suicide…..better known as the New Era Icons!!!!


(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and their is a mixed reaction from the fans but mainly cheers. Ellis Black walks out with the Genesis title belt over his shoulder followed by Suicide and Jimmy Brandon with the Genesis Tag Team titles. They walk to the RDD set and each shake hands with Revolution)


Rev: Ellis, Jimmy, Suicide welcome to the RDD show! Ellis let’s start with you and your thoughts on what happened with your match tonight!

EB: Revolution, the show tonight from start to finish has been one big cluster fuck! (fans boo) Right here you have the three most talented superstars on the roster but the Prez decides to push the good old boys. Change the record!! It's embarrassing watching the dinosaurs try to move in the ring and be handed titles. Then Mr Country and Western puts his nose in my business, Jarrett you talk about being the greatest United States champion in the history of the EIWF. Hell twenty years ago DVD’s were the best way to watch your films, but you don't hear people keep going on about it now when you can stream. Your living in the past because that's all you got. Your not relevant anymore, none of your CREW pals are. Your living off former glories. Then you have people kissing the bosses ass to give them titles. As far as I’m concerned ICONS win the title belts in the ring. The New Era Icons hold all the Genesis title belts and we won them in the ring. These are the only title belts in the EIWF with any value and I’m the only Icon in the EIWF with any credibility!

Rev: Lets calm down a minute because the words being said here could be taken the wrong way and fuel the flames of a fire that is already burning!

EB: Revolution, I have respect for you and what you have done for me and my career, I know all of the New Era Icons are thankful for you helping us. But let me tell you. The EX3 is dead, hell it was on life support when it started! You want to try and police the EIWF and get rid of the CREW with your pals Davie and Kurt? Revolution you should stick to doing what you do best….and that's standing there holding a mic! (fans boo)


TM: What a total lack of respect by Ellis Back!

MM: He's his own man Timmy. He should be recognized for what he's achieved rather then people looking at him as Revolutions pet project!


EB: If the EIWF is to have any future then it will be the future with the New Era Icons. We are not part of the old guard and we won't be associated with yesterday's heroes who are today's has beens. For that reason Revolution the New Era Icons don't want to be associated with you anymore! (fans boo)

Rev: What do you mean?

EB: I mean your doing exactly what you said you would stop. You criticize Hogan and his buddies for holding talent back, but the creation of the EX3 was simply so Davie, Kurt Angle, Badd Dogg and YOU could keep some of that spotlight on yourselves…..and in turn...away from the New Era Icons.

Rev:…... don't do this. Whats going on here??

EB: Revolution your the reason I got into professional wrestling. But I’m fed up of having to hear your name every time I do something! You are trying to live the career you wanted through me, but I’m not being told what to do again.

Rev: It's not happening….tell me it's not so…..

EB: Me and the New Era Icons are going our own way! We are making our own history without being dragged down by the shadow that is the legacy of Revolution hanging over us…….we are stepping out of the shadows and into the spotlight!!

Rev: Guys don't do this…..

EB: I am the New Era Icon…...the Icon that wins titles in the ring….not like the Old Era Icon!

(Suicide and Jimmy Brandon stand up. Ellis Black walks off with Suicide and Jimmy behind him)

Rev: Wait…..where are you going….don't leave it like this? Guys? Don't leave it like this????


(Camera cuts back to the announcers)


TM: I’m shocked!

MM: I understand what Mr Showtime is saying, but Revolution is a well respected person in the industry and has a wealth of knowledge.

TM: I couldn't have put it better Mark. I think the New Era Icons have made a bad choice here. Revolution looks devastated.

MM: Revolution has been trying to keep everyone happy, be it the New Era Icons or the EX3.

TM: Revolution is a stand up individual you know you can trust and I think the New Era Icons will come to learn they have made a mistake.

MM: But Ellis Black is his own man and if Jimmy and Suicide wish to follow him that's up to them. Perhaps they have felt they are in the shadow of Revolution who is very popular. I dont think its personal, just a move they felt they had to take to get there own recognition.

TM:Possibly Mark, but I think Ellis could have done it in a more respectful way...


(Scene cuts backstage with L double E walking into the locker room where Eddie D is reading a ‘how to referee’ book)


LEE: ah the game!....the enforcer!!!One of the greatest tag team champions of all time!! A double world champion!!! Mr Eddie D, it's a pleasure to be in your company Sir!

ED: (Laughs)....Not many people know the double world champion thing...what are you after?

LEE: Me and you go back, way back…...I remember what happened in the BCWF. You won the World title and Hogan and Davie contrived for you to lose that title and the tag title as punishment. You didn't do anything wrong. Hogan demanded you let him win it from you, then Davie turned on you in a  tag team match and cost you the tag team title. You went from being the biggest star in the fed to a goon for Hogan and Davie. They both held you back!

ED: No man, your wrong. I was perhaps out of line back then. I won a title that Hogan was going for and I was punished accordingly. I learned my lesson, I know what it means to Stay True now!

LEE: Stop lying to yourself, now look at this video clip from the reunion show of Redemption.........


(The camera cuts to the entrance of the building and a limo pulls up….the door opens and Davie J steps out, the fans back in the arena cheer as the watch on the big screen)

DJ: Finally…………the ICON……has come back……toooooo …….London! (Davie grabs his bag and starts to walk in when Eddie D walks out of the building)

ED: Hey Davie!

DJ: Hey big man, you’re here already?? (they hug and Eddie grabs Davie’s bag)

ED: Let’s go and take care of business!

DJ: It’s time to make the doubters pay for not staying true!

ED: Hey I got something for you from the back up plan.....


ED: Yeah? And what?

LEE: Now watch this clip from the same episode….


(Scene shows Revolution in a locker room with a bag next to him)

Rev: Tim I’m here backstage in the locker room of Eddie D with some startling news. There is a holdall here which contains the mask of the mystery person who attacked Suicide tonight! I’m trying to get some answers (Eddie D walks in)….Eddie…….can you explain this?

ED: What the hell are you doing in my room??

Rev: Explain this bag and its contents…..(Revolution pulls out a mask)….this was worn by the person who attacked and seriously injured Suicide tonight and because of that injury you got a spot back in the tournament!!

ED: I know nothing about that, it’s not by stuff!

Rev: What else do we have in here……..there is a wrestling t shirt here that says ‘Thunder’ on it…..are you still saying this is nothing to do with you? Didn’t you say there was a storm coming??

ED: Get the hell out of here, (Eddie D grabs the camera man and Revolution and throws them out of the room and slams the door)


(Lee stops the clip)

LEE: You were set up, that bag in your room….Davie handed it to cant trust him. He tried to set you up as the masked man! Now who has the masked attacker taken out?

ED: ...Suicide….Wishmaster…..

LEE: Exactly….and who hates suicide and Wishmaster?

ED: ….Grrrr…..DAVIE J!!!

LEE:....and he made it look like it was you!

ED:...and i almost fell for his apologetic tone earlier.

Lee: Eddie I'm not pretending to be your best friend, but I am someone who tells it how it is. You can't trust Hogan or Davie. All I'm asking is for you to be fair, give me a shot at Hogan and winning this tournament!

ED: Get out of here, your playing mind games. The masked person cost Davie his match!!

LEE: You know he's a smart man, , that was to hide the fact its him. He didn't know Badd Dogg was going to cost him the match, but he knew to duck when the substance was thrown....

(Eddie grabs L double E and throws him out of the room and slams the door, scene cuts back to the announce table)


TM: Fans now we are going to take a look back at the ICW…. Internet Championship Wrestling and we are joined at this time by the ICW’s main commentator and current Havoc play by play man….Joey Carlton!

JC: Thank you Timmy and Mark, its always an honor to be sitting next to you.

MM: Of course it is!

TM: For those of you who are too young to remember the ICW Mark Madden also worked there. ICW was a real thorn in the EIWF’s side and was the first fed ever to give us a real challenge. Unfortunately they stole most of the there top stars from the EIWF and copied us but for a little while it worked.

JC: Well history is told by the victors….in any way they wish Tim!

TM: Joey please give us your memories of the ICW.

JC: When it started there was a real buzz about the place, I think at the time people had grown tired of the EIWF and the ICW was an alternative, but still similar to the EIWF.

MM: There was the connection with the fansite, which would produce interviews and rankings for both feds, and then the TV ratings were announced monthly and you could see which fed was winning. A good time to be involved.

TM: It was and for a while the ICW challenged the EIWF.

JC: Well some of the EIWF’s biggest stars made appearances in the ICW, there was Hollywood Hogan, Badd Dogg, Davie J, Revolution, Slash, Eddie D and L double E.

TM: Davie J, Slash and Revolution would all win the ICW World title.

JC: Although often accused of stealing the EIWF’s top stars to be successful, the ICW also had some of its own stars such as Poison, Chris Rosso, Martin Weeks, Sadistic Tyler Deboard and Silencer.

MM: That's true, and for the CREW to turn up at one of their PPV’s it shows the Prez had something about him.

TM: The fed had a number of pay per views such as Battlezone, Ground Zero, Flames in Hell, St Valentines Massacre and its weekly show entitled Mayhem. But there was one PPV in particular that gained a lot of attention……


JC:....Yes…. Justification……it was a great pay per view but there was some criticism of its PPV poster and some negative comments about the use of an electric chair in the main poster

MM: But as the ICW Prez use to say, there's no such thing as bad publicity.

TM: Well in the end the ICW Prez stepped down and Slash took over, but it lasted one more PPV and then closed down and was consigned to the history books. But it lives on in the archive section of the EIWF Network. Joey thank you for your time…

JC: My pleasure.

TM: OK fans we have a camera backstage….


(Scene cuts backstage where Hollywood Hogan is in a room with Eddie D)

HH: I know you always stayed true brother and you know that Hollywood has always had your back, not like that no good dog Davie J. He held you back, you was the star of the Good Guys.

ED: hmmmm….I’m not so sure it was like that…..

HH: Remember when I helped you out at Doomsday, you when and picked your number for the main event rumble, you wasn't happy with the number you picked dude so you called Hollywood and I got you a better deal brother.

ED: Thats true….

HH: The success I've had in wrestling isn't just because of me big man, you are also a part of that success, you helped me win those world titles. If I was the champion, so was you. Not like Davie J, he always made it all about him. He didn't care whose toes he stood on. So let's make tonight another successful night for the CREW. Hollywood Hogan and Eddie D are in the main event. It's a dream come true for the CREWites!

ED: I remember us being in a main event when I was the BCWF World champion…..

HH: I've had a lot of main events, I can't recall all them dude and I don't recall you being a world champion brother (laughs) you mean TV champion?

ED: I've got to call the match straight tonight, down the middle! Out of respect for the EIWF….

HH: Yeah OK dude…..just make sure that I win the match brother! You know how to Stay True!!!

(Hogan walks off as Eddie hangs his head and shakes it, the scene cuts back to Tim Moss and Mark Madden)


TM: It appears everyone is trying to influence Eddie D ahead of the main event. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the past, I just hope it doesn't play its part here tonight.

MM: Timmy, Hogan is just trying to look out for all the CREWites in attendance here. They have already had the disappointment of not seeing Hollywood Hogan versus Davie J, so now we need to make sure there are no more hiccups and that Hollywood rightfully wins.

TM: Tonight we have had some great moments, looking back at our past and history, talking about our former competitors who are now apart of the EIWF Network.

MM: You know what Timmy, tonight we spoke about former IWA World champion Scott Douglass…... We spoke about former ICW World champions Slash, Revolution. We spoke about former WWO World champion Revolution….we spoke about former EWA World champions Tormentor and the Brock……...

TM: Some great names in our sport there.

MM: You know what Timmy?

TM: What's that?

MM: If you haven't won the EIWF World title it dont mean shit! Scott Douglass could only climb to United States champion level in the EIWF, same as Revolution. Slash? Hell he only made it to TV Champion. Tormentor? He couldn't even cut it in the EIWF period! Brock? What a crock!!

TM: What's getting you so fired up all of a sudden??

MM: I’m sorry Timmy, but to talk about those feds and their world champions as if they were on the level of the EIWF gets my back up………..and the very small chance of Hollywood losing in the main event.

TM: Ahhhh…there it is, the real reason. Well the odds have been slashed against L double E winning tonight after his impressive wins to get to the final.

MM: But Hollywood is still favorite to win!

TM: He sure is, and the latest odds would you believe have Davie J listed with an outside chance to be the winner!!

MM: Well maybe they have some inside knowledge that we don't. But there are stipulations in place preventing him from being ringside….


(Scene cuts to the Prez in his office with Kurt Angle)

EP: Kurt you're a man of integrity?

KA: Yep

EP: Honesty?

KA: True

EP: Someone who plays fair and by the rules?

KA: That's damn true.

EP: I need a favor…...I may not need you but lets put you on stand by….just in case…..


(Scene cuts back to the arena. The lights in the arena go out and a hush comes over the crowd. A video plays over the EIWF big screen above the ramp)


*One half of the greatest tag team of all time………*


MM: Give it up Timmy, for the Enforcer Eddie D!!


*The EIWF’s favourite son…….*

(fans cheer)




*The Hero… the Hero & Zero connection…….*

(Fans POP)


*...the Anti-Hero…….L double E!*


(Steal my shine by Marz plays and the fans cheer…..L double E walks out onto the ramp with a t-shirt that's reads ‘Pray for Rage’. He lifts the original EIWF World title in the air and the fans POP. He throws it over his shoulder and makes his way towards the ring. The fans reach out to touch him but he backs away)


TM: The Anti Hero L double E making his way to the ring and what a reaction from the fans. He has gained in popularity over the course of this tournament with his association with Rage in the Hero & Zero connection but also because he is the last hope the EIWF has to end the dominance of the CREW and Hollywood Hogan.

MM: Wha'choo talkin' 'bout, Willis?

TM: Excuse me?

MM: I mean you are clearly in the minority because all the CREWites in attendance have a different stroke to you. They want to see Hollywood Hogan win. I mean if the EIWF is to have a lasting legacy then it will need Hogan to be the winner. What value does the name L double E have? None!

(L double E steps into the ring and the fans continue to cheer, he looks a little surprised from the reception)

TM: The Anti Hero looking a little uneasy with the reaction from the fans.

MM: Maybe Timmy, just maybe he's looking a little uneasy as he's about to have the biggest match of his career against the biggest superstar there has ever been….maybe….MAYBE THAT'S WHY HE LOOKS UNEASY!

TM: Getting nervous Mark?


(Voodoo child plays and the fans boo. Smoke fills the entrance way as images of the CREW and Hollywood Hogan is shown on the big screen. Hollywood Hogan walks out and there is a chorus of boo’s around the arena)


MM: Bow down for the man!!!

TM: Will you sit down!


(Hogan looks into the camera and points at his CREW t-shirt and speaks)


HH: The CREW always stay true and are 4-Life!!


(Rodzilla, Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett walk out of the entrance way and follow behind Hogan as he walks down the aisle and poses with a couple of fans wearing CREW t-shirts, he grabs a sign from a fan and holds it to the camera it reads ‘Hogan made wrestling’)


MM: What a moment Timmy, talk about the cream of the crop right there and they all have a CREW t-shirt on!

TM: Well if you ask me that cream has gone sour!


(Hogan is in the ring with Rodzilla and Jarrett by his side…….Hogan has a mic)

HH: Well well well, L double E I hope you have been reading the bible because prayers are the only thing you got left to save you tonight! You see me and my CREW are like the Romans who took over the world, and we have taken over wrestling brother! You see I've seen it all and done it all…….I won my first world title in 1984 or 15BC we call it…..that's fifteen years before CREW! And now the CREW is stronger than ever as we enter the year 1AD….that's year one After Davie!! No one is bigger than the CREW, even death can't kill us! Let me quote and update Romans 10:9…….If you declare your loyalty to Hollywood brother and believe I am the God of wrestling, bow down at my feet….. then you will be saved from a beating from my disciples in the CREW!


(The CREW theme ‘Superstar’ by Saliva plays and images of Eddie D and the CREW are shown on the big screen. Eddie D walks out and there is a mixed reaction from the fans. He is wearing a referee outfit. Hogan sees the outfit and laughs….Eddie grabs a poster from a fan and shows it to the camera ‘The Good Guys are 4-Life’...he then tears it in half and throws it on the floor)


TM: Here he is, the man to enforce the rules in the main event. Eddie D!

MM: He looks very professional, putting to shame those so called referees we do have here in the EIWF!


(Eddie is in the ring and does ‘2 sweet’ signs with the other CREW members and his music stops)


TM: I don't like the odds here of the Anti Hero. We all remember Hollywood Havoc and look what happened to Davie J against the CREW….

MM: Timmy I know it's a foregone conclusion on the result tonight but we can still enjoy it. Enjoy Hogan winning, Enjoy the CREW being on top of wrestling!


(Big Poppa walks over to L double E, he grabs the old EIWF World title belt and throws it out of the ring. Big Poppa grabs L double E by the throat and pushes him into the corner and bad mouths him)


MM: Look at the face of L double E!!! He looks scared!!


(Eddie D walks over and tells Big Poppa, Jarrett and Rodzilla to get out of the ring and he checks the boots of both wrestlers…...Hogan leans over and talks with Jarrett, Big Poppa and Rodzilla….he tells the to go to the back)

TM: Hollywood Hogan is telling the rest of the CREW to head to he back….I’m surprised at that I must say…

MM: Timmy he's told them to start the party early and he and Eddie will be along shortly. This won't take long!


Main Event: Hollywood Hogan vs L double E

TM: Here we go fans….Eddie D is happy and calls for the bell (ding ding).....Hollywood Hogan has a big smile on his face….looking confident here…….L double E on the other hand looks focused and all business!.......the two lock up……...Hogan easily pushing L double E towards the corner and L double E is back in….Eddie asks them to break the hold..they break…..Hogan pokes L double E in the eyes….L double E complains to the Ref but Eddie does a ‘2 sweet’ gesture with Hogan!

MM: Timmy this is magical, who thought a year ago we would ever see the EIWF back, see the CREW back, see Hogan back! And look, here we are, the EIWF’s Final Stand main event and Hogan is there!

TM: L double E doesn't look impressed….L double E circles the ring…...L double E grabs Hogan's arm…..throws him into the ropes….Hogan comes back….knocks L double E down to the mat (Hogan laughs).....Hogan is too strong for L double E…..(Hogan poses and the fans boo)....woah!...L double E takes Hogan down to the mat with a leg take down…..L double E applies a headlock….Eddie D gets down…..he tells L double E to break the hold!.....L double E doesn't….Eddie starts to count…………..1…………..2…………...3…………...4…………...L double E drops the hold, he gets up and argues with the Ref Eddie D!

MM: Timmy I could see it from here, the hold was illegal! Great work by the Ref!

TM: It looked fine to me Mark, more like games by the CREW!...Hogan is up...he picks up L double E from behind….back suplex!!!......Hogan gets up….(he leans on the ropes and puts his hand to his ear and the fans boo)....L double E gets to his feet….Hogan goes off the does L double E...both crisscrossing the ring….Hogan drops down….L double E jumps over him and off the ropes….Hogan gets to his feet...L double E comes back….Hogan scoops L double E up and slams him!.......Hogan drops an elbow on L double E, Hogan gets up quickly and drops another elbow…..Hogan gets up...pulls L double E to his feet and throws him into the corner and Hogan follows in with a clothesline!!

MM: Woah!!! What a clothesline!

TM: L double E is slumped in the corner! Hogan unleashes with a hard right...and another one!...Hogan then hits L double E with a chop to the chest…..Hogan. Grabs L double E and slowly walks him into the middle of the ring….Hogan throws L double E into the ropes and goes backwards off the opposite ropes and hits L double E with a clothesline.

MM: Hollywood Hogan is dominating this match thus far!

TM: He is indeed….Hogan drops an elbow on L double E and covers...Eddie gets down and counts………….1……………….2…….kick out by L double E! (Hogan complains of a slow count and slaps his hands together three times quickly but Eddie shakes his head and says ‘two’)....Hogan sits L double E up and applies a headlock….Eddie checks the hold and asks L double E if he quits…….but he says no!......(Hogan can be heard telling Eddie D….he’s done brother, this meatball is done….call it….call for the bell’).......L double E wont quit though!.....Hogan lets go and stands up….he delivers a knee into the back of the Anti Hero!.....Hogan pulls L double E to his feet….grabs him from behind…..back suplex by Hogan!

MM: What a one sided match Timmy. Hogan is showing he’s in a league of his won here.

TM: Hogan covers…..Eddie gets down and counts…………..1……………...2………..shoulder is up by L double E! Hogan grabs L double E and applies another headlock….Eddie D is checking if he quits but L double E doesn't reply…..

MM: This is it Timmy!

TM: Eddie lifts the arm of L double E….it drops………(Eddie shouts ‘one’).........he lifts the arm again….it drops! (Eddie shouts ‘two!’).......He lifts it a third drops...nooo it started to drop and it has stayed up! (fans cheer).........L double E has found some inner strength there……...he’s trying to get up…..Hogan still has the headlock applied…..L double E lifts his arms in the air (fans cheer).....L double E gets to one knee…...he's back on his feet and Hogan still has the headlock applied!

MM: I dont believe it!!

TM: The fans here are going wild for the Anti Hero! L double E hits Hogan to the gut with an elbow……..Hogan still has the headlock applied…...a second elbow……...a third! Hogan drops the hold and holds his stomach…..L double E runs at the ropes….he comes back...double clothesline! Both men are down!!.....Eddie looks……….and starts a count while both men are down……………...1…………………….2………………..3…………………….4……………..5……………………………………..(Eddie stops the count and leans down and lifts Hogan up)......

MM: Hogan is up!!! Hogan is up!!!

TM: Yeah with the help of Eddie D! I thought he was going to call this match down the middle?....Hogan rolls over and covers L double E…….Eddie gets down and counts………...1……………….2…...kick out by L double E (fans cheer).....L double E gets to his feet……….Hogan is up….Hogan goes for a big right but L double E blocks it…...he hits Hogan with a punch (fans are cheering)........Hogan goes for another punch……..L double E blocks it and hits Hogan with a hard right…….L double E hits Hogan with another hard right!......L double E goes off the ropes….hits Hogan with a clothesline…….Hogan gets up….L double E grabs Hogan and throws him into the corner………

MM: Come on Hollywood…..and what is Eddie D playing at, those moves look illegal!!

TM: They look fine to me Mark! L double E garbs Hogan….whips him into the opposite corner..Hogan stumbles out…..L double E grabs Hogan….he's going for a suplex!

MM: He will never get him up, Hogan is too big!

TM: L double E…...lifts Hogan up….(fans POP).....keeps him vertical….and drops him down!


TM: L double E covers Hogan…...Eddie gets down and counts………………..1……………...2…….kick out by Hogan! The real question is, if he hadn't of kicked out…..would Eddie of counted to three??

MM: I don't like your tone Timmy!

TM: Both men are getting to there feet……….L double E is up first……...he walks over to Hogan...Hogan grabs the trunks of L double E and pulls him through the ropes to the outside.

MM: Great move by Hollywood!

TM: Hogan goes to the outside….he grabs L double E and throws him into the steel steps (fans boo).....L double E is down and he's holding his knee! Eddie starts to count……………..1………………………….2………………...L double E is up and trying to walk away……………..3………………….Hogan walks round and kicks L double E in the knee…………..4………………………..5……………….Hogan is complaining to Eddie D here, about the count and Eddie has stopped it!! Hogan….walks back to L double E and kicks his knee again…..L double E drops down to the mat and holds his knee………….Hogan walks to the announce table, grabs a steel chair and walks back to L double E……..(Bang)....he hits L double E over the knee with the chair…...come on now this has to be stopped! (Eddie D rolls to the outside to the two men).....(bang) Hogan hits L double E with the chair again!......(Eddie grabs the chair of of Hogan who looks shocked).....Eddie D has taken the chair from Hogan and he doesn't look happy about it…..Eddie is telling him to take the match to the ring….Eddie throws the chair down….Hogan is waving his finger in Eddie’s face here…..L double E from behind grabs Hogans head and throws him headfirst into the ring apron!.....L double E slides Hogan in under the bottom rope and he follows……….Hogan is back on his feet, trying to shake that last hit off….L double E walks over……..Hogan grabs L double E…..Bear Hug by Hogan!!!!

MM: He's got him! Hogan has the match won. There's no way L double E will get out of this. Call it Eddie, let's ring the damn bell!

TM: L double E has defied the odds to get this far and I don't think he's gotten this far to give up now!......Hogan has the moved locked in perfectly….Eddie D is checking on L double E…..L double E grabs Hogans hair but Eddie pulls his hand off………..(fans start an ‘Anti-Hero’ chant)........

MM: Listen to these fools Timmy, there backing the wrong horse the morons!

TM: Hogan is squeezing the life out of L double E here….he's reaching for the ropes but Hogan has it locked on in the middle of the ring……(Hogan is shouting at Eddie) appears Hogan is telling Eddie to call the match but L double E hasn’t quit and Eddie is reiterating that to Hogan……..L double E lifts his arm up…..hits Hogan with a hard right! (fans cheer)....and another……...Hogan drops the hold!...........L double E goes off the ropes…...flying clothesline!....No Hogan moves out the way and L double E hits the mat hard…….Hogan looks out at the fans…...Hogan goes off the ropes….LEGDROP OF DOOM!!!!!.....LEGDROP OF DOOM!!!!.....LEGDROP OF DOOM!!!!...........Hogan covers L double E…..Eddie walks over (he slips but gets back up)....A little slip from Eddie there where these two have been sweating so much…..Eddie gets down and counts…………….1……………………...2………………….kick out by L double E!!!! (fans POP)

MM: I don't believe it Timmy????? I don't think anyone has ever kicked out of Hogans legdrop before!!!

TM: Hogan is up……..oh there's trouble here…...Hogan is waving his finger at Eddie, accusing him of a slow count. Eddie is trying to explain that he slipped but Hogan doesn't seem interested!......Eddie is holding his hands out….trying to say it was an honest mistake……

MM: Hogan is infuriated! I think that L double E kicked out of the Legdrop has really got to Hogan and hes venting his anger on Eddie D….

TM: Hogan shoves Eddie….Eddie backs into the corner….and still Hogan is berating Eddie…...Eddie is looking away….doesn't seem to what to here ….(oooooooh by fans) Hogan has just slapped Eddie D in the face!!!!

MM: Do as your told Eddie, stay true!!!

TM: This situation could explode at at second!......wait….L double E is up!....rolls Hogan up from behind…….Eddie gets down and counts…………...1……………….2……..kick out by Hogan!!!......both men are up….and Hogan is again arguing with Eddie D, he should be concentrating on the match!.....

MM: Look at L double E….he's now in the corner laughing at Hogan and Eddie arguing. He caused this, he brought up all the lies from the past and its been playing on Eddie’s mind!

TM: It wasn't lies!!! Eddie doesn't know who he can trust anymore!.......Eddie is telling Hogan to get on with the match!......Hogan and L double E circle the ring…..they lock up……...L double E breaks the hold…..standing drop kick by L double E…….Hogan stumbles back……..Hogan runs at L double E…..goes for a clothesline but L double E turns it into a crucifix…..hogan goes over and L double E has turned it into a pin…..Eddie counts………….1……………...2……..kick out by Hogan!........L double E gets up….he stomps on Hogan…...he pulls Hogan up……….Hogan hits L double E with a punch………..he throws L double E into the ropes….he comes back...Big Boot to the face by Hogan!!!....Hogan goes off the ropes……!

MM: Oh no!

TM: Hogan went to go off the ropes for a Legdrop and he's bumped into Eddie D…….was it an accident or on purpose? Hogan is again complaining to Eddie….Eddie is arguing back…...Hogan is telling Eddie to just count one two three next time he covers L double E but Eddie is saying he's calling it fair………….Hogan grabs Eddie D’s shirt and holds his other hand to his face …….Eddie pushes Hogan off (fans cheer)....Hogan looks around…..Hogan hits Eddie with a hard right!

MM: What is going on???

TM: Eddie backs off……

MM: Thats right Eddie, take your punishment, do what you always do and step in line and do as your told!

TM: Eddie seems to be apologizing now…...Hogan is pointing at L double E……..Eddie D and Hollywood Hogan do a ‘2 sweet’ sign together…...Eddie………..walks over to L double E….pulls L double E to his feet…...kicks him to the gut….STUNNER!!!!....STUNNER!!!!....STUNNER!!!!!! This is unfair!

MM: Yes yes YES Timmy!

TM: Hogan is laughing…...L double E is down!........(fans boo heavily)....Hollywood Hogan walks over and covers L double E…..he tells Eddie to count……….Eddie gets down and counts…………(Hogan shows one finger on his hand)..........1…………………..(Hogan shows two fingers on his hand)................2………………………(Hogan shows three fingers on his hand)...................................................

MM: Wheres the three?

TM: Eddie is there on the mat with his arm in the air…………...he hasn't made the three count though? Hogan looks surprised, he looks and sees Eddie……..Eddie stands up………….Hogan gets up………….asks Eddie what's going on……..kick to the gut…..STUNNER!!!!.....STUNNER!!!!!.....STUNNER!!!!!............(fans pop)

MM: Oh My God!

TM: Hogan is down!!!.......L double E is down!..........Eddie D has just given L double E and Hollywood Hogan a stunner each!.....Eddie D slides out of the ring (fans are chanting Eddie….Eddie….Eddie)...(Eddie walks over to the announcers and asks for a mic)..

ED: Hey, to the Prez and the EIWF………..I Quit!!! (drops the mic)

TM:Eddie is leaving?? He's walking up the ramp towards the back!...(fans POP as Davie J walks out and talks to Eddie D)...........

MM: I dont understand………...whats going on……….

TM: The ICON Davie J has come out here and he's trying to shake the hand of Eddie D but Eddie is not very receptive and he is refusing to shake the hand of Davie J as they leave here fans and they appear to be having a heated discussion……….

MM: What happens now? We don't have a ref……….


(The arena lights go out…………...there is a hush over the crowd…...they come on and Wishmaster is standing in the middle of the ring)


TM: Its Wishmaster!! Wishmaster is here!!!!....He had set out to end the CREW but we haven't seen him for months!

MM: Now he turns up, when Hogan is down!

™: Wishmaster…...walks over to Hogan…..he pulls him up…..lifts him up…..WISHLIST!!!!! (TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER).....WISHLIST!!!!!......WISHLIST!!!!!........Wishmaster grabs L double E and pulls him on top of Hollywood Hogan!...

MM: For fucksake!!.......

(the lights go out……..they come back on and Wishmaster is gone)......

TM: We still need a Ref to make the count though…

MM: This is not fair to Hogan!


(Medal plays and the fans POP……..Kurt Angle walks out wearing a Referee outfit. He runs down the ramp and slides in the ring)


MM: Wait…..Hogan has been cheated….someone stop this…..where is the rest of the CREW??

TM: They started the party early remember and are in no fit state to perform!!.....Kurt gets down and counts as L double E covers Hollywood Hogan……………………….1…………………………...2………………………….kick out by Hogan!!(fans gasp in surprise)

MM: YES YES YES! You thought it was over didnt you?? Even you at home thought it was over. Never ever doubt Hollywood Hogan!!

TM: What a shock! Hollywood Hogan took the stunner from Eddie D and the Wishlist from Wishmaster and still kicked out!!!....

MM: Thats because hes the fucking man Timmy!

TM: L double E uses the ropes to pull himself up…….Hogan sits up…..(he sees Kurt Angle)....Hogan doesn't look impressed that Angle is there as the Ref.

MM: Well Hogan beat Kurt Angle in the quarter final and Kurt will be looking to screw Hollywood!

TM: You mean like the CREW did to Kurt??

MM: I don't know what you mean Timmy.

TM: I mean when Kurt had the Angle lock applied to Hogan and then Big Poppa, Eddie D and Rodzilla had to get involved to save Hogan….you jackass!

MM: What did you call me?

TM: Never had this problem with Gary A……..back to the action. Hogan is getting in the face of Kurt Angle here……..L double E comes over……..turns Hogan around…….kicks Hogan to the gut….DDT!!! By L double E….L double E gets up…..climbs the turnbuckle… the top rope…..looks out at the fans who respond! (fans cheer)...frog splash by L double E!.....He covers Hogan…….Kurt Angle gets down and counts……………..1………………..2…………..kick out by Hogan!!........L double E gets up……….He grabs Hogans Head and pulls him up….lifts Hogan up…..Fall-away Slam!!! By L double E (fans cheer)........L double E gets up….pulls Hogan up……..Lifts Hogan up…...onto his shoulders……..HERO DROP! (OUTSIDERS EDGE)!!!!!....HERO DROP!!!!....HERO DROP!!!!!..............L double E rolls over with his back on Hogan….Kurt Angle gets down and counts…………….1…………………..2………………..3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...(Fans POP!!!)

TM: He’s done it! The Anti Hero L double E has done it!!!....(Fans cheer and go wild as confetti starts to fall onto the ring)

MM: I don't believe it Timmy!!!

TM: Against the odds…...the former EIWF and ICW TV champion has beaten Hollywood Hogan in the EIWF’s Final Stand! Perhaps he is the favorite son of the EIWF?


(Kurt Angle grabs the arm of L double E and holds it in the air and the fans POP)

TM: The Olympic hero and the Anti Hero in the middle of the ring taking in the adulation from the fans, if this is the last ever scene of the EIWF, why not go out on a high!

MM: Timmy go back to the beginning of this reunion and the announcement of this Final Stand tournament, never in my wildest dreams would I have expected L double E to win.


(L double E drops down on his knees with his head bowed down)

MM: Even he is in shock Timmy!

TM: I don't think it has sunk in yet, the sheer magnitude of what he has achieved here!


(L double E looks up to the ceiling and points up…….(the fans cheer)....Hollywood Hogan rolls out of the ring…..he slowly starts to walk away from the ring)


TM: For those of you at home who can't hear what L double E is saying, he's pointing to the heavens and saying that this is for Rage!! There are tears in the eyes of the Anti hero!!

(L double E grabs a mic from an official on the outside)

LEE: Hogan… wanted to talk about bibles, prayers and me being saved…(Hogan looks back while standing on the entrance ramp)...Well on this day….the sixth day of the eleventh month…..Anti Hero ‘6:11’ says ‘ I am the saviour of the  EIWF. Fuck the CREW!’ (fans POP)



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MM: What the F….!!! (Hogan looks shocked….and points a finger at L double E and then walks through the back)...Hollywood Hogan did not look impressed with that!!

TM: The anti hero has become the unlikely hero...he never sold out, he never joined a faction, he may not have been the most popular over the years but he always stayed loyal and represented the EIWF…….it is a true fairy tale ending to a truly magical adventure we have had in the EIWF reunion.

MM: Timmy, this can't be it, this can't be the end?

TM: Well I'm a dreamer Mark, and I hope, pray that the dream can live on and we do come back…..

MM: Let's go home Timmy, fancy a beer??

TM:There's nothing left to say but……we have been the EIWF and…...goodbye (fans chanting ‘we want more’)...


(Home sweet home by Motely Crue plays as  the scene fades to black……...transmission ends….)

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